Apresentação |
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| · Government teachers, government schools: elements to the history of the institutionalization of teachers and students Gondra, José Gonçalves; Limeira, Aline de Morais
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Artigos |
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| · You are already in the house! technologies of schooling Martínez Boom, Alberto
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| · The begining of the teachers's training in Mexico (1821-1921) Galván, Luz Elena Lafarga
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| · Struggles for the primary teacher in Rio de Janeiro (1880-1890) Ecar, Ariadne Lopes; Uekane, Marina Natsume
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| · Church and standards for teachers in São João Del-Rei (Minas Gerais) Arruda, Maria Aparecida
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| · For a strict and illustrated discipline: inspection in the capital of the empire Borges, Angélica
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| · Compulsory education: "it is prudente to expect the precise remedy from the time" Almeida, Cíntia Borges de; Neves, Dimas Santana Souza; Gondra, José Gonçalves
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| · Government for children: the professional institute João Alfredo (1910-1933) Souza, Maria Zélia Maia de
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| · Between the altar and throne: initiatives of schooling in imperial capital Limeira, Aline de Morais; Nascimento, Fátima
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| · Remodeling the city of Rio de Janeiro and its people: education and prevention 1920s Silva, José Cláudio Sooma; Rizzini, Irma; Silva, Maria de Lourdes
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| · Government of the moral and the health: alimentary education in pedagogical discourse Aisenstein, Ângela; Cairo, Maria Eugenia
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Resenha |
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| · Memórias docentes, recordações discentes: um passado sob os olhos do tempo presente Martins, Mariane
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Documento |
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| · A sistematização da educação rio-grandense durante o estado novo: o caso do decreton. 7.640, de 28 de dezembro de 1938 Bica, Alessandro Carvalho; Corsetti, Berenice
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