Editorial |
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| · Revista Educação (v. 41, n. 3, 2018)
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Dossiê: A Defectologia de Vygotsky |
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| · Vygotsky’s approach to disability in the context of contemporary debates and challenges: Charting the next steps (Presentation for the “Special Issue – Vygotsky’s Defectology”) Stetsenko, Anna; Selau, Bento
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| · Vygotsky’s Defectology: A Misleading Term for a Great Conception Giest, Hartmut
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| · Vygotskian (but only partly Vygotsky’s) understanding of special education Toomela, Aaro
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| · Tangible Interaction for Social Compensation at mediated process for functional diversity children Passerino, Liliana; Roselló, Teresa Coma; Baldassarri, Sandra
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| · Vygotski’s theories on Defectology: contributions to the special education of the 21st century Barroco, Sonia Mari Shima
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| · Counteracting the stigma of homelessness: The Finnish Housing First strategy as educational work Sannino, Annalisa
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| · Becoming a person through innovative inclusive education Veggetti, M. Serena
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| · On Fundamentos de defectología and the development of Special Education teachers in Brazil Costas, Fabiane Adela Tonetto; Selau, Bento
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Entrevistas |
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| · Carlos Alberto Torres in an interview:from Education Compared to the future plans of an “intellectual of the world” Lopes, Rodrigo de Macedo; Silva, Camila Ferreira da; Alves, Mariana Gaio
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Outros Temas |
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| · The ethnic-racial quotas in brazilian federal universities and the imperative of inclusion Silva, Mozart Linhares da; Bueno, Marisa Fernanda da Silva
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| · Teacher working in the integrated technical courses in the Education Mode of Adults and Youths of the Federal Institute of Goiás Castro, Mad Ana Desirée Ribeiro
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| · The children's literature between the aesthetic experience and moral education Ghiggi, Gomercindo; Chaves, Priscila Monteiro; Schneider, Daniela da Cruz
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| · One look at national scientific production on education financing Esquinsani, Rosimar Serena Siqueira; Pavan, Rafael
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| · School uniform: regulating dress modes to produce a “good looking” student Silva, Suelén Teixeira da; Bicca, Angela Dillmann Nunes
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| · Subjectivity in and by language: the construction of the teaching identity Niederauer, Carina Maria Melchiors; Azevedo, Tânia Marís de
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| · The school weighs: education in times of lightness and hypermodernity Aquino, Isis Stadulne; Dipp, Renata Plácido
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| · Brazilian inequality: racial ethnic capital in the access to higher education Aguiar, Márcio Mucedula; Piotto, Débora Cristina
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