| Table of contents Ensaio: aval. pol. públ. educ. vol.14 no.50 Rio de Janeiro Jan./Mar. 2006 Editorial | | | | · Editorial da Revista Ensaio 50 Oliveira, Carlos Alberto Serpa de
| | | Artigos | | | | · Education and work: representations by secondary school teachers and students Gomes, Candido Alberto; Capanema, Clélia de Freitas; Câmara, Jacira da Silva; Cabanelas, Lakné Campbell
| | | | · Non-formal education, civil society participation and councils structures in the schools Gohn, Maria da Glória
| | | | · The Municipal Councils of Education in Brazil: a balance of national references (1996 - 2002). Souza, Donaldo Bello de; Vasconcelos, Maria Celi Chaves
| | | | · Evaluation from an EAD perspective Rosa, Maurício; Maltempi, Marcus Vinicius
| | | | · Evaluation on the citizenship Mangueira Olympic Project Dória, Carlos; Tubino, Manoel José Gomes
| | | Página Aberta | | | | · Estimate of an existential context evaluation of the school violence for the planning of educational motor behaviors to pré-adolescentes of progression classrooms Fajardo, Indinalva Nepomuceno; Silva, Íris Lima e; Pinto, Fátima Cunha Ferreira; Beresford, Heron
| | | Pesquisas: em síntese | | | | · Socioeconomic status, quality and equity in the schools of Belo Horizonte. Soares, Jose Francisco; Andrade, Renato Júdice de
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