Editorial |
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| · EDITORIAL Gomes, Candido Alberto
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Artigos |
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| · Management of municipal education systems: Planning and federal balance in question Ferreira, Eliza Bartolozzi
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| · Representational images, public policies, and health education in an imaginary group of elderly community Quilombola–Kalunga de Monte Alegre de Goiás Takahashi, Fátima Gonçalves Messias; Alves, Vicente Paulo
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| · On the complementarity of classical test theory and item response models: item difficulty estimates and computerized adaptive testingSobre a complementaridade da teoria clássica dos testes e dos modelos de resposta ao Item: estimativas da dificuldade do item e testes adaptativos computarizados Costa, Patrícia; Ferrão, Maria Eugénia
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| · Teachers of the universidade federal do ceará and use of some of the resources of the sistema integrado de gestão de atividades acadêmica (SIGAA) Souza, Maria Naires Alves de; Monteiro, André Jalles
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| · Administrative and pedagogical practices that can contribute to the performance of students in municipal elementary schools in Prova Brasil Salgado Junior, Alexandre Pereira; Novi, Juliana Chiaretti
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| · Practices and leadership behaviors in human resource management schools Costa, Andreia Rubina da Conceição; Bento, António V.
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| · Analysis of studies and researches on the social meaning of the University for All Program (PROUNI) Casali, Alípio Márcio Dias; Mattos, Maria José Viana Marinho de
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| · Professional education: current policies targeting the qualification of vocational education in Brazil Oliveira, Adriana Rivoire Menelli de; Escott, Clarice Monteiro
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| · Elementary education in Brazil: legal predictions and governmental actions concerning the expansion of assistance, numbers of years, and hours spent in school Flach, Simone de Fátima
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Página Aberta |
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| · Assessment of learning ethics in elementary school Lins, Maria Judith Sucupira da Costa
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