Editorial |
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| · Editorial Araújo, Marta Maria de
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Artigos |
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| · Internationalization for Human Sciences in Brazil: a Brazil - Spain analysis Davis, Richard; Sumozas, Rafael; Paiva, Flavia Melville
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| · Pending tasks in the field of inclusive education: perception of academics of the Catholic University of Maule - Chile Espejo, Juan Cornejo
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| · Intellectuals and education - historical and biographical approach Magalhães, Justino Pereira de; Barreto, Raylane Andreza Dias Navarro
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| · Life-training process in the constitution of the teaching in professional technical education Menezes, Graziela Ninck Dias; Rios, Jane Adriana Vasconcelos Pacheco
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| · Diversidad sexual y la homofobia en la escuela: (des) conocimientos y experiencias de maestros Souza, Elaine de Jesus; Silva, Joilson Pereira da; Santos, Claudiene
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| · Special education in curricular proposals for child's educational Oliveira, Ivone Martins de; Padilha, Anna Maria Lunardi; Barbosa, Maria Flavia Silveira
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| · Children's Literature, relations of power-knowledge and positions of subject the individual in the curriculum of the first year Caldeira, Maria Carolina da Silva; Paraíso, Marlucy Alves
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| · The place of the Municipal Councils of Education in PMEs related to PNE 2001-2010 Souza, Donaldo Bello de; Alcântara, Alzira Batalha
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| · The History textbook in the High School: evaluation criteria and curricular documents Stamatto, Maria Inês Sucupira; Caimi, Flávia Eloisa
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| · Academic career of a student with visual impairment in higher education Martins, Lisiê Marlene da Silveira Melo; Silva, Luzia Guacira dos Santos
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Documentos |
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| · Lei nº 660, de 11 de junho de 1873 Araújo, Marta Maria de
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| · Lei nº 903, de 12 de maio de 1884 Araújo, Marta Maria de
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Resenha |
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| · Conto, logo existo Souza, Francisco das Chagas Silva
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