ISSN 0101-9031 printed version
ISSN 1984-6444 online version



Focus and scope

The Education Journal (UFSM) has as its scope the publication of unpublished and original papers in the area of Education, resulting from scientific research and theoretical reflections on educational practices and policies. It has as a target audience students, teachers, researchers in the area of education, as well as the public interested in the area in general.

It accepts articles based on theoretical or empirical research, pedagogical experiences and reviews. The journal does not accept works sent simultaneously to other journals or books.

Articles may be published in Portuguese, English and Spanish and, exceptionally, in Italian, French and German.

Papers submitted via the Electronic Journal Editing System (SEER/OJS) will be sent to the President of the Editorial Board, who will submit them to the Editorial Council for verification of compliance with the journal's editorial policy and normative requirements. If it is within the norms, the paper will be sent, without identification, to at least two external referees. If there is a discrepancy, it will be sent to a third reviewer. The names of the reviewers are kept confidential.


Statement of ethics


The Journal Educação (Santa Maria. Online), electronic ISSN 1984 6444, is committed to following good practices in terms of moral behavior consistent with the editing of scientific journals. The prevention of negligence is also a crucial responsibility of the editor and the editorial team: any form of unethical behavior, as well as plagiarism in any form, is not accepted in Educação. Authors submitting articles to the journal declare that their content is original and guarantee that the work has not been published in any other journal, nor is it under revision or evaluation. No more than one translation will be accepted per edition.


Plagiarism policy

The journal uses the CrossRef system to identify plagiarism.

Ethical principles and procedures to avoid bad practices in scientific production:

  1. Authors' responsibility
    - Authors are responsible for the content of their articles, as well as for the copyrights of images, videos, and any textual or additional elements of their article.
    - Authors agree to work free of charge in the peer review process for this journal in the future.
    - Authors declare that they have made a significant contribution to the research disclosed in their article, if applicable.
    - Authors agree to offer retractions or corrections to the journal.
    - Authors must ensure that their text is original and should not submit the same text to more than one journal.
    - If the article is based on research that involves real risks to participants, it is mandatory to submit the opinion of the ethics committee of the researcher's institution.
  2. The review process
    - All content of the journal is peer-reviewed using the double-blind peer-review method.
    - Peer review is the process of obtaining opinions on individual manuscripts from reviewers who are experts in the field. This process is clearly described on our website.
    - Reviews must be as objective as possible and sufficiently reasoned to improve the research and the reviewed text.
    - Reviewers should have no conflicts of interest and declare this in writing in the journal system when conducting a review.
    - Reviewers should always draw attention to previously published texts or passages that have not been properly cited.
    - All reviewed articles will be treated confidentially.
    - The journal recognizes that any form of plagiarism is unacceptable and uses anti-plagiarism checking tools.
    - The final decision on whether or not to publish a text rests with the editors. If a text is of academic quality and meets the criteria established by the journal, it is submitted for double-blind peer review by at least two referees.
    - The only evaluation criteria are the academic merit of the text and the improvement of the quality of knowledge, without discriminating against authors for any reason.
    - The editors are not allowed to use the information contained in the evaluated articles without the explicit consent of the authors.
    - The editors are available to answer any ethical questions regarding a submission.
  3. Publication Ethics
    - The editors go to significant effort to avoid and prevent the publication of articles in which research misconduct has occurred.
    - We do not encourage or permit misconduct.
    - Any allegation of research misconduct will be investigated promptly.
    - The journal publishes erratum to correct articles when necessary.
    - The journal is always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, rights of reply, retractions, and apologies when required.
  4. Copyright and open access
    - The licenses used by the journal are described on this page.
    - All full-text articles are free and available in their entirety to any reader without registration or password.
  5. Other policies
    - Information about the ownership, copyright, and/or administration of the journal is clearly indicated in the "About" menu on the journal's website.
    - This journal publishes one volume per year, continuously, and uses the "ahead of print" mode.
    - This journal does not charge any submission, review or publication fees, but may require the translation of the article to be sent by the author. - is the software for checking originality and preventing plagiarism.


Conflict of interests

Conflicts of interest may occur when authors, reviewers, or editors have interests that may interfere with the preparation or review of manuscripts. It may also be of a personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial nature.

When submitting a manuscript, authors are responsible for identifying and reporting any financial or other conflicts that may have influenced their research. Authors must disclose in the manuscript all financial support and other financial or personal relationships related to the research. The reviewer must report to the editors any conflict of interest that could influence his/her opinion of the manuscript and, if necessary, declare him/herself not qualified to review the article. If the authors are unsure of what constitutes a potential conflict of interest, they must contact the editorial department of the journal.


General instructions for publication

The journal Educação (Santa Maria. Online) is dedicated to the publication of unpublished and original works in the field of education, resulting from research and pedagogical practices theoretically based. The term works must be understood as articles resulting from theoretical or empirical research, pedagogical experiences and the elaboration of reviews.

The journal does not accept articles submitted simultaneously to other journals or books, nor articles published in the proceedings of scientific meetings.

