ISSN 1993-2010 printed version
ISSN 1981-8106 online version



Focus and scope

The mission of the Educação: Teoria e Prática journal, a publication of the Department of Education – IB and of the Graduate Program in Education at Unesp/Rio Claro Campus, is to create itself as an instrument for dialogue and discussion between teachers, researchers, education specialists, and students. Throughout its existence, it has strengthened its academic purpose with regard to the production of knowledge of an interdisciplinary nature, shifting from local to regional to national insertion, with a view to international insertion.

The professionalization of the Educação: Teoria e Prática journal comes in a continuum that is consolidated in the maintenance of its periodicity; in quantitative aspects with an increase in the number of articles/year – the annual editions changed from half-yearly to four-monthly from 2011, and from 2020 the journal adopted the continuous publication of articles; in qualitative aspects in the continuous revision of its rules of submission and evaluation; in the systematic reception of dossiers as a space for different approaches to themes that emerge as focuses of interest in contemporary debates.

Along with the presentation of standards for submission in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish, some challenging perspectives are outlined for the future in which the focus is to expand the dialogue and academic interlocution at the international level, involving institutions, authors and advisors, with a view to capturing articles by international authors; to disseminate and insert the production of authors from Brazilian institutions in Latin America; to expand the composition of a Council with members from national and international institutions in order to contribute with a broader look at the Journal's production; to expand the indexation bases, in addition to those that can be checked on the COVER. Such perspectives are intended to provide greater visibility and accessibility to educational topics on the agenda.

Qualis CAPES 2017-2020: A2 quadrennial assessment

The new standards are valid as of 01/01/2023. Please check them out!

Check out our list of contributing reviewers from previous years!


Open access policy

The Educação: Teoria e Prática journal has its content available for free access. The Education: Theory and Practice journal does not charge for article submission.

This allows for greater visibility and reach of published articles and reviews. For more information on this approach, please visit the Public Knowledge Project, a project that developed this system to improve the academic and public quality of research by distributing OJS as well as other software to support the publication system for public access to academic sources. The names and email addresses on this website will be used exclusively for the purposes of the journal and will not be available for other purposes.


Institutional information

Director: Professor, PhD Adalgiso Coscrato Cardozo
Deputy Director: Professor, PhD Patricia Pasquali Parise Maltempi

Head: Professor, PhD Joyce Mary Adam
Deputy Chief: Professor, PhD Raquel Fontes Borghi


Information about the journal

The content of the published works is the sole responsibility of the authors.

Foundation: December 8th, 1993
Cover: Ronaldo Bella
Periodicity: quarterly basis

Cover: Camilo Riani
Periodicity: quarterly basis

Cover: Victória Sara de Arruda
Periodicity: quarterly basis

Cover: Victoria Sara de Arruda
Periodicity: continuous publication

Cover: João Pedro Pezzato
Periodicity: continuous publication


Sources of support


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Creative Commons License All the content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License

UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista
Instituto de Biociências – Departamento de Educação
Av. 24-A, 1515 – CEP: 13506-900 – Rio Claro (SP) – Brasil
Telefone: +55 19 3526-9627