| Table of contents Rev. Bras. Educ. Med. vol.44 no.1 Rio de Janeiro 2020 Artigo Original | | | | · Predictive Factors of Graduation Delay in a Medical Program: a Retrospective Cohort Study in Brazil, 2010-2016 Rocha, Bárbara Aparecida da Silva Rego; Toledo Júnior, Antonio
| | | | · Beliefs: The Meeting of Medical Training and Assistance Pinto, Anderson Nunes; Falcão, Eliane Brígida Morais
| | | | · Analysis of a Family Practice Internship Program at a Public University in Fortaleza, Ceará, from the Student’s Perspective Lima, Ivana Cristina Vieira de; Shibuya, Beatriz Yumi Rodrigues; Peixoto, Maria das Graças Barbosa; Lima, Leilson Lira de; Magalhães, Paulo Sávio Fontenele
| | | | · Evaluation of a University Hospital Medical Record Garritano, Célia Regina de Oliveira; Junqueira, Felipe Holanda; Lorosa, Ely Felyppy Soares; Fujimoto, Mayara Sanae; Martins, Wallace Hostalacio Avelar
| | | | · Factors Associated with Levels of Fatigue and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Medical Internship Students Vaz, André Luiz de Lucena; Gléria, Vinícius Oliveira; Bastos, Cunha Fialho Cantarelli; Sousa, Ivone Félix de; Silva, Antonio Márcio Teodoro Cordeiro; Almeida, Rogério José de
| | | | · Medical Undergraduate Student’s Perception and Experience of Death Correia, Divanise Suruagy; Taveira, Marias das Graças Monte Mello; Marques, Andrea Marques Vanderlei Ferreira Andrea; Chagas, Raissa Ruperto Souza; Castro, Cecilia Frazão; Cavalcanti, Sandra Lopes
| | | | · Prevalence of and Factors Associated with Depression and Anxiety in Brazilian Medical Students Ribeiro, Christiane Fernandes; Lemos, Carolina Martins Cabrita; Alt, Nina Nogueira; Marins, Rulliany Lizia Tinoco; Corbiceiro, Weydler Campos Hottz; Nascimento, Maria Isabel do
| | | | · MiniCex as an Assessment Tool of a Medical Course Internship Program Oliveira, Céres Larissa Barbosa de; Appenzeller, Simone; Caldas, Cezar Augusto Muniz
| | | | · Creating a Mental Health Internship Program: the Experience of Universidade São Francisco Paulin, Luiz Fernando; Poças, Regina Caeli Guerra; Giraldez, Fabio; Marim, Juliana; Centelhas, Ivan; Nicolucci, Camila
| | | | · Student’s Perception of the Educational Environment within the Medical Semiology Subject Pricinote, Sílvia Cristina Marques Nunes; Gomes, Artur Lorenzo Sena; Monteiro Filho, Alberto; Silva, Bruno Leonardo Wadson; Souza Junior, Reinaldo Elias de; Ferreira, Denise Milioli; Roberti, Maria do Rosário Ferraz; Fernandes, Marcos Rassi
| | | | · Development of Medical Students’ Communication Skills for HIV Pre-Test Counseling at Prenatal Care Rodrigues, Larissa Cynthia Cesar; Freitas Júnior, Reginaldo Antônio de Oliveira; Barreto, Carolina Teixeira de Resende; Cassiano, Alexandra do Nascimento; Lima, Alexandra Silva de; Silva, Carla Glenda Souza da
| | | | · Antibiotic and Art: an Innovative Approach in Medical Education Távora, Lara Gurgel Fernandes; Amorim, Laila Maria Teixeira; Araújo, Ranna Jorge de; Baracho, Monya Garcia; Libório, Mariana Pitombeira
| | | | · The Effect of the Increase in General Surgery Residency Openings in Brazil Tonatto Filho, Antoninho José; Gallotti, Felipe Melloto; Treiguer, Alberto; Olijnyk, José Gustavo; Grossmann, Thiago Kreutz; Lombard, Thiago Filomena
| | | | · Health Empathy Map: Creation of an Instrument for Empathy Development Peixoto, José Maria; Moura, Eliane Perlatto
| | | | · Impact of the Training of Professionals from São Paulo Public Health System in Phytotherapy Practice Haraguchi, Linete Maria Menzenga; Sañudo, Adriana; Rodrigues, Eliana; Cervigni, Herbert; Carlini, Elisaldo Luiz de Araujo
| | | | · Children in Situation of Intra-Family Violence: Concepts, Personal Experiences and Feelings of Undergraduate Medical Students Santos, Nilma Lazara de Almeida Cruz; Lima, Isabel Maria Sampaio Oliveira; Carvalho, Rosely Cabral de
