Editorial |
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| · Estudos da infância: diálogos contemporâneos Olarieta, Beatriz Fabiana; Silva, Conceição Firmina Seixas; Gomes, Lisandra Ogg; Pereira, Rita Marisa Ribes
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Dossiê |
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| · Childhood studies and research challenges: estrangement and interdependence, complexity and interdisciplinarity Nascimento, Maria Letícia
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| · Childhood, experience and education: notes from reflections on childhood Rocha, Eloisa Acires Candal; Buss-Simão, Márcia
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| · Ethics in research with children: a review of the brazilian human and social sciences literature Prado, Renata Lopes Costa; Vicentin, Maria Cristina Gonçalves; Rosemberg, Fulvia
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| · Children inventing worlds and themselves: Considering children's authorship of narratives Girardello, Gilka
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| · The shared writing: monteiro lobato, the little frog and the renovation of nature Raffaini, Patricia Tavares
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| · Pedro bloch: a listener of the children's grace Rodrigues, Camila
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| · "we need to talk about break-time!": the construction of the common by children in school Castro, Lucia Rabello de
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| · Childhoods: voices from diversity Suárez, María Teresa; López, José Alfredo Malagón
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| · Listening to adults about childhood protection and children in homeless situation in urban brazil Libardi, Suzana Santos; Ursin, Marit
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| · Childhood in the countryside: toys, games and culture Carvalho, Levindo Diniz; Silva, Rogério Correia da
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| · What ribeirinho children of piriá village - curralinho/pa say about their cultural practices Andrade, Simei Santos; Reis, Magali Dos; Alves, Laura Maria Silva Araújo
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| · Gender, sexuality and childhood: children scenes against innocence Salgado, Raquel Gonçalves; Souza, Leonardo Lemos de
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Artigos |
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| · Who are the authentic unquiet of contemporary times? Fernandes, Rosana Aparecida; Oliveira, José Menna
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| · Pedagogical mediation and imagination in early childhood education Leite, Adriana Regina Isler Pereira; Rocha, Maria Silvia Pinto De Moura Librandi Da
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| · Grounded theory. A research method for advancing the comprehension of philosophy for children's processes. Daniel, Marie-France
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Resenhas |
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| · Compassion and education: a review Sprod, Tim
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