Editorial |
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DOSSIÊ TEMÁTICO: O pensamento de Paulo Freire: legado e reinvenção uma pesquisa a várias mãos |
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| · Paulo Freire na atualidade: legado e reinvenção - uma pesquisa a várias mãos Saul, Ana Maria
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| · Paulo Freire na atualidade: legado e reinvenção Saul, Ana Maria
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| · The contribution of Paulo Freire educational proposal for pedagogical practice in childhood, youth and adult education Guedes, Marília Gabriela de Menezes; Leitão, Edineide Souza Sá
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| · Articulation between Paulo Freire and Herbert Marcuse: emancipatory sexuality education in a public school of the county of Sorocaba-SP Demartini, Gabriel Ribeiro; Silva, Antonio Fernando Gouvêa da
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| · Integral education, full-time and Paulo Freire the challenges of the articulation between knowlegde, time and territory Zanardi, Teodoro Adriano Costa
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| · The knowledge state on scholar progressions and learning cycles: contributions of Paulo Freire’s legacy Aguiar, Denise Regina da Costa
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| · Participation and autonomy in management as reference to reinvent freire’s theory in public education Hage, Salomão Mufarrej; Pereira, Ricardo Augusto Gomes
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| · A research on education based on Paulo Freire and the contributions of his educational approach to teacher development and educational practice Santiago, Eliete; Batista Neto, José
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| · Freirian concepts as support for continued education of youth and adult education teachers Cunha, Suzi Laura da; Delizoicov, Nadir Castilho
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| · The legacy of Paulo Freire for permanent education: critical reading of theses and dissertations on teacher education Porto, Rita de Cassia Cavalcanti; Lima, Taissa Santos de
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| · The pedagogy of Paulo Freire as theoretical- methodological as reference to research and develop teacher education Saul, Alexandre; Giovedi, Valter Martins
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| · The freirean pedagogy in a youth and adult education schools Mira, Levi Nauter de; Streck, Danilo Romeu
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| · Paulo Freire's present in literacy programs for youth and adults at local schools from Pará. Oliveira, Ivanilde Apoluceno de; Santos, Tânia Regina Lobato dos
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| · Expanding the dynamics of power: Freire and the politics of race in education Apple, Michael W.
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| · Critical pedagogy, Paulo Freire and the courage to be political Giroux, Henry A.
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Artigos |
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| · The theater in the students’ education: the perceptions of the teachers from an unified educational center (CEU) in the city of São Paulo Voltas, Fernanda Quatorze; Kruppa, Sonia M. Portella
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| · Child involvement in the curriculum and own assessment: a action research held in two São Paulo public preschools Colasanto, Cristina Aparecida
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| · Teacher education: Pibid and supervised curricular internship Noffs, Neide de Aquino; Rodrigues, Regina Célia Cola
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