Artigo Demanda Contínua |
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| · Teaching and learning, the poetics of presence in a primary classroom: a narrative study Galvañ, Maria Dolores Molina
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| · The music of friendship: notes between philosophy and education Kohan, Walter Omar
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| · Think about the city, the children and their education Araújo, Vania Carvalho de
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| · Education and complexity: a possible dialogue Castro, Elza Maria Neffa Vieira de; Castro, Krishna Neffa Vieira de
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| · The medusa-school: the look of the other and education in Jean-Paul Sartre Briskievicz, Danilo Arnaldo
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| · Re-education of ethnic-racial relations and African education: continuing teacher education (NEAB-UDESC/SC, 2014) Rascke, Karla Leandro; Cardoso, Paulino de Jesus Francisco; Lima, Graziela dos Santos; Pacheco, Ana Julia
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| · Teacher Training in Collaborative Communities inside the Amazon Ximenes-Rocha, Solange Helena; Fiorentini, Dario
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| · Theory and practice: combination in the formation journey of a German language degree course Pereira, Ricardo Inocêncio; Heinzle, Marcia Regina Selpa
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| · The theoretical foundation of Paulo Freire and the possibility of a dominant influence Taddei, Paulo Eduardo Dias; Santos, Magda Gisela Cruz dos
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| · Alienation of vulnerable female university students: six emancipation cases Vasconcelos, Ivar César Oliveira de; Lima, Helen Tatiana dos Santos; Menez, Ingrid Cristian da Silva Bezerra de
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| · III national plano of policies for women: gender mainstreaming and education Trindade, Fernanda de Magalhães; Schwengber, Maria Simone Vione
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Resenha |
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| · Review of "Philosophy in Brazil: legacies and perspectives - metaphilosophical essays" Costa, Breno Augusto da; Martins, Adriano Eurípedes Medeiros
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