| | | | · Initial Difficulties in Learning the Physical Exam According to the Student’s Perception Costa, Gilka Paiva Oliveira; França, Kaio Alighieri Nunes de; Santos, Maria Albertina Leite; Guilherme, Janaína Guerra; Medeiros, José Givaldo Melquiades de; Silva Júnior, Estácio Amaro da
| | | | · Medical Humanities and their Place in the Curriculum: Opinions of Cobem/2017 Participants Barboza, Jaqueline Santos; Felício, Helena Maria dos Santos
| | | | · Prevalence of the Settlement of Medical Residences in the State of Tocantins in the Period 2013-2017 Guedes, Ana Carolina Batista de Souza; Dias, Fellipe Camargo Ferreira; Osório, Neila Barbosa; Baldaçara, Raquel Prudente de Carvalho; Guedes, Virgílio Ribeiro; Silva Neto, Luiz Sinésio
| | | | · Reflections on the Terminality of Life with Undergraduate Medical Students Brito, Priscelly Cristina Castro; Sobreiro, Izaura Mariana; Atzingen, Dênia Amélia Novato Castelli von; Silva, José Vitor da; Mendonça, Adriana Rodrigues dos Anjos
| | | | · Consumption of Brain Stimulants by Students in Montes Claros/MG Santana, Luíza Côrtes; Ramos, Andreza Neves; Azevedo, Bruna Lopes de; Neves, Inácio Luiz Morais; Lima, Mateus Magalhães; Oliveira, Marcos Vinícius Macedo de
| | | | · An Affordable Knee Arthroscopy Simulator Milcent, Paul André Alain; Coelho, Alexandre Roberto Roman; Rosa, Sthéphano Pellizzaro; Fonseca, Ygor Luiz Degraf da; Schroeder, Andressa Zabudovski; Stieven Filho, Edmar
| | | | · Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Medical Students and Institutional Coping Strategies Costa, Deyvison Soares da; Medeiros, Natany de Souza Batista; Cordeiro, Rayane Alves; Frutuoso, Everton de Souza; Lopes, Johnnatas Mikael; Moreira, Simone da Nóbrega Tomaz
| | | | · Analysis of Empathy Levels of Teachers and Medical Preceptors of a Medical Course Nunes, Geórgia Ferreira; Guimarães, Thays Ferreira; Pargeon, Júlia da Paixão Oliveira Mello e; Bastos, Gabriela Cunha Fialho Cantarelli; Silva, Antonio Márcio Teodoro Cordeiro; Almeida, Rogério José de
| | | | · The Professional Ideal in Medical Formation Sassi, André Petraglia; Seminotti, Elisa Pinto; Paredes, Eduardo Alfeu Peixoto; Vieira, Micael Barbosa
| | | Revisão | | | | · Permanent Education Strategies in the Evaluation of Family Health Teams: a Systematic Review Mesquita, Livia Mendes; Valente, Geilsa Soraia Cavalcanti; Soeiro, Raquel Lima; Cortez, Elaine Antunes; Lobo, Bianca Maria Innocencio da Silveira; Xavier, Simone Costa da Matta
| | | | · Progress Test in Medical School: a Systematic Review of the Literature Reberti, Ademir Garcia; Monfredini, Nayme Hechem; Ferreira Filho, Olavo Franco; Andrade, Dalton Francisco de; Pinheiro, Carlos Eduardo Andrade; Silva, Jean Carl
| | | | · Educational Predictors for the Retention of Physicians in Remote and Unassisted Areas: a Narrative Review Rocha, Erika Maria Sampaio; Boiteux, Pablo de Almeida; Azevedo, George Dantas de; Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo Gomes; Andrade, Maria Angélica Carvalho
| | | | · Teleconsultation: an Integrative Review of the Doctor-Patient Interaction Mediated by Technology Catapan, Soraia de Camargo; Calvo, Maria Cristina Marino
| | | Relato de Experiência | | | | · Improvement of Faculty’s Skills on the Creation of Items for Progress Testing Through Feedback to Item Writers: a Successful Experience Hamamoto Filho, Pedro Tadao; Bicudo, Angélica Maria
| | | | · Lessons Learned from the Student’s Surgery Academic League: Is It Worth It? Miranda, Luiz Eduardo Correia; Miranda, Ana Clara Galindo; Lima, Diego Laurentino de; Arraes, Ana Karla Alves
| | | | · The Fellows Project: Education Skills for Health Profession Students Caramori, Ugo; Mello, Júlia Brum de; Barretto, Camila Azeredo Pereira; Costa, Rafael de Madureira Ribas; Peña, Stela Souza; Ramos, Ana Luisa Carneiro; Almeida, Fernando Antonio de; Pavan, Maria Valéria
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