Editorial |
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| · Editorial Gatti Júnior, Décio
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| · School textbooks, technological-pedagogical mediations of Modern School Araujo, José Carlos Souza; Inácio Filho, Geraldo
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| · Sherlock Holmes inside a textbook. Archaeology of a teacher training text from the early 19th century D’ascenzo, Mirella
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| · Introduction to Jesuit Pedagogy in Colonial Brazil. Humanist Education and the Ratio Studiorum Lorenz, Karl
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| · Prove all things; hold fast that which is good: the “Manual Education Principles of Education” by Amaral Fontoura Vechia, Ariclê
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| · “Hacia una Escuela Nueva. Unidades de capacitación docente”: guide for the Colombian rural teacher Quintero, Sara Evelin Urrea; Sá, Elizabeth de
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| · Components of composition: descriptions, narrations, letters, etc. by Guilherme do Prado (1895) Inácio Filho, Geraldo
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| · Pedagogical Manuals in Comparison: Cours Pratique de Pédagogie, de Daligault (1851),and Compêndio de Pedagogia of B. J. M. Cordeiro (1874) Araujo, José Carlos Souza
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Artigos |
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| · Diologues between the author and the teacher: reading the “Arithmetica Elucidativa” by Nelson Benjamim Monção Dassie, Bruno Alves
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| · The development of technical and scientific professional education systems: an analysis through activity theory using Engeström’s historical type model. Campos, Dilhermando Ferreira; Pinto, Márcia Maria Fusaro
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| · Role played by Dr. Jaime Caiceo Escudero in the creation and initial gestation of the DUOC Socías Muñoz, Estela
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| · Higschool for the elite goiana: Lyceu de Goyaz 1906-1914 Barros, Fernanda; Carvalho, Carlos Henrique de
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| · Death and civic pedagogy in the portuguese republican context: the funerals of “prominent dead” in the early decades of the XXth century Pintassilgo, Joaquim; Costa, Rui Afonso da
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| · Educate or instruct? Anarcho-syndicalist narratives in the early years of the Portuguese Republic: Lumen magazine (Lisbon, 1911-1913) Barreira, Luiz Carlos
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| · The citizenship on the Brazilian Magazine of Pedagogical Studies: publications between 1995 and 2013 Oliveira, Maria Augusta Martiarena de; Corsetti, Berenice
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| · History of Mathematical Education and elementary teacher training: measurement teaching Silva, Maria Célia Leme da
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| · Normal schools of women in Colombia (1903-1914) Montes Geles, Yesica Paola; Ferreira, Nilce Vieira Campos
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Resenha |
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| · A new view at the constitution of teaching knowledge Pinto, Neuza Bertoni
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