Artigos |
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| · Mastering language use and usage: repositions perceived according to cognitive linguistics Fernando, Sérgio Manuel Coelho; Dias, Alfrancio Ferreira
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| · The relationship between teacher education and teaching-research socially engajed Bissoto, Maria Luisa; Miranda, Antonio Carlos; Hilkner, Regiane
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| · Continuing Education Program for teachers - PFC/UFV Vieira, Renata de Almeida
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| · Resilience indicators in teacher practice Rezende, Enivalda Vieira dos Santos; Machado, Laeda Bezerra
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| · The Pedagogy curriculum and the professional practice: the Pibid scholarship conceptions Miranda, Nonato Assis de; Aparício, Ana Silvia Moço; Garcia, Paulo Sérgio
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| · School climate and its implications for teaching work Pereira, Peter Paul; Rebolo, Flavinês
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| · The School Osvaldo Cruz de Dourados in the pages of studant newspaper ABC: high school in the south of Mato Grosso in the 1960s Moreira, Kênia Hilda; Passone-Rodrigues, Eglem Oliveira
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| · Reflections on the Sucupira Reform and Letters from D. Dinis: is a dialogue about the university in history possible? Oliveira, Terezinha
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| · Students benefiting from the Bolsa Família Program in the context of public education in Paraná: a reading from the mesoregions of the state Gouveia, Andréa Barbosa; Schneider, Gabriela
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| · The education of the citizen in the Information and Communication Society Orth, Miguel Alfredo
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| · Interface between education and professional alternation pedagogy Bicalho, Ramofly; Oliveira, Jean Rubyo
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| · Uses and abuses of the importance of evaluation speech Lobo, Silvia Lapa; Nogueira, Eliete Jussara
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