Editorial |
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| · Science, its rationality and governments Setton, Maria Graça Jacintho; Vianna, Cláudia Pereira
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Artigos |
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| · Slaves, freedmen, free African descendants, non-free, blacks, ingênuos: Education legislation concerning the black population in nineteenth century Brazil Barros, Surya Pombo de
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| · Including who? An examination of socioeconomic indicators of the Social Inclusion Program of the University of São Paulo (USP) Piotto, Débora Cristina; Nogueira, Maria Alice
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| · Michael Apple’s contributions to research on educational policy Gandin, Luís Armando; Lima, Iana Gomes de
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| · FHC’s transverse veto to LDB: religious education in public schools Cunha, Luiz Antônio
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| · Masculinities, femininities and mathematics education: gender analysis from the discursive view of mathematics teachers Barbosa, Lucas Alves Lima
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| · Early childhood teachers and the inclusion of children with disabilities in regular schools Carvalho, Alexandre Freitas; Coelho, Vitor Antonio Cerignoni; Tolocka, Rute Estanislava
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| · Academic trajectories in gender and sexuality studies: tensions between professionalization, activism, and biographic experiences Blanco, Rafael
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| · Cecília Meireles and religious education in the 1930s:confrontation in favor of the New School Moraes, José Damiro de
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| · Technologies of gender, device of infantilization, advance of literacy: conflict in the production of gendered bodies Caldeira, Maria Carolina da Silva; Paraíso, Marlucy Alves
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| · The color of school failure:factors associated with academic failure of high-school students Franceschini, Vanessa Lima Caldeira; Miranda-Ribeiro, Paula; Gomes, Marília Miranda Forte
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| · Education, empowerment and struggles for recognition:citizenry rights Barbosa, Manuel Gonçalves; Mühl, Eldon Henrique
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| · Gender inequality in public university:the practice of professors of agricultural science Fiúza, Ana Louise de Carvalho; Pinto, Neide Maria de Almeida; Costa, Elenice Rosa
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Entrevista |
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| · Sociology of education, reproduction of inequalities and new forms of domination Tomizaki, Kimi
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Tradução |
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| · Travels in Troy with Freire:technology as an agent of emancipation Blikstein, Paulo
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