Editorial |
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| · EDITORIAL Galvão, Ana Maria de Oliveira; Dias, Ana Maria Iório; Werle, Flávia Obino Corrêa; Rios, Guilherme Veiga; Pierro, Maria Clara Di; Junqueira, Rogério Diniz; Weller, Wivian
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Estudos |
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| · Educational Standards and Australia: a changed landscape Lambert, Phil
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| · The educational policy of Acre state and Ideb results Gusmão, Joana Buarque de; Ribeiro, Vanda Mendes
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| · Contributions to the democratic education management debate: focusing on Rio Grande do Sul municipal laws Esquinsani, Rosimar Serena Siqueira
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| · Which education is public? Preliminary analysis of private subsidized service in child education in different Brazilian administrative regions Borghi, Raquel Fontes; Bertagna, Regiane Helena
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| · On written language and its notation by the end of pre-school Morais, Artur Gomes de; Albuquerque, Eliana Borges Correia de; Brandão, Ana Carolina Perrusi Alves
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| · Pedagogical practice and teaching: a view from the epistemology of the concept Franco, Maria Amélia do Rosario Santoro
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| · Male students majoring in a Languages Course: discourse performances, gender and teaching Oliveira, Helvio Frank
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| · Research and training rounds in special education: the paths of disabled students Haas, Clarissa; Pantaleão, Edson; Orlando, Rosimeire Maria; Baptista, Claudio Roberto
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| · Learning assessment of disabled undergraduate students Pieczkowski, Tania Mara Zancanaro
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| · Rural youth and schooling in Governador Valadares-MG: dreams and frustrations Alves, Maria Zenaide; Dayrell, Juarez Tarcísio
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Relatos de Experiências |
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| · Conceptual map, an academic textual genre: a proposal for retextualization of didactic texts on History Yoshimoto, Elton Mitio; Yoshimoto, Graziele Maria Freire; Santos, Givan José Ferreira dos; Oliveira, Marilu Martens
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| · Critical environmental education for wildlife biodiversity conservation: a participative action for environmental social project "Flor da idade, Flor da cidade" (Itirapina-São Paulo) Silva, Nathália Formenton da; Ruffino, Paulo Henrique Peira
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