ISSN 1517-9702 printed version
ISSN 1678-4634 online version



About the journal

Education and Research is a journal of the School of Education at the University of São Paulo - FEUSP. Since 2018, it has been published continuously in a single annual volume.

In the Qualis Capes evaluation (2017-2020), Education and Research maintained its classification as A1 in the field of Education.

The journal's abbreviated title is Educ. Pesqui., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references, and bibliographic captions.



Published since 1975, originally under the name Journal of the School of Education, initially, the journal aimed mainly to disseminate works produced by FEUSP faculty members. From 1996, it began to publish articles by researchers from other institutions, including foreign ones. At that time, its Editorial Board was also reformed, which came to include researchers from national and international institutions, alongside faculty professors.

In 1999, its editorial project was updated, referencing the current standards for international scientific publications. The journal began to be also distributed in electronic version and was included in the SciELO library, with open access to the public. This expanded the dissemination of the editions, as well as the exchange with national and foreign researchers, and allowed its indexing in major databases. It has since been known as Education and Research.

Until 2004, the Education and Research journal was published semi-annually, when it moved to a quarterly frequency. In 2010, it adopted a quarterly periodicity, and currently, it publishes in a continuous flow, in a single annual volume. Thus, the approved and edited works are immediately inserted into a specific volume of the journal, which contributes to the agility in the editing and publication processes of the approved works.

Since 2010, it has used the SciELO Submission system in the reception and processing of the article evaluation process. This has contributed to the professionalization of its article submission process.

The journal is indexed in the main international and national databases, which significantly expands the dissemination of the editions, as well as the exchange with national and foreign researchers. This makes Education and Research one of the main journals in the Brazilian educational field, qualified as A1 by the CAPES evaluation system.

The scope of the productions disseminated by Education and Research is perhaps one of its main characteristics, considering the contributions it offers by disseminating relevant results of research produced in the most different areas of the educational field.

In its operation, it seeks to ensure that the composition of the Editorial Committee, as well as the Editorial Board and the body of reviewers, respond as qualified as possible to the specificity of the journal.

Responsible Editors of the Journal since its Creation:

  • 1975-1979 – Prof. João Eduardo Villalobos
  • 1980 – Prof. Ruy Afonso da Costa Nunes
  • 1981-1983 – Prof. Nicolas Boer
  • 1984-1989 – Prof. João Teodoro d’Olim Marote
  • 1990-1994 – Prof. Nilson José Machado
  • 1994-1996 – Prof. Selma Garrido Pimenta
  • 1996-1998 – Prof. Afrânio Mendes Catani
  • 1999-2004 – Prof. Belmira Oliveira Bueno
  • 2004-2006 – Prof. Marília Pinto de Carvalho
  • 2007-2009 – Prof. Lucia Emilia Nuevo Bruno
  • 2009-2011 – Prof. Lucia Emilia Nuevo Bruno and Prof. Teresa Cristina Rego
  • 2011-2013 – Prof. Teresa Cristina Rego and Prof. Denise Trento de Souza
  • 2013-2015 – Prof. Teresa Cristina Rego and Prof. Denise Trento de Souza
  • 2015-2016 – Prof. Denise Trento de Souza and Prof. Cláudia Pereira Vianna
  • 2016-2017 – Prof. Cláudia Pereira Vianna and Prof. Rosângela Gavioli Prieto
  • 2017-2018 – Prof. Rosângela Gavioli Prieto and Prof. Émerson de Pietri
  • 2019-2021 – Prof. Émerson de Pietri and Prof. Cláudia Valentina Galian
  • 2022-2023 – Prof. Cláudia Valentina Galian and Prof. Marcos Sidnei Pagotto-Euzebio
  • 2023-2025 – Prof. Marcos Sidnei Pagotto-Euzebio and Prof. Lúcia Helena Sasseron


Compliance with open science

Education and Research receives and evaluates original productions from the educational field that are in compliance with the practices of Open Science communication. The originals submitted to the journal must be unpublished (in print or electronic media) although files previously made available on preprint servers maintained by public institutions that do not charge for their publication are accepted for evaluation.

Simultaneous submission to any other journal is not allowed during the evaluation or publication process.

It is requested that the authorship make all contents (data, program codes, and other materials) underlying the text of the manuscript previously or at the time of publication available. Exceptions are allowed in cases of legal and ethical issues. This request has two main objectives: to facilitate the evaluation of the manuscript and, if approved, contribute to the preservation and reuse of the contents and the reproducibility of the research.

