Estudos |
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| · Teachers’ appreciation and working conditions: a dialogue with those teaching in the early-years of elementary education Gomes, Valdete Aparecida Fernandes Moutinho; Nunes, Célia Maria Fernandes; Pádua, Karla Cunha
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| · Conceptual model for evaluating school infrastructure in basic education Alves, Maria Teresa Gonzaga; Xavier, Flavia Pereira; Paula, Túlio Silva de
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| · The mediation of the National Pact for High School Strengthening on the Regional Educational Administration of Chapecó, SC: the perception of study supervisors Morescho, Sandra Maria Zardo; Delizoicov, Nadir Castilho
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| · The place research occupied within the Regional Centers for Educational Research in the 1950s and 1960s: revisiting experiences of popular education in the perspective of the indiciary paradigm Gonçalves, Luiz Gonzaga; Zitkoski, Jaime José
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| · The use of graded reading series at a primary school in Mato Grosso do Sul: consolidating the reading processes in school Bertoletti, Estela Natalina Mantovani; Silva, Thaise da
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| · Paratexts in image books chosen for youth and adult education Morais, Caroline de; Ramos, Flávia Brocchetto; Haddad, Sérgio
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| · The curriculum and its implications for social relations of gender among elementary students Freire, Eleta Carvalho
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| · Gendering intersectoriality in Brazil’s Health in School Program Silveira, Catharina da Cunha; Meyer, Dagmar Elisabeth Estermann; Félix, Jeane
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| · Portrayals of inclusive practices: from reality to the path towards inclusiveness in higher education at Amazon from Pará Neves, Joana d'Arc de Vasconcelos; Maciel, Rogerio Andrade; Oliveira, Marcos Vinicius Sousa
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| · High school students and higher education: clarifying the modus operandi of the grantees in the Institutional Program of Scholarships for Undergraduate Research (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica - Pibic) Oliveira, Adriano de; Bianchetti, Lucídio
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| · Environmental Education: a call for awareness regarding the fate of solid waste and the water and food wastage in the municipality of Cametá/PA Almeida, Nayara Cristina Caldas; Santos Junior, Cezário Ferreira dos; Nunes, Aline; Liz, Mariane Souza Melo de
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Relatos de Experiência |
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| · Environmental education for sustainable development: an approach of San Luis, Santiago de Cuba Pimentel, Marcia Aparecida Silva; San Jose, Marco Antonio Lopes; Guillen Cerpa, Sandy
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