ISSN 1516-7313 printed version
ISSN 1980-850X on-line version



Scope and editorial policy

Ciência & Educação has as mission to publish scientific articles on results of empirical or theoretical investigations, and originals essays on topics related to Science Education. Research on Science Education is here considered as investigations that generate knowledge, for example, about teaching and learning of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geosciences, Environment Education, Mathematics and related areas. The journal also has the responsibility to spread among researchers, professors, teachers and students, as well as the general public, the national and international production in this area of investigation. Created and edited since 1995, under the responsibility of an Editorial Board composed of professors from the Postgraduate Program for Science Education at UNESP, Ciência & Educação has become an important national journal in the area of Science and Mathematics Education. The participation of leading researchers from several national and international institutions in its Advisory Council and Board of Evaluators, allowed the magazine reached the classification Qualis A1 in the area of Education in system Qualis of Evaluation, managed by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) in Brazil.

Peer Review Process

Ciência & Educação accepts only unpublished texts. Authors should indicate whether the research is financed, if approved by the Ethics Committee of the area and if has conflicts of interest. All text submitted to the publication is previously analyzed by the editor and, if in agreement to the journal scope, directed by the Editorial Board for revision to a minimum of two evaluators (blind peer review). The article will be returned to the author(s) if the reviewers suggest changes and/or corrections. In case of divergence of views, the text will be sent to a third evaluator, for arbritation. The publication of the paper implies on transfering all copyrights to Ciência & Educação. It is not allowed the partial or total reproduction of articles without indicating the source. The contents of the texts are of author's responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the editor or the Editorial Board point of view. The journal also accepts articles of criticism and/or comments about articles published in Ciência & Educação, since approved by the Editorial Board.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Author Guidelines

Ciência & Educação publishes scientific articles and literature reviews resulting from empirical or theoretical original research on themes related to Science Education (Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geosciences, Environment Education, Mathematics and related areas) including criticism, defenses and comments about published articles in the journal.


The journal accepts contributions in Portuguese, Spanish and English languages. The originals must be submitted in typed text in Word for Windows or compatible software, font Times New Roman, size 12, single space, up to 15 pages. The paper size is A4 and the margins should be set at: 3 cm to the left and the top and 2 cm to the bottom and the right.


All originals submitted to publication should have abstract in English and vernacular language and five key words relating to the subject, in Portuguese or Spanish, and in English.

The standards of references and of citations follow the most current standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), NBR6023 and NBR10520, respectively.

The front page should contain the title of the article (in Spanish or Portuguese and English) and complete affiliation of all authors in the following order: most recent education title (degree in ... ... specialist, master ... Doctor of ... ... , PhD student in ...), function (teacher, researcher, coordinator, director ...), department and unit (in full), University (acronym). City, state, country, email and mailing address of the first author.

The first page of text should include the title of the article in Spanish or Portuguese and English, abstract in Portuguese or Spanish and English, up to 150 words. Also must be assigned up to five key words in Portuguese and in English, separated by a period. These key words must describe as accurately as possible the content covered in the article, so as to facilitate users' subject research.


Tables should be represented according to the standards of tabular presentation of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 1993). The identification of the table should appear on top of it, in Arabic numerals, preceded by the word Table, followed by the title (mandatory), all in a smaller font than the text. Every table must cite the source, written in the first line of its footer, to identify those responsible for numerical data. Identification of these should be preceded by the word source or sources.

Every table must have a header to indicate the content of the columns. The frame of a table should not have vertical lines bounding the left and right side. It is recommended that a table is presented on a single page and having graphic uniformity in the bodies, types and sizes of fonts and numbers, in the use of capital letters and graphic signs.


Illustrations of any kind (drawings, pictures, diagrams, flowcharts, graphs, maps, charts, layouts, tables etc..) must have the .jpeg extension, with a minimum resolution of 400 dpi. When dealing with graphics and color images, authors should send graphics and images both in color version and black & white or grayscale versions.

The illustration should be placed as close as possible to the text referred to. Identification is in Arabic numerals followed by the title and/or subtitle (bottom of illustration, in smaller font).


Numbered in Arabic numerals, should be brief and used only when strictly necessary. Furthermore, they should be in smaller font and left aligned in the bottom of the page.


Should be placed between quotation marks and in italics (eg transcription of a interview, speech etc.).


Citations should follow the order of author surname and date in uppercase and lowercase letters and, when in brackets, should be capitalized. Up to three authors should me mentioned, with their last names separated by semicolons. For more than three authors, use the surname of the first one and the expression et al.

1. Direct or literal citation: must be in the form: author's last name, date and page. Up to three lines, the citation should be between quotation marks and without italic. If over three lines, citation should follow the standard: recoil of 4 cm the left margin, smaller font, without quotation marks and/or italics.

2. Indirect citation: when the author is cited in the text, place the author's surname and year (in brackets). If the author's last name is in brackets, use capital letters.


  • Seu caráter interdisciplinar compreende "[...] uma área de estudos onde a preocupação maior é tratar a ciência e a tecnologia, tendo em vista suas relações, conseqüências e respostas sociais" (BAZZO; COLOMBO, 2001, p. 93).
  • Na mesma perspectiva, Peixoto e Marcondes (2003) discutem visões equivocadas da ciência presentes nas interpretações de alunos inscritos em um programa especial de formação de professores de química para o Ensino Médio.

