Artigos |
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| · Autonomy in learning: a relationship between failure and success of Distance Education students Abadi, Adejalmo Moreira; Rehfeldt, Márcia Jussara Hepp
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| · In the middle of the world, aquendar the methodology: notes for queering curriculum research Oliveira, Thiago Ranniery Moreira de
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| · In the middle of the world, aquendar the methodology: notes for queering curriculum research Oliveira, Thiago Ranniery Moreira de
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| · What is the role of children and young people in the curriculum of History, Geography and Social sciences of Chile? The impact of the curriculum on the ideas of children and young people about their role in history Pinochet Pinochet, Sixtina; Pagès Blanch, Joan
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| · A school, multiple perspectives: assessment and remedial education in school daily life Souza, Flora Lima Farias de; Zibetti, Marli Lúcia Tonatto
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| · A "Rocinha" of books: poetic paths of the education processes of a literacy teacher and her reader students Mendes, Maria Francisca; Pérez, Carmen Lúcia Vidal
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| · The role of affordances in Libras acquisition as second language Puhl, Jéssica; Borges, Elaine Ferreira do Vale
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| · Knowledge formalization: curriculum and learning assessment in the State of São Paulo Carvalho, Celso do Prado Ferraz de
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| · Curriculum of broaden education and theory of teaching activity in school Physical Education Silvano, Sirléia; Ortigara, Vidalcir
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| · Pedagogical strategies and evaluations used with target audience students of Special Education according to the account of the ordinary and special education teachers Gualda, Danielli Silva; Duarte, Márcia
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| · Teacher education and pedagogical practice: analysis on the nature of teacher knowledge Macenhan, Camila; Tozetto, Susana Soares; Brandt, Celia Finck
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Resenhas |
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| · Para que(m) se avalia? Livros Didáticos e Avaliações (Brasil, Chile, Espanha, Japão, México e Portugal) Gelbcke, Juliana
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| · Metodologia da pesquisa em educação: uma abordagem teórico-prática dialogada Silva, Guilherme Leonardo Freitas
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| · Escritos sobre políticas educacionais e seus possíveis objetos de estudo Sossai, Fernando Cesar
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| · La educación, una cuestión de estado Cruz, Rita de Cássia Oliveira; Castioni, Remi
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