ISSN 1993-2010 printed version
ISSN 1981-8106 on-line version



General guidelines for submission

The journal Education: Theory and Practice is a publication from the Department of Education - IB - Unesp/Campus of Rio Claro, created as a vehicle for dialogue and discussion between teachers, researchers, education specialists, and higher education students. It aims to disseminate knowledge and experiences in Education. The journal accepts unpublished works related to Education, in the form of:

ARTICLES - presented in the form of a critical literature review, empirical research and/or essay on current topics, including experience reports and analysis of teaching practices (30,000 to 40,000 characters with space, including abstract);

Replicates of previous publications are here limited to defending a certain position in the academic environment and aimed at discussing new proposals for the various sub-areas of Education.

REVIEWS - book and thesis reviews (from 15,000 to 18,000 characters with space);

DOCUMENTS - Documents prepared by governmental, non-governmental and academic-scientific institutions with relevant content for the educational field.

The journal also accepts for publication DOSSIERS, composed of sets of 3 to 5 articles, and THEMATIC ISSUES, composed of sets of 10 to 12 articles, proposed by the Editorial Board or by external demand. The proponent must elaborate a syllabus, explaining the theme, to be submitted for evaluation by the Editorial Board. Once approved the syllabus, all articles will be submitted to reviewers.

Accepted for publication full texts published in conference proceedings as long as they are suitable for publication in the journal. In these cases, this information should be included in a supplementary document at the time of submission and should be inserted only in the final version of the article, after its approval.



The journal reserves the right not to accept the submission of articles that do not comply with its editorial line. The originals are submitted to the Editorial Board for prior review, which forwards them, without identification of authorship, to at least two reviewers (blind peer review). The authors are informed about the content of the opinions issued and about the possibilities and/or conditions of publication of the submitted paper.


Right of reply

Articles of comment to the article previously published in the journal are accepted, as well as reply to the comment. Both are subject to the same blind peer review process described above.


Publication standards

1. The texts must be sent for publication in Microsoft Word", font "Times New Roman", 12-point font size, 1.5 line spacing, through the electronic system of journal publishing with the proper review of the language which work is being submitted (Portuguese or Spanish or French or English). The content is the total responsibility of the author (s).

Any information that enables the identification of the authorship of the text as a link to research groups or institutions should be removed from the text and informed in a supplementary document and may be inserted in the final version of the article, after its approval.

NOTE: Articles are also accepted for publication in Spanish, French, and English.

2. In the presentation, the work should bring:

A COVER PAGE containing the title and author (s) - title and institution of origin and contact address (postal and e-mail) - which must be attached as a supplementary document, separate from the text;

MARGINS: left and upper: 3 cm; right and bottom: 2 cm

TITLE OF ARTICLE (PORTUGUESE, ENGLISH AND SPANISH): Times New Roman, size 16, bold, upper case, MAXIMUM 15 words.
Skip 1 line to separate titles from summaries.

ABSTRACT (PORTUGUESE, ENGLISH, AND SPANISH): written in a single paragraph, without using the first person, concisely presenting the relevant points of the text. The author should emphasize the objective, method, results, and conclusions of the work (from 1,000 to 1,300 characters with spaces);

KEYWORDS: 3 to 5 keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish;
Skip 1 line to separate summaries from each other and text summaries.

SECTIONS: bold, 16, centered;

SUBSECTIONS: bold, 14, centered;

SUBSECTION SUBSECTION: bold, 13, centered;

TEXT: Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing, justified.


FOOTNOTES: should be presented at the end of the pages, 10-point size, which may include personal communications and work in progress (maximum 10 lines), and should not contain references;

QUOTE WITH MORE THAN 3 LINES: 4cm indent, font size 10, single spacing, 1 enter before and one after quotation.

QUOTE FOLLOWING PATTERN AUTHOR/DATE: In the case of direct quotation, immediately after the quotation are placed in parentheses: last author's last name in uppercase, followed by comma, year of publication, lowercase p followed by period, and the page number from which the citation was taken. When there is more than one author with the same surname, it is necessary to repeat them, informing the initials of the first names, as in: (SILVA, T. S.; SILVA, M. L., 1955, p. 35)

GRAPHS:  must be printed in the body of the captioned text and also attached as a supplementary document in a separate file. Worksheet compatible with “Microsoft Excel” (.xls) accepted;

IMAGES: should be presented preferably in color, printed in the body of the captioned text and also attached as a supplementary document in a separate file. JPEG or PNG extension with a resolution of at least 300 dpi is required;

REFERENCES: Left margin, single spacing and separated by double spacing. The typographic feature used to highlight the TITLE element must be BOLD, following the Reference Standard of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (6023/2018). Link to standards:


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UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista
Instituto de Biociências – Departamento de Educação
Av. 24-A, 1515 – CEP: 13506-900 – Rio Claro (SP) – Brasil
Telefone: +55 19 3526-4279