Editorial |
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| · Editorial Cerri, Luis Fernando
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Artigos |
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| · Prospective primary school teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching probability: an exploratory study Batanero Bernabeu, Carmen; Gómez Torres, Emilse; Contreras García, José Miguel; Díaz Batanero, Carmen
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| · Sexual diversity and homophobia: a "disarrangement" culture in public educational policies Maio, Eliane Rose; Oliveira Júnior, Isaias Batista de
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| · Education and leisure: analyzing the Integrated School Program in Belo Horizonte Silva, Marcília de Sousa; Isayama, Hélder Ferreira
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| · Denaturalization of the pedagogic device in body education Emiliozzi, María Valeria
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| · Implications of current educational policies in the Physical Education teachers' training: a study on the teacher's subjectivity Silva, Matheus Bernardo; Klein, Lígia Regina; Cavazotti, Maria Auxiliadora
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| · Formation of teachers for the Education of Young and Adults: an analysis of Curriculum Guidelines Ens, Romilda Teodora; Ribas, Marciele Stiegler
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| · Education, gender and citizenship in Argentina in the early XX century: the socialist Enrique Del Valle Iberlucea's (im)possible perspective Becerra, Marina
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| · Education and democratic organizations in Mozambique: experiences of the popular revolution Domingos, Alberto Bive
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| · Autonomy, recognition and education Cenci, Angelo Vitório
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Resenhas |
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| · Diversidade metodológica na pesquisa em educação Sá, Jauri dos Santos; Cauduro, Maria Tereza
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Artigos |
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| · Revisiting the focus of the epistemologies of education policy Tello, César; Mainardes, Jefferson
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