Dossiê |
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| · Lourenço Filho and the nationalization of primary education (1917-1945) Kulesza, Wojciech Andrzej
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| · Education teacher training of elementary school in Brazil: reflections on time and experience (1870-1950) Martinez, Domenica
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| · Alceu Amoroso Lima´s response to the inquiry issued by the Department of Education and Public Health in 1936: an intellectual in defense of the catholic "pedagogical principles" Skalinski Junior, Oriomar; Ruckstadter, Flávio Massami Martins
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| · Florestan Fernandes - a Brazilian interpreter in a critical dialogue with pionners of education Rodrigues, Fabiana de Cássia
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| · Manoel Bomfim: parliamentary debates on state and primary education in the first decade of the Twentieth Century Silva, Ligiane Aparecida da; Machado, Maria Cristina Gomes
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Artigos |
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| · Childhood studies, children's studies: what fields? What theories? What questions? What methods? Barbosa, Maria Carmen Silveira; Delgado, Ana Cristina Coll; Tomás, Catarina Almeida
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| · Productivity and performance: the men's time and the men without time Oliveira, Sandro de; Borges, Martha Kaschny
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| · Productivity and performance: the men's time and the men without time Rosa, Josélia Euzébio da; Hobold, Ediséia Suethe Faust
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| · How do children read picture books? Santana, Fabiana Andrade de; Brandão, Ana Carolina Perrusi
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| · Ethical problematizations: disquietudes for educational research on gender and sexuality Zago, Luiz Felipe; Guizzo, Bianca Salazar; Santos, Luís Henrique Sacchi dos
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| · From the program to the diagram: a socio-historic contribution to the relationship between state, citizenship and right to education Araújo, Gilda Cardoso de
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| · Between the dogmatization and the forgetting: Paulo Freire and the initial formation of the teachers Esquinsani, Rosimar Serena Siqueira
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Teses e Dissertações |
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| · Programa de pós-graduação em educação da FE-UFG
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