Editorial |
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| · Contribuições da cienciometria para a área brasileira de Educação em Ciências Razera, Julio César Castilho
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Artigos |
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| · Teachers' education in articles of the "Ciência & Educação" journal (1998-2014): a scientometric review Razera, Júlio César Castilho
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| · Teachers in Initial training and their relationships in the school context Cunha, Regiane Stafim da; Santos, Marina Rosa Stec dos; Dittrich, Jaqueline; Vicentini, Maiara; Stavis, Liege da Silva Oliveira; Cruz, Christiane Gioppo Marques da
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| · Teachers' speech in continuing education around the relations between genetic manipulation and the possibility of human improvement Schneider, Eduarda Maria; Meglhioratti, Fernanda Aparecida; Corazza, Maria Júlia
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| · A contribution of critical environmental education for constructing new views on the drought in the Bahia area of semiarid Brazil Hofstatter, Lakshmi Juliane Vallim; Oliveira, Haydée Torres de; Souto, Francisco José Bezerra
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| · Environmental education and (eco)governmentality Barchi, Rodrigo
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| · "Rain, we need you so much!": social representations of water based on drawings of children from a semiarid region of Mexico Schwarz, Maria Luiza; Herrmann, Thora Martina; Torri, Maria Costanza; Goldberg, Luciane
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| · Analysis in the textbooks on "bats" Barreiro, Maiara Jaloretto; Ortêncio Filho, Henrique
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| · Biological evolution and students: a comparative study in Brazil and Italy Oliveira, Graciela Silva; Bizzo, Nelio; Pellegrini, Giuseppe
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| · Correlation between the reference matrix and items involving Chemistry concepts present in ENEM - 2009 to 2013 Cintra, Elaine Pavini; Marques Junior, Amaury Celso; Sousa, Eduardo Carvalho de
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| · Teaching chemical concepts in a STS approach from popular knowledge Zanotto, Ricardo Luiz; Silveira, Rosemari Monteiro Castilho Foggiatto; Sauer, Elenise
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| · Between exposure and discovery: contributions of Martha Dantas for the teaching of Mathematics in schools Gomes, Larissa Pinca Sarro
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| · Mathematization and Physics teaching: a discussion of teachers' notions Mendes, Gabriela Helena Geraldo Issa; Batista, Irinéa de Lourdes
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| · The approach to sexuality in PNLD textbooks: a focus on STI/AIDS and condoms Ladislau Filha, Célia de Souza; Ribeiro, Gabriel
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| · Action research in professional Master's: research analysis of a graduate degree program in Science and Mathematics teaching Chisté, Priscila de Souza
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| · The pedagogical discourse of science in operation in the National Network of Education and Science: New Talents of the Public System (RNEC/NT) Schwantes, Lavínia; Henning, Paula Corrêa; Ribeiro, Paula Regina Costa
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