Artigos |
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| · Teaching-research-extension proposals’ statements in educational projects in distance physics courses: beyond the content, the speeches. Ferreira, Marcello; Loguercio, Rochele de Quadros
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| · Teacher training and representations of Health: paths for Health Education from a critical perspective Garelli, Fernando; Mengascini, Adriana; Cordero, Silvina; Dumrauf, Ana
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| · Socioscientific Issues in Science Teaching: some characteristics of Brazilian researches Sousa, Polliane Santos de; Gehlen, Simoni Tormöhlen
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| · Science history and philosophy in scientific education: what for? Damasio, Felipe; Peduzzi, Luiz O. Q.
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| · Pedagogical content knowledge in the context of environmental education: an experience with master’s students in science teaching Cortes Junior, Lailton Passos; Sá, Luciana Passos
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| · Analysis of declarative and procedural pre-service chemistry teachers’ knowledge about analogies Oliveira, Thais Mara Anastácio; Mozzer, Nilmara Braga
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| · The chemistry laboratoratory as locus of formative experiences Zuin, Vânia Gomes; Zuin, Antônio Álvaro Soares
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| · An experience of confluence between scientific and autobiographical narratives in biology teaching for young and adult students Araújo-Jr, Antônio; Avanzi, Maria Rita; Gastal, Maria Luiza
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| · Research in the In-Service Training of Science and Biology Teachers Oliveira, Dekarla Xisto; Chapani, Daisi Teresinha
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| · Continuing teachers’ education in elementary school’s early years: the impact of a science museum’s continuing education program from critical-reflective bias Pereira, Grazielle Rodrigues; Paula, Livia Mascarenhas de; Paula, Lilian Mascarenhas de; Coutinho-Silva, Robson
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| · PNLD and sciences textbooks’ guides (1999-2014): a possible analysis Gramowski, Vilmarise Bobato; Delizoicov, Nadir Castilho; Maestrelli, Sylvia Regina Pedrosa
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| · Affordances of the objects as errors inductors during physics teaching experiments Laburú, Carlos Eduardo; Silva, Osmar Henrique Moura da; Zômpero, Andreia de Freitas
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| · Physics textbooks and its under-utilization in high school Zambon, Luciana Bagolin; Terrazzan, Eduardo Adolfo
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| · Meanings attributed to the theme “climate change” in natural science’s textbooks for the last years of primary education, approved by 2014 PNLD Rumenos, Nijima Novello; Silva, Luciano Fernandes; Cavalari, Rosa Maria Feiteiro
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| · The professional masters in physics education at UFRGS: reconstruction of a history Barolli, Elisabeth; Villani, Alberto; Maia, Juliana de Oliveira
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| · Interactive environment of collaborative argumentation: conditions created by teacher to promote argumentation in inquiry-based classes Ferraz, Arthur Tadeu; Sasseron, Lúcia Helena
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| · Large-scale assessments and its results: PISA and its possible implications for science education Pizarro, Mariana Vaitiekunas; Junio, Jair Lopes
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| · Bean bag’ type games in evolution classes Ferreira, Maíra da Silva Navarro; Silva, Edson Pereira da
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| · Reflections of a teacher group on human genetic improvement from discussions of scientific divulgation texts Schneider, Eduarda Maria; Meglhioratti, Fernanda Aparecida; Soares, Alexandre Sebastião Ferrari
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| · Science’s teachers training for intercultural dialogue: a case analysis Baptista, Geilsa Costa Santos; Nascimento, Janaina Gelma Alves do
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| · Science and TV: a research about rede Record’s broadcast Carvalho, Vanessa Brasil de; Massarani, Luisa; Ramalho, Marina; Amorim, Luis; Malcher, Maria Ataide
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| · The implementation of the history of science in the physics teaching: a reflection on the implications of everyday school life Vital, Abigail; Guerra, Andreia
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| · Initial teacher education: analysis of some activities proposed for a discipline supervised training in physics Pereira, Ricardo Francisco; Fusinato, Polônia Altoé; Gianotto, Dulcinéia Ester Pagani
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| · Pedagogical content knowledge of nature sciences and mathematics teachers: analysis based on curriculum design Parga-Lozano, Diana Lineth; Denari, Gabriela Bueno; Cavalheiro, Gabriela Castro Silva
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| · Experimental activities in the early years of elementary school: analysis on a backdrop with blind students Biagini, Beatriz; Gonçalves, Fábio Peres
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| · A large-scale survey on nature of science conceptions of the brazilian biology undergraduates and the potentially associated education factors Azevedo, Nathália Helena; Scarpa, Daniela Lopes
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| · Propositions of didactic innovation in the perspective of the three pedagogical moments: tensions of a formative process Abreu, Josyane Barros; Freitas, Nadia Magalhães da Silva
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| · Articulations between countryside education and science and mathematics teaching present in the literature: an initial panorama Halmenschlager, Karine Raquiel; Camillo, Juliano; Fernandes, Carolina do Santos; Mônaco, Graziela Del; Brick, Elizandro Maurício
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| · Purposes of scientific communication in the teaching planning Lima, Guilherme da Silva; Giordan, Marcelo
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| · Conceptions of citizenship in science education: the opinion of political-pedagogical projects and of the teachers of Municipal Schools of Petrópolis - RJ Kreuger, Sarah Berrios; Ramos, Paula
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| · Science and mathematics education: the function of language in the classroom context Kripka, Rosana Maria Luvezute; Quadros, Everton Luís Luz de; Oliveira, Rosane Alves Pretto de; Ramos, Maurivan Güntzel
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| · Looked even like an outlandish group: identity (re)negotiations in participation in communities of practice Silva, Patrícia Petitinga; Oliveira, Andréia Maria Pereira de; Souza, Elizeu Clementino de
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Resenha |
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| · BERGMANN, Jonathan; SAMS, Aaron. Sala de aula invertida: uma metodologia ativa de aprendizagem. (Tradução Afonso Celso da Cunha Serra). 1ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: LTC, 2016. 104 p. Feitosa, Raphael Alves
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| · MAYER, Richard E. Multimedia Learning, 2ª ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Silva, André Coelho da
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