ISSN 0103-6831 printed version
ISSN 1984-932X on-line version



Author guidelines

To submit a manuscript to Estudos em Avaliação Educacional, it is necessary to register in the Journal Publishing Platform of Fundação Carlos Chagas as Reader and Author, creating username and password. The Norms for the presentation of manuscripts are available here.

As part of the submission process authors are requested: full name; institutional affiliation or last professional occupation; city, state and country of the institution; academic degree (graduate, specialist, Master/Master’s student, Doctor/Doctoral student); address; telephone number; cellphone number; main e-mail address and ORCID. The author is also required to indicate how his name should appear in the publication and which e-mail address should be published in the article.

All authors should be registered in the Journal Publishing Platform and, if the manuscript has 2 or more authors, it is necessary to indicate the contribution of each one to its preparation at the end of the text.

Two versions of the manuscript must be forwarded: one in PDF format and another one in “.doc” or “.docx” format. Since Estudos em Avaliação Educacional adopts the blind peer review system, it is necessary that there is no information that identifies authorship, neither in the text body, nor in footnotes, nor in the properties of the PDF file.

The author should access the system, click on the link New submission and fill in the necessary information in 5 steps:

Step 1. Start submission. Mandatory fields: Section; Submission language; Submission checklist; Copyright notice. Comments for the editor are optional.

Step 2. Uploading the manuscript in PDF format: this version is intended for the peer review process, with all tables, graphs, charts and figures in the position they are supposed to be published in the text and with no information that identifies authorship.

Step 3. Submission’s metadata (indexation). Inclusion of the data from all authors, title and abstract of the presented paper, contributors and supporting agencies (if applicable) and references cited in the text. Co-authors should be registered in the system as well.

Step 4. Supplementary files. In this step, the COMPLETE manuscript should be uploaded in “.doc” or “.docx” format: this version must contain all information about authorship and affiliation, also including tables, graphs, charts and figures in the appropriate position in the text.

Also, at this stage, tables, graphs, charts and figures must be uploaded in open and editable files, separated, in Word or Excel format, and numbered with Arabic numerals.

Step 5. Confirming the submission: in this step, the author must click on “Finish submission”.

To follow the submission status, the author must access the system → menu → login → username and password.

In order to obtain information about Focus and Scopeclick here.

Estudos em Avaliação Educacional welcomes texts in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English for evaluation, in continuous stream, throughout the year.

The submission to Estudos em Avaliação Educacional must be exclusive, i.e., the texts cannot be sent to other journals simultaneously.

The manuscripts must be unpublished, i.e., they cannot have been previously published with attribution of DOI (Document Object Identifier), ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) or ISBN (International Standard Book Number).

Every manuscript submitted to Estudos em Avaliação Educacional is analyzed in an anti-plagiarism program, before being sent to the peer review. The purpose of this procedure is to identify plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Plagiarism is considered to be the copy of another’s intellectual work, being either the production as a whole, or a fragment of this production, without being attributed proper credit. Self-plagiarism is the partial or total reproduction of a paper of its own authorship, previously published, without due identification. Self-plagiarism situations have been recurrent when, for instance, research reports, theses and/or dissertations and papers presented at scientific events are literally published in format of article. In these cases, the journal will accept the manuscript, provided that there is an effort by the author(s) in order to reformulate the previous version and a clear mention of the original production.

The inclusion of new authors after the approval of the article is prohibited. In the act of the submission, all authors must be indicated.

The interval of at least six months for the publication of articles by the same author will be respected.

The ideas and opinions expressed in the published articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the journal’s opinion.

The journal allows itself to make small formal changes in the text during the review process, respecting the style and opinion of the authors.

The copyright of the published papers belongs to Estudos em Avaliação Educacional, which adopts the Creative Commons BY-NC license, of the “Non-Commercial Attribution” type.

Other forms of publication of the paper can only occur twelve months after its edition in this journal, once requested to the Editorial Committee and explicitly indicating its source.

To obtain information about the peer review processclick here.

Research Ethics
The ethical procedures established for scientific research must be informed when there is the involvement of human beings. It is necessary to guarantee the anonymity of the research participants, except in cases in which the identification has been allowed. Both the authorization and the restriction to the identification of the subjects must be informed in a footnote, in the text body. The dissemination of images of people or institutions must follow the same principle.

Conflicts of Interest
The act of the submission implies the absence of conflict of interest of financial, commercial, political, academic and personal nature. If there are potential conflicts of interest related to the research or publication of the manuscript, the authors must inform, in a footnote, the relations with funding agencies, as well as with commercial and political institutions. The authors must make it clear that the financial or material support received is manifestly declared in the submitted manuscript.


Submission preparation checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. All authors are aware of the submission and agree with the rules established by the journal.
  2. The manuscript is original and unpublished.
  3. The manuscript is not being evaluated for publication in another journal.
  4. Both versions of the manuscript, PDF and Word, were prepared according to the instructions.
  5. Any and all information that identifies the authors has been removed from the PDF version.
  6. The manuscript follows the Norms for the presentation of manuscripts.


Peer review process

The received manuscripts go through four stages:

1) Submission to plagiarism and self-plagiarism control software: the objective is to verify the originality of the text.

2) Prior evaluation by the Editorial Committee: the Committee judges the adequacy of the texts to the editorial line of the journal; to the publication norms established by it; and the quality of the work, i.e., its publication potential.

3) Double-blind process: if the texts pass this initial screening, they will be forwarded to be evaluated for merit by specialists in the field.

4) Final decision: the evaluations issued will be analyzed by the Editorial Committee, which will give a final decision issuing a consolidated evaluation.

Estudos em Avaliação Educacional adopts the double-blind system for peer review of manuscripts, preserving the author's identity in relation to the reviewer and vice versa. The evaluation involves at least two reviewers.

In the consolidated evaluation, issued by the Editorial Committee, the authors will receive a communication stating whether their text has been accepted, rejected or if it needs alterations for publication. In the latter case, the reformulated article is submitted to a new evaluation round. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to refuse articles whose modifications do not satisfy the referred requests.

Submissions in the form of Interviews, Experience Reports and Reviews are evaluated by the Editorial Committee, which will decide on the relevance of their publication according to the objectives of each section and demands of the journal.

Guidelines for Reviewers

The specialists must write their evaluation, in a detailed way, considering the following criteria:

1) Relevance of the topic to the study area.
2) Dialogue with the already produced knowledge on the subject.
3) Relevance and timeliness of the bibliographic references.
4) Clarity in the exposure of the object of study, objectives and justification.
5) Rigor in the use of concepts.
6) Theoretical-methodological consistency.
7) Pertinence, clarity and justification of the methodology used.
8) Adequacy, justification and argumentative solidity of the analysis.
9) Good structuring of the text, with clear articulation between the ideas.

At the end of the evaluation, the reviewer has the possibility to choose one of the following options offered by the journal's electronic management system:

  • Accept
  • Mandatory corrections
  • Submit again for evaluation
  • Submit to another journal
  • Reject
  • View comments

The option “Mandatory corrections” must be used in situations where the manuscript has an effective publication potential. In the case of texts that require significant modifications, their rejection is indicated. The option “Submit again for evaluation” must be used when the reviewer considers it necessary to forward to another specialist. The option “View comments” must only be used when the evaluator is in doubt about his decision.

In the last issue of each volume, a complete list is published with the names of all reviewers who have collaborated with the journal throughout the year.


Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


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05513-900 São Paulo (SP) - Brasil
Tel: +55 11 3723-3000