Works published in scientific meeting proceedings are accepted at the time of submission, provided that the submitted version has clear and substantial modifications, in order to offer a significant proportion of new elements that justify new publication. The decision on the publication of the manuscripts rests with the Editorial Committee, based on the evaluation of ad hoc reviewers. This journal follows the Gold Open Access model.

Open Science compliance form:


Publication ethics

The editorial policies of Education and Research have been established in accordance with the guidelines defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), with what is pointed out by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the good practice manual of the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

The journal safeguards its editorial process from commercial or financial interests.

Authorship must meet the requirements for originality, give proper credit to data sources, research, and intellectual works of any nature used in the text, and ensure that all citations and references are properly spelled out, according to the bibliographic standardization of ABNT (Brazilian association of technical standards), NBR 10520 and NBR 6023.

It is up to the authorship of the manuscript to verify, register, and obtain the necessary authorizations for use or the assignment of copyrights, where applicable.

The initial evaluation process is done by using the “i-Thenticate” system, through which manuscript similarities are checked before sending them for reviewer evaluation. Other similarity detection tools may be used at the journal's discretion. In the event that similarity, plagiarism, or self-plagiarism is detected, the manuscript will be summarily rejected.

Throughout the process, the editorial team is guided by principles of impartiality, integrity, and confidentiality in the processes of handling, evaluation, and decision, seeking to meet the deadlines set by the journal.

To ensure adherence to good research practices, Education and Researchrequests, at the time of manuscript submission to the journal, that the authorship declare: acceptance of responsibility for the content of the manuscript; approval of the research, when conducted with human beings, by a Research Ethics Committee or Commission; and absence of conflicts of interest with the result presented in the manuscript, informing the institution to which the authorship is affiliated or that has collaborated in the execution of the study.

Regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in some stage of the article production, Education and Researchrequests, at the time of manuscript submission to the journal, that the authorship declare whether AI was used during the conceptualization of the study; in the methodological process; during the collection and/or interpretation of the data or at some stage of the preparation of the manuscript and, if affirmative of AI use, the description of which type(s) of AI was(were) used. For this, access to the AI use declaration form must occur, and its submission as a complementary document of the submission. In case the research developed or the publication of the article raises doubts about potential conflicts of interest, the authorship must declare, in a final note, that no connections to funding bodies, as well as to commercial or political institutions, have been omitted.

The editorial process of Education and Research uses mechanisms to exempt itself from conflicts of interest. Thus, the choice of the editor who handles the processing of a manuscript takes into account the personal and professional relationships between this person and the text's authors.


Focus and scope

Education and Research publishes unpublished articles resulting from research in the field of education, which are written in Portuguese, Spanish, or English, resulting from theoretical or empirical studies, or from literature reviews. Articles must establish a consistent dialogue with the educational field, through the detailing of the conceptual and methodological work, by the explicitation of the analytical processes, as well as by the relevance of the contributions to the development of knowledge in Education.


Digital preservation

This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Digital Preservation Policy Program. It uses the LOCKSS - PKP Preservation Network system as a strategy for digital preservation of content through the Digital Libraries and Collections Agency of USP.

It also uses the DOI as a digital object identifier, in addition to linking the publication to the authors' ORCiD.


Indexing sources

Metadata indexers

Metrics indexers

Online versions


Bibliographic record


Education and Research: Journal of the Faculty of Education at USP = Education and Research / São Paulo: FE/USP, 1975.

Continuous and only online since 2018.
Publication of the Faculty of Education at the University of São Paulo.
Continuation of: Journal of the Faculty of Education at USP.

ISSN: 1517-9702 (Print)
ISSN: 1678-4634 (Online)

  1. Education. 2. Pedagogy. I. Title.

CDD 22nd ed. 37
Record prepared by: José Aguinaldo da Silva CRB-8a/7532


Websites and social media


Editorial policy

Education and Research accepts submissions that are present on preprint platforms. In this case, the authorship of the manuscript must fill out a form, indicating this situation and the repository where the text is located.


Peer review process
Education and Research publishes the name or names of the editors responsible for the evaluation of the article at the end of the text. The process of evaluating manuscripts submitted for evaluation begins with a pre-analysis of the files considering formal elements and compliance with the guidelines of the journal. In case of inadequacy, the manuscript is rejected and returned to the authors requesting adjustments.

In the pre-analysis, the text is also analyzed for the use of "i-Thenticate", anti-plagiarism software for checking possible text similarity with others already published. From this analysis, another qualitative analysis of the identified similarities follows. In case of significant similarity, the authorship is informed of the fact and, if plagiarism is proven, the affiliation institutions of the authorship or funding agencies involved in the development of the research are informed.

