| Table of contents Avaliação vol.24 no.3 Sorocaba Sept./Nov 2019 Editorial | | | | · What will the higher education scenario look like in 2030? Serafim, Milena Pavan
| | | Artigos | | | | · Brazilian higher education: contemporary panorama Diniz, Rosa Virgínia; Goergen, Pedro L.
| | | | · Internationalization of higher education and the impact of immigration on mental health of international students Silva-Ferreira, Alisson Vinícius; Martins-Borges, Lucienne; Willecke, Thiago Guedes
| | | | · Know, believe and participate? The institutional evaluation in the perception of the students Vieira, Kelmara Mendes; Kreutz, Rafael Rudolfo; Costa, Flavio Naccheri Vilar
| | | | · Global University Rankings: evidences of geographic and budgetary biases for Brazilian public institutions Cabello, Andrea Felippe; Imbroisi, Denise; Falqueto, Junia Maria Zandonade; Ferreira, Guilherme Viana; Arruda, June Alves de
| | | | · Program to Support the Plans for Restructuring and Expansion of the Federal Universities System in Brazil (REUNI): an analysis of its evaluation process Sales, Edriene Cristine da Silva Santos; Rosim, Daniela; Ferreira, Vicente da Rocha Soares; Costa, Sérgio Henrique Barroca
| | | | · Use of institutional self-assessment results by University of Brasilia managers Arruda, June Alves de; Paschoal, Tatiane; Demo, Gisela
| | | | · Financial risks in university management: a case study in government institution Heinz, Gabriela; Alves, Edenilce Bittencourt; Roratto, Rodrigo; Dias, Evandro Dotto
| | | | · Effectiveness of student assistance to ensure student permanence in Brazilian public higher education Araújo, Sandy Andreza de Lavor; Andriola, Wagner Bandeira; Cavalcante, Sueli Maria de Araújo; Chagas, Denise Maria Moreira
| | | | · Training doctors: the quality in question Balzan, Newton Cesar; Wandercil, Marco
| | | | · For more democratic management in education: contributions of a distance formation for the professional performance of its graduates Ramos, Daniela Karine; Ribeiro, Fabiana Lopes
| | | | · Brazilian medicine students’ mental health: a systematic review Conceição, Ludmila de Souza; Batista, Cássia Beatriz; Dâmaso, Juliana Gomes Bergo; Pereira, Bruna Schipmann; Carniele, Rafael Cevolani; Pereira, Gabriel dos Santos
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