Editorial |
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| · Quality, pertinence, relevance, social responsibility, public good
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Artigos |
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| · Proposal of an evaluation model for online student engagement Martins, Letícia Martins de; Ribeiro, José Luis Duarte
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| · The expansion of Universidade Federal do Amazonas: implications from financing in times of crisis Silva, Elizandra Garcia da
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| · Evaluation of the student satisfaction of public-inclusive education in postgraduate courses of public universities Branco, Ana Paula Silva Cantarelli; Almeida, Maria Amélia
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| · The review of literature through the Tree of Science: an example with Postgraduate assessment Patrus, Roberto; Silva, Vinícius Tolentino Oliveira e
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| · Data analysis of Enade and Enem: a systematic review of literature Lima, Priscila da Silva Neves; Ambrósio, Ana Paula Laboissière; Ferreira, Deller James; Brancher, Jacques Duílio
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| · Social responsibility and democratic perspective: reflecting since the human development theoretical framework Moretto, Clenir Maria; Fioreze, Cristina
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| · The professor work in postgraduate in Brazil after the Law Nº 9394/1996 Viana Filho, Marcizo Veimar Cordeiro; Matos, Tereza Gláucia Rocha; Galindo, Melissa Cordeiro Torres; Silva, Roberta da; Vale, Sílvia Fernandes do
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| · Technological and engineering researcher's professional duty in Brazil and Finland Guerrini, Daniel; Oliveira, Renato de
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| · Interdisciplinarity measurement in Business Graduation Courses Cezarino, Luciana Oranges; Corrêa, Hamilton Luiz
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| · General index of courses and quality in higher education: the case of IES in the State of Bahia Mendes, Ana Luiza Fernandes; Dutra, Norivan Lustosa Lisboa
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| · The World Bank and the counter-reform of Brazilian higher education in the Lula da Silva government (2003-2010) Mota Junior, William Pessoa
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| · What is the contribution of your work to the development of science and technology? (The Magician and the handyman) Cafezeiro, Isabel; Rocha, André Campos da; Gadelha, Carmem; Kubrusly, Ricardo
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| · Insertion of the Topic of Interorganizational Networks in Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Business Management Meireles, Fernanda Rosalina da Silva; Azevedo, Ana Cláudia; Barbosa, Raíssa de Azevedo
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| · The University alive in relation to the popular classes Monfredini, Ivanise
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| · Academic performance and the quota system in higher education: empirical evidence with data of the Federal University of Bahia Cavalcanti, Ivanessa Thaiane do Nascimento; Andrade, Cláudia Sá Malbouisson; Tiryaki, Gisele Ferreira; Costa, Lilia Carolina Carneiro
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| · Profile of Graduate Programs in Knowledge Management in Brazil and its panorama of scientific production Silva, Lidiane Cristina da; Gaspar, Marcos Antonio; Magalhães, Fábio Luís Falchi de; Garcia, Ruth Del Raso; Aihara, Celia Hatsumi; Mauro, Maria Helena
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