| Table of contents Educação. Porto Alegre vol.44 no.3 Porto Alegre Sept./Dec 2021 Outros Temas | | | | · Educational management and the inclusion of environmental themes in PPPs of municipal public schools Rocha Ramos, Maria Tereza; Ortiz Monteiro, Patricia Diana Edith Belfort de Souza e Camargo
| | | | · Authority, obedience and discipline in education: reflections on the discourse of the School Without Party Movement and supporters of school militarization Picoli, Bruno Antonio; Caregnato, Milena; Guimarães, Roberta
| | | | · The selfie: spectacularization of the self and pedagogies on Instagram Stories Dourado França de Souza, Joana; Edvaldo Souza, Couto
| | | | · Teaching Literature: a historical-cultural proposal for the resignification of teaching practices Trevizan, Zizi; Moraes, Tatiane
| | | | · Educate by the shadow: contemporary and education from a Jan Lievens’ painting Augsburger, Luiz Guilherme; Ribeiro Santos, Tiago
| | | | · The construction of social quality indicators in higher education: the case of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology Silveira Diogo de Ávila Fontoura, Julian; Corsetti, Berenice
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