Apresentação |
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| · Apresentação Moretti, Cheron Zanini; Viegas, Moacir Fernando; Richter, Sandra Regina Simonis
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Artigos |
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| · Study on the adoption ofblended learning in K-12 Silva, Alexandre José de Carvalho; Martins, Ronei Ximenes
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| · Nanoparticle of faith on nurses interventions Encarnação, Paula Soares; Oliveira, Clara Costa; Martins, Teresa
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| · Musical language and learner`s planning: when the tones don´t coincide Costa, Maria da Conceição
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| · Engineer in public school teaching: dilemmas, contradictions and challenges of a professional beginner Ribeiro, Raimunda Maria da Cunha
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| · Education in face of new forms of sociability Carvalho, Elma Júlia Gonçalves de
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| · The organization of space and education school-time: analysis of an integral education experience Campos, Marília Andrade Torales; Branco, Veronica; Daniel, Leziany Silveira
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| · "Learning and teaching a new lesson" through the educational experience of the PARFOR / Tocantinópolis Pinho, Maria José de; Pereira, Fabíola Andrade; Araújo, Nataniel da Vera Cruz Gonçalves
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| · Special education and the possibility of learning support: other ways to do Freitas, Cláudia Rodrigues de; Christofari, Ana Carolina; Tezzari, Mauren Lúcia
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| · Conceptions about the history of science presented in the textbooks of the early years in the state of Goiás Guimarães, Simone Sendim Moreira; Goldschmidtidt, Andréa Inês; Murça, Jenyffer Soares Estival; Silva, Nathália Vieira; Freitas, Brucce Sanderson Prado
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| · School councils in brazilian public school: possibilities and challenges for social control trhough democratic participation Jung, Hildegard Susana; Metzler, Ana Maria Carvalho; Sudbrack, Edite Maria
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| · Human development, cognition and school education: reflections below the historical-cultural approach Alves, Solange Maria
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| · Special education: comparative analysis between four initial training courses Ramos, Fabiane dos Santos; Monteblanco, Valquirea Martins
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| · Children in music education: contributions of toys in teaching and learning Joly, Ilza Zenker Leme; Sommerhalder, Aline; Santos, Camila Marques dos; Duarte, Camila Tanure
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| · Teacher training and professionality: the pedagogy as a basis of knowledge and skills of teacher Severo, José Leonardo Rolim de Lima
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| · Teachers and diversity in the classroom: deconstructing: prejudice and citizenship potentiating Cantarelli, Juliana Mezomo; Genro, Maria Elly Herz
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| · Pedagogical tourism as a teaching strategy: exploring the in loco in the tourism professional teaching Schüler, Thais Gaia; Brochier, Hélio Luiz
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Relatos e Experiências |
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| · Construction of I teacher - reports of an experience Florentino, José Augusto Ayres
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| · Teacher´s continuos education: environmental education experiences in semiarid Florentino, Hugo da Silva; Abílio, Francisco José Pegado
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