Editorial |
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| · Editorial: Revista Educação em Questão, v57n51 jan/mar 2019 Araújo, Marta Maria de
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Artigos |
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| · The production of explanatory scientific texts in the initial training of Chemistry teachers Núñez, Isauro Beltrán; Barrosdra Cristina Bezerra de
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| · Construction of know ledge and eurocentrism in Universities: points for a Pluriversity Melo, Alessandro de; Ribeiro, Débora
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| · Understanding and planning the teaching of spelling by teachers of 2nd cycle of Elementary School Melo, Jessica Albuquerque de; Nóbrega, Lays Cândido de Barros Andrade de; Pessoa, Ana Claudia Rodrigues Gonçalves
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| · The teaching of philosophy in the inter and transdisciplinary perspectives: an analysis of the ontological problem Silva, Gilson Malta da
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| · Academic commitment: a relevant variable to the performance of engineering students in Calculus I Zarpelon, Edinéia; Resendeis Mauricio Martins de
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| · Ethical-political management and contradictions of "Citizen Participation" in Pro Young Urban (Projovem Urbano) program in Mesquita/Rio de Janeiro Barbosa, Carlos Soares
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| · Work and pedagogy Kulesza, Wojciech Andrzej
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| · Higher distance education: predictive factors for predatory admission to students Costa, Oberdan Santos da; Gouveia, Luis Borges
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| · Large-scale evaluation in Brazil: between federative coordination and the ethos of the evaluative State Costa, Anderson Gonçalves; Vidal, Eloísa Maia; Vieira, Sofia Lerche
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| · The São José Operário Assistance Service: from social assistance to education for blind persons (1956-1963) Cardoso, Fernanda Luísa de Miranda; Martínez, Silvia Alicia
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| · Formative references of the Group of Studies on Educational Practices in Movement Rêgo, Maria Carmem Freire Diógenes; Pernambuco, Marta Maria Castanho Almeida
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Documentos |
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| · Decree 20.529, October 16, 1931 Vargas, Getulio Dornelles; Penna, Belisário Augusto de Oliveira
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Resenha |
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| · Literary Festival at Rio Grande do Norte State School Araújo, Marta Maria de; Oliveira Neto, Fábio Marques de; Fernandes, Raquel Duarte
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