Once the pre-analysis stage is completed, the manuscript proceeds to the assistant editor, considering its areas of knowledge and institutional affiliation, to ensure that there is no conflict of interest in the process.

If the assistant editor feels incapacitated to proceed with the process, due to personal or professional issues related to the relationship with the authors, it must communicate to the chief editor, which will designate a new assistant editor.

Upon contacting the manuscript, the assistant editor conducts the first analysis of the text content, which may then be forwarded to reviewers or inform the chief editor about the initial refusal indication.

Initial refusal cases are debated between assistant editor and chief editor and occur when the manuscript presents insufficient quality or does not meet the scope of the journal. In these situations, the authorship is notified of the decision.

In situations where the manuscript proceeds to reviewers, the assistant editor ensures that there is no personal or professional link with the authorship of the text.

Both the authorship and the reviewers are given the option of mutual disclosure of their identities in the evaluation process, so that, if both parties are interested, there is the possibility of direct dialogue at the end of the evaluation process. Reviewers may also opt whether they wish their reviews to be published or not.

Throughout the peer review process, safeguarding the transparency of the editorial process, the assistant editor responds to questions that arise from authorship or reviewers.

The manuscript evaluation process must be conducted in secrecy, preventing the appropriation or disclosure, in any sphere, of the information contained therein.

Reviewers must refuse to evaluate manuscripts where a conflict of interest is identified. In addition, it is requested that they ensure an evaluation that considers criteria of impartiality, formative perspectives, and civility, in addition to obedience to deadlines.

The identification, by a reviewer, of the absence of novelty of the manuscript, in whole or in part, in relation to already published texts, must be promptly informed to the Editorial Committee of Education and Research.

The aspects that guide the evaluation of the originals submitted to the pairs for analysis are: theoretical and empirical content, mastery of scientific literature, timeliness of the topic, contribution to the specific area of knowledge, originality of the approach, provenance of the methodological foundation, text structure, and quality of writing.

Reviewers may recommend the complete acceptance of the text, its refusal, or still indicate necessary modifications for a new evaluation.

After receiving the reviews, the manuscript is discussed in a meeting of the Editorial Committee.

If the reviews received are convergent, the editorial team sends a letter to the authorship communicating the editorial decision - acceptance, refusal, mandatory revisions.

If the reviews received are divergent, the Editorial Committee may indicate a position or request a new evaluation from a reviewer.

For cases of manuscripts, whose evaluation indicates the need for necessary corrections, the authorship must send the new version of the manuscript, along with a letter to the Editorial Committee, indicating the reviewed points and justifying any recommendations present in the evaluations that have not been met.

From the analysis of these documents, the new evaluation can be carried out by the editorial team or by those who proposed the necessary revisions. The Editorial Committee holds the final say in the submission.

When the manuscript is approved, the authorship receives the notice and is consulted if they wish the manuscript to be published in English, in addition to the original language in which the text was written.

Accepted works are sent, in a continuous flow, for revision, layout, editing, and publication.

All published texts bring, at the end, the name of the assistant editor that accompanied the evaluation process.


Open data
With the aim of promoting the expansion of Open Science practices, ensuring transparency in the knowledge production processes, it is requested that the authorship use original data in their research, and that they explicitly all variables, conditions for treatment of the analysis material, and the methodologies employed for the production of the data analyzed in the study, in order to provide sufficient documentation to understand the choices and the conditions under which the results were obtained.

All articles resulting from original research must be submitted with a footnote, on the initial page, about "Data Availability", informing that the dataset is publicly available, and how to access it. The data must always be available for eventual consultation, observing the restrictions to public access imposed by the material characteristics of the data and/or by its production mode.

It is necessary to indicate in the note, the level of access defined for the resource to the data, among the following possible formulations:

  • Data availability: The entire dataset supporting the results of this study was published in the article itself.
  • Data availability: The entire dataset supporting the results of this study was made available in [name of the repository]* and can be accessed at [URL or DOI].
  • Data availability: The entire dataset supporting the results of this study was made available in [name of the repository] with the identifiers [list of identifiers].*
* It is suggested that the data deposit, when it is the case of its availability at this level of access, be carried out in one of the following repositories:

It is recommended that the data, methodological tools, and/or analysis materials underlying the article and used in the conception and execution of the research be properly cited in the text and listed in the references section, if possible referring to their location in a repository and with a persistent identifier such as the DOI.