3. Citations of several documents by the same author published in the same year are distinguished by adding lower-case letters, in alphabetical order, after date and without space.

  • Reside (1927a)
  • Reside (1927b)

4. Sources/authors cited must be listed in the references at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, according to ABNT standards.



SILVA, F. Como estabelecer os parâmetros da globalização. 2. ed. São Paulo: Macuco, 1999.

MINAYO, M. C. S. O desafio de conhecimento: pesquisa qualitativa em saúde. 7. ed. São Paulo; Rio de Janeiro: Hucitec-Abrasco, 2000.

Book Chapter
Rule 1: Author of the book is the same author of the chapter

  • SANTOS, J. R. dos. Avaliação econômica de empresas. In: ______. Técnicas de análise financeira. 6. ed. São Paulo: Macuco, 2001. p. 58-88. (first and last page of the chapter are mandatory)

Rule 2: Author of the book is not the author of the chapter
ROSA, C. Solução para a desigualdade. In: SILVA, F. (Org.). Como estabelecer os parâmetros da globalização. 2. ed. São Paulo: Macuco, 1999. p. 2-15. (first and last page of the chapter are mandatory)

Rule 3: When the author is an entity

  • BRASIL. Ministério da Educação e do Desporto. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. Parâmetros curriculares nacionais: meio ambiente e saúde. 3. ed. Brasília: SEF, 2001. v. 9.

Rule 4: For a work by two or three authors, separate them with semicolons

  • MERGULHÃO, M. C.; VASAKI, B. N. G. Educando para a conservação da natureza: sugestão de atividades em educação ambiental. São Paulo: EDUC, 1998.

Note: when there are more than three authors, indicate only the first, adding the expression et al. (without italic). Exemple: SANZ, M. A. et al. Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. Madrid: Noesis, 1996.

Rule 5: Series and collections

  • MIGLIORI, R. Paradigmas e educação. São Paulo: Aquariana, 1993. 20 p. (Visão do futuro, v. 1).

Rule 6: Electronic book

  • ALVES, C. Navio negreiro. [S.l.]: Virtual Books, 2000. Available in: <http://........>. Access on: 04 mar. 2004 (day, month abrev., year).

The rule used for author's entries is the same used for books.

Rule 1: Journals articles

VILLANI, A.; SANTANA, D. A. Analisando as interações dos participantes numa disciplina de Física. Ciência & Educação, Bauru, v. 10, n. 2, p. 197-217, 2004.

In electronic media:

  • RODRIGUES, R. M. G. Tarefa de casa: um dos determinantes do rendimento escolar. Educação e Filosofia, v. 12, n. 24, p. 227-254, jul./dez. 1998. Available in: <http://.........>. Access on: 04 mar. 2004. (day, month abrev., year).

Theses and Dissertations

  • BOZELLI, F. C. Analogias e metáforas no ensino de física: o discurso do professor e o discurso do aluno. 2005. 234f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação para a Ciência) - Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Bauru, 2005.

Note: when the work is acessed on-line, mention the electronic address and access date. Eg. Available in: <http://........>. Access on: day, month abrev., and year.

Conference paper (proceedings, proceedings abstracts etc.)

ZYLBERSZTAJN, A. Resolução de problemas: uma perspectiva Kuhniana. In: ENCONTRO DE PESQUISA EM ENSINO DE FÍSICA, 6., 1998, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: SBF, 1998. 1 CD-ROM.

Note: when the work is accessed through printed material, insert initial and final pages. If the event is published in electronic media, specify the physical description (CD-ROM, diskette, etc). For on-line access, mention the electronic address and access date: Available in: <http://........>. Access on: day, month abrev., and year.


All documents cited in the text must be included in the reference list, which must be ordered according to the alphabetic system and aligned to the left of the page.

References by the same author(s) should be replaced by an underline (equivalent to six spaces) and point, since they appear on the same page.


  • RUBBA, P. A.; HARKNESS, W. L. Examination of preservice and in-service secondary science teachers' beliefs about science-technology-society interactions. Science Education, v. 77, n. 4, p. 407-431, 1993.
  • ______.; SCHONEWEG, C.; HARKNESS, W. L. A new scoring procedure for the views on science-technology-society instrument. International Journal of Science Education, London, v. 18, n. 4, p. 387-400, 1996.

Same author and title, but different editions:

  • FREIRE, G. Sobrados e mucambos: decadência do patriarcado rural no Brasil. São Paulo: Ed. Nacional, 1936. 405 p.
  • ______. ______. 2. ed. São Paulo: Ed. Nacional, 1938. 410p.

Note: The author(s) must verify that the electronic addresses (URL) cited in the text are active.


Submitting an article

  When sending an article to Ciência & Educação electronic submission can be accomplished sending it to the journal siteção/. Provide login and a password by the link "Access"and follow the instructions. Registration and access are required to submit items on-line and to check the status of current submissions. Besides, the text to be submitted should follow the formatting requirements established in the "Author Guidelines" and "Submission Procedures".


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Revista Ciência & Educação
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação para a Ciência
Av. Engenheiro Luiz Edmundo Carrijo Coube, 14-01
Campus Universitário - Vargem Limpa CEP 17033-360 Bauru São Paulo SP Brasil
Caixa Postal 473
Tel.: +55 14 3103-6177