The journal adopts the model of continuous publication, publishing articles annually in a single issue.

The Journal is organized into sections: Continuous Demand, Review, Interview and Dossier.

The submission and evaluation process of articles sent to the Journal is carried out through the Electronic Journal Editing System (SEER), which can be accessed through the Journal's website. Therefore, the applicant must register on the Journal's website. When registering, the "Author" box must be checked where it says "Register as" so that the submitter can later submit the text. If you are already registered as a reader, enter your login and password and click on "Profile" in the upper right corner of the screen. At this point, you can edit your profile by selecting "Author" in the section labeled "Paper.

Once you have completed your registration as an author, enter your login and password to access the "User's page" tab at the top of the site. Clicking on "User's page" will bring up a line with "Author" and a link to "New Submission" so that you can submit your text to the journal.

To complete the submission, you need to follow the 5 steps.

The publication of an article implies the full transfer of the copyright to Educação (UFSM) - Journal of the Education Center/Federal University of Santa Maria, for dissemination by electronic means - Internet.

The Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish articles by the same author in gaps between annual volumes.

The same author cannot submit an article for evaluation if another article is already being evaluated by the journal.

There is no fee for submitting or publishing articles.

Some authors who have their articles approved may be invited to publish the article in English as well. In this case, the translations are the responsibility of the authors, and the articles must be accompanied by a translator's certificate, as well as the translator's name and email address.

Some accepted articles written in Portuguese may also be published in English, at the invitation of the Editorial Board of the Journal. In this case, the authors of the articles will be responsible for the translations and will have to submit a certificate with the details of the responsible translator.

The Journal Educação (UFSM) has a template for uploading files, which can be found below. Its use is mandatory in order for the article to comply with the Journal's standards. The file sent must be in one of these formats; we do not accept pdf files.

1. Revista Educação (Santa Maria. Online) publishes original and unpublished articles related to the field of education, taking into account the editorial line of the journal, the treatment given to the subject, consistency and rigor. The articles must be exclusively intended for the journal.

2. Papers that fall into the following categories will be contemplated for publication: articles on theoretical studies, research results, essays and reviews.

3. The articles must be sent via the Electronic Journal Editing System (SEER) to the Editor-in-Chief, who will submit them to the Editorial Board for review for compliance with the journal's editorial policy and regulatory requirements. Articles will be sent blind to at least two external reviewers. In the event of a disagreement, the article will be sent to a third reviewer, whose name will remain confidential.

4. The journal, through the scientific editor/section or the managing editor, will inform the main author about the acceptance or rejection of the article. The notification will be accompanied by a copy of the content of the report, keeping the identity of the reviewers confidential.

5. Articles resulting from research involving human beings (interviews, experiments, etc.) must indicate respect for the ethical procedures established for scientific research. If there is permission to identify the subject and/or use images, it is necessary to inform in an additional document. The anonymity of research participants must be guaranteed and, if necessary, at the request of the institutions. In the case of international articles, authors must also declare having adopted ethical procedures for human subjects. All work in this section involving human subjects must be accompanied by the approval of the Ethics Committee and submitted as a supplementary document (step 4 of the submission).

6. The Journal does not use footnotes, but uses endnotes, which must be used for explanatory information, not exceeding 200 words each.

7. Articles must be between 4500 and 7000 words in length, not including abstracts and references.

8. Reviews should be between 1500 and 2000 words. This work must be a commentary on a new work or a reissue of a classic in the field of education. The author should situate the work within the field, present the author's main ideas, and provide a critical evaluation with reference to its contribution to the theoretical and practical context of education.

9. Articles must be submitted electronically through SEER, Figures must be submitted with the text, in JPEG format. Tables or graphs must be created using the Microsoft Word table tool, with appropriate dimensions, title, and font.

10. The name(s) of all author(s) and the title of the article must be entered in full and in lower case via the metadata forms, carefully filling in all the information requested. Authors must provide a full address and email for publication in the article. They should also include a higher level of degree, institutional affiliation, and professional role in the home institution, city, state, and country. Of note, at least one of the authors must hold a Ph.D. degree. The mailing address and contact phone numbers must also be included in the metadata. In the URL element, the link to the Lattes curriculum and to Orcid must be provided. These data of the article and the author are filled out in step 3 of the submission.

11. Articles written in Portuguese must include, in addition to the title, abstract and keywords in the language in which it is written, the title, abstract and keywords in English. Articles written in English must include the title, abstract and keywords in the language in which it was written; title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese. Articles written in Spanish, Italian, French and German must include title, abstract and keywords in the language in which it was written; title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English.

12. The text should initially present abstracts between 150 and 250 words. The abstract should not be written in the first person and should include the topic, objective, method, results, and conclusions of the paper. Three keywords must be included.

13. The number of authors per article is limited to five; after the third author, the last two authors must declare their role in the work by attaching a supplemental document at the time of submission (attach the document in step 4 of the submission process).

14. Texts must be written clearly and fluently. The author must take care not to use references that could identify him/her in the evaluation process, such as "in my previous work, in my thesis, in my dissertation," etc. If the article is accepted, this information may be included in the final version of the article.