How to Reference Research Data:

  • BARNETT, C. L.; BERESFORD, N. A.; WALKER, L. A.; BAXTER, M.; WELLS, C.; COPPLESTONE, D. Element and radionuclide concentrations in representative species of the ICRP’s reference animals and plants and associated soils from a forest in North-west England. NERC — Environmental Information Data Centre, 2013. Available at: Accessed on: December 6, 2016.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Office of Applied Studies. Treatment episode data set — discharges (TEDS-D) — concatenated, 2006 to 2011 [Data set]. doi: – 2013.
  • YOON, J; SOFAER, H .R, SILLET, T. S, MORRISON, S. A., GHALAMBOR, C. K. Data from: The relationship between female brooding and male nestling provisioning: does climate underlie geographic variation in sex roles? Journal of Avian Biology, June 2016. Available at: Accessed on: December 6, 2016.



Charging fees

Education and Research does not charge fees for submission, evaluation, or publication of articles. Its financial sustainability comes from public funds, whether from the institution to which it is affiliated (University of São Paulo) or from funding agencies such as Capes/CNPq.


Policy on ethics and misconduct, errata, and retraction
The journal follows SciElo's guidelines on retraction policy and the publication of Errata:
Good Practices Guide:
Guide for recording and publishing Errata:
Guide for recording and publishing retraction:


Policy on conflict of interest
The conflict of interests can be of personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial nature.

In case the research developed or the publication of the article raises doubts about potential conflicts of interest, the authorship must declare in a final note that no connections to funding bodies, as well as to commercial or political institutions, have been omitted. Similarly, the institution to which the authorship is eventually affiliated or that has collaborated in the execution of the study must be mentioned, evidencing that there are no conflicts of interest with the result presented therein.

For more information, see: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest


Adoption of similarity verification software
The authorship of the manuscript must respond to the demands of originality and novelty of the article, in whole or in part, and ensure the explicitation of all sources and references that make up the manuscript.

Compliance with these demands and conditions will be carefully verified with the tools available by Education and Research. Currently, the journal uses the  iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software.

This evaluation occurs at the beginning of the editorial process. Moreover, it is recommended to reviewers to consider verifying the novelty of the manuscript.


Issues of Sex and Gender
The editorial team of Education and Research observes the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research (Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER ). The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of information on sex and gender in the study design, data analysis, and the results and interpretation of findings. In addition, Education and Research observes the gender equity policy in the formation of its editorial body.


Ethics Committee
The authorship of manuscripts must attach a declaration of approval from the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research, when it is a case of interviews and experiments involving human beings, and that comply with the ethical procedures established for scientific research. The anonymity of the research participants and, if necessary, of the institutions must be guaranteed, except with express permission for identification. Therefore, the authorization or restriction to identification must be informed, in a note, in the body of the file. The same applies to images of people and/or institutions.

The editorial policies of Education and Research have been established in accordance with the guidelines defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


By publishing in Education and Research, the authorship maintains the copyrights over their texts, without receiving any fees, agrees with the Creative Commons Attribution(CC-BY) license, under which their article will be published, and allows the articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited.

The authorship of the texts published in Education and Researchhas authorization to assume additional contracts, independent of the journal, for the dissemination of the work through other means (e.g., institutional repository or book chapter), as long as the full source is cited, with the references of the same authorship and the data of the original publication. The ideas and opinions expressed in the article are the exclusive responsibility of the authorship of the text, not necessarily reflecting the opinions of the journal.

The authors grant the journal Education and Research the right of first publication.


Intellectual Property and Terms of Use
The content of the journal is licensed under the Licença Creative Commons CC-BY type license. The content prior to 2023 was licensed by the Creative Commons CC-Y-NC type license.

The online journal is open access and free, which means that all content is available free of charge to the user or their institution. Anyone accessing the journal's content is authorized to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other legal purpose, without prior permission from the editorial or authorship, as long as the original work is duly cited.

The content of the website, information about the journal, and guidance to the authorship are the responsibility of the Editorial Committee and the journal's secretariat. The ideas and opinions expressed in the articles are the exclusive responsibility of the authorship of the same, not necessarily reflecting the opinions of the journal.

Education and Researchencourages the authorship of manuscripts submitted and/or published to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, as long as the complete citation to the version published by the journal is included.


Sponsors and funding agencies

The journal receives financial support from:


[Home] [Editorial board] [Instructions to authors] [Subscriptions]

Creative Commons License All the content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License

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