Editorial |
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| · Views on education and school: subjects, spaces, times Salvadori, Maria Angela Borges
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Artigos |
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| · National identity in fifteenth century Bohemia and the formation of a Czech Paideia Aguiar, Thiago Borges de; Silva, Davi Costa da
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| · Zeitgeist or German spirit: ethnohistory of Germanness and the establishment of schools in Santa Catarina Santos, Ademir Valdir dos
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| · Memories of lay teachers who worked in rural education in the region of Italian immigration in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil Luchese, Terciane Ângela; Grazziotin, Luciane Sgarbi
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| · Social mothers in the villages: women schoolteachers during the National Catholicism period in Spain Gago, Sonsoles San Román
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| · Being someone in life: a study on rural young people and their life projects Alves, Maria Zenaide; Dayrell, Juarez
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| · Values prioritized by psychology undergraduates of a public university Silva, Nelson Pedro da
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| · Expectations of young people from public secondary education about study and work Souza, Davisson Charles Cangussu; Vazquez, Daniel Arias
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| · The university professor’s authority: a study focused on language arts students’ accounts Pierella, María Paula
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| · From educational statistics to statistics: from professional practices to an academic disciplinary field Silva, Martha Raíssa Iane Santana da; Valente, Wagner Rodrigues
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| · The statistics discipline in the pedagogy course at USP: a historical approach Ferreira, Viviane Lovatti; Passos, Laurizete Ferragut
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| · Pedagogical knowledge of statistics content among primary school teachers Estrella, Soledad; Olfos, Raimundo; Mena-Lorca, Arturo
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| · Entrepreneurship as an aim of the European Union policy for higher education Almeida, Rachel de Castro; Chaves, Miguel
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| · HD company, monitor student: Microsoft and the construction of belief in technologies Prazeres, Michelle
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| · From the education of readers to the education of teachers: an interview with Max Butlen Bueno, Belmira Oliveira; Rezende, Neide Luzia de
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