15. The manuscripts will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 1) Relevance and scope of the topic; 2) Innovative character, development and deepening of the topic; 3) Worthiness of the theoretical and methodological structure of the work; 4) Conclusion and contribution to the field of education.

16. Citations must follow NBR 10520, dated August 2002, of the ABNT standard, which states that:
 - Direct quotations of less than three lines must be inserted in the text and enclosed in double quotation marks. An indication of the author of the quotation must be included.
 At the end of the quotation: "Citation" (SILVA; GOMES, year, p. 123).
 At the beginning or inserted in the text: According to Silva (year, p. 123) "Citation", or even Silva (year, p. 123) states that: "[...] citation".
- Direct quotations of more than three lines must be set off 4 cm from the left margin, in smaller type than that used in the text, and without quotation marks. At the end, the following should appear: (LAST NAME OF AUTHOR CITED, year, p. 123).
 - indirect quotations, text based on the work of the quoted author, the same previous criterion must be adopted for the author's reference; if outside parentheses, the surname begins with capital letters and then lowercase; if inside parentheses, the surname appears in capital letters.
 - The following resources must be used:
[...] to indicate suppressed;
[   ] to indicate interpolations, additions, or comments;
 italics for emphasis;
(verbal information)1 for verbal data from lectures, debates, etc., with reference data in a footnote. Example footnote: 1News provided by Name and Surname of the speaker at the Meeting, Location, month and year.
Author's italics or our italics: used after pagination to indicate authorship of the italics. For example: (SILVA, year, p. 123, author's italics)

17. The concepts and statements contained in the articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s).

18. Spelling and grammar are the sole responsibility of the author(s) of the article.

19. References must be written according to the rules of ABNT NBR 6023 of 2018. Only works mentioned in the text should be included.
All of the examples presented here are fictitious.
- Personal Author
LAST NAME (Upper case), First Name and Last Name. Title. 2. ed. (Edition number) Location: Publisher, year.
- Up to 3 authors
SILVA, Emanuel Tavares; GOMES, Galvão Vieira; SOUZA, Maria Nunes. Title. 13. ed. rev. and aum. Location: Publisher, year.
- More than 3 authors
SILVA, Emanuel Tavares. et al. Title: subtitle. Place: Publisher, year.
- Organizer(s), Coordinator(s), Translator(s)
SILVA, Emanuel Tavares; GOMES, Galvão Vieira. (Orgs.). Title: Subtitle. Name and last name translation. [S.l.: s.n.] (If it does not contain the place and publisher in the referenced work), year.
 - Author entity
BRAZIL. Ministry of Education. Title. Brasilia, DF, year.
- Unknown authorship
FIRST word of title. Place: Publisher, year.
– Parts/chapter of work
SILVA, Emanuel Tavares. Title of the part. In: SOUZA, Maria Nunes. (Org.). Publication title: subtitle. Place: Publisher, year. P. 3-9.
SILVA, Emanuel Tavares. Title of the part. In: SILVA, Emanuel Tavares (even if the author of the part is the same as the author of the whole publication). Title of the publication. Place: Publisher, year. P. 3-9.
-Electronic and online monographs and parts of monographs
SILVA, Emanuel Tavares. Title. Place: Publisher, year. 1 CD-ROM.
SANTA MARIA. In: Virtual ENCYCLOPEDIA of RS Municipalities. Place: Publisher, year. CD-ROM 1.
SILVA, Emanuel Tavares. Title. [S.l.]: Publisher, year. Available at: Accessed on: Jan. 3, 2000.
ENTRY. In: DICTIONARY of foreign languages. Place: Publisher, year. Available at: http://www.url complete. Accessed on: Jan. 3, 2000.
- Meetings (presented works)
SILVA, Emanuel Tavares; GOMES, Galvão Vieira. Title. In: MEETING NAME IN UPPERCASE, 1. (meeting number, if any), year, place (of the meeting). Annals ... (same case for abstracts ...) Place (of publication): Publisher, year. P. 3-9. (For electronic media, add the physical description of the resource used after the pagination. For example: ... p. 3-9. 1 CD-ROM)
- Conference (presented works) online:
SILVA, Emanuel Tavares; GOMES, Galvão Vieira. Title. In: MEETING NAME IN UPPERCASE, 1. (Meeting number, if any), year, place (of the meeting). Electronic annals... Location: Publisher, Year. Available at: http://www.url Complete. Accessed on: Jan. 3, 2000.
- Articles and/or journal essays
SILVA, Emanuel Tavares. Title of the article. Journal name, location, No. 1 (publication number), p. 3-9 (first and last pages), Jan. 2000 (publication date).
- Article online
SILVA, Emanuel Tavares. Title of the article. Title of the journal. Location, numbering, Jan. 2000 (date of publication). Available at: http://www.url complete. Accessed on: Jan. 3, 2000.


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Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
Centro de Educação - Lapedoc
Av. Roraima, 1000 - Cidade Universitária
97105-900 - Santa Maria - RS, Brasil
Telefone: +55 55 3220 8795