ISSN 1517-9702 printed version
ISSN 1678-4634 online version



Instruction to authors

To submit an article, it is necessary to have registration on the journal's submission page and log in to the system. There is no requirement for a minimum degree for article submission.


Documents you can submit

Original Article
Review Article


Statistical methods

When employed, statistical methods must be described in sufficient detail to allow a competent reader to access the original data and verification of the results presented, whilst avoiding excessively technical language and presenting results with enough clarity so as to facilitate their understanding by a non-specialized reader. This guidance to authors requires steps such as: seeking, as much as possible, to quantify the results and present them with corresponding indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (for example, confidence intervals); avoiding relying solely on statistical inference tests that convey no relevant quantitative information; discussing the eligibility of the experimentation units; supplying detailed information about randomization and about the observations; discussing the reasonableness of the results, as well as the possible limitations of the method used; specifying the software employed; restricting tables and graphics to the amount necessary to explain the foundations of the article and their robustness; avoiding tables with too many topics and duplication of data; defining statistical terms, abbreviations and symbols used in the article.


Authorship contribution

An author is defined as the person who has effectively contributed to the conception of the study, development, analysis and interpretation of the data, as well as the final version of the text. It is recommended that the article should have no more than four authors. In case the article is written by more than four authors, the editor-in-chief and the editorial staff must be provided with the contribution in detail of each author. In case of doubt about the compatibility between the number of authors and the results presented, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to question the contributions and to refuse submission if deemed appropriate. The journal suggests using the CRediT taxonomy structure:


Manuscript preparation

Upon submission of an article, authorship authorship and the author’s institutional affiliations shall be filled in appropriate spaces in the SciELO System and should not be included in the text.

Authorship information is recorded separately, as metadata, accessible by the editors. Authors whose articles have been published in preprint platforms must fill out a form indicating that this publication has been made, specifying the repository.

The manuscript authorship commits, in the case of producing a version of the article in a language different from that in which it was previously submitted for evaluation in Education and Research, that it will be done based on the final text revised and edited by the Editorial Committee of the journal.

When preparing the manuscript, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • The manuscript may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Articles should be submitted in .DOC or .DOCX (Word for Windows), Times New Roman font, 12-point font size, 1.5 line spacing. Manuscript pages should be numbered sequentially. The body of the manuscript should have a minimum length of 35,000 and a maximum length of 50,000 characters, including spaces and, except the abstract.
  •  The title of the manuscript should be no longer than 15 words and reflect its purpose and content.
  •  The abstract should contain between 200 and 250 words and describe, in an informative manner and without listing topics, the following items: general theme and research problem; objectives; methodology; main results and conclusions. It is recommended that the abstract should be written as a single paragraph, in the active voice, in the third person of the singular, in concise and affirmative sentences. The following items should be avoided: neologisms, bibliographical citations, symbols and abbreviations except those in common use, as well as formulae, equations, diagrams etc., unless absolutely necessary. The journal requires a Portuguese version of the article´s abstract.
  •  The article should have 3 to 5 keywords.
  •  Possible acknowledgements should be cited in a footnote, with no direct or indirect reference to the authorship.


Article submission format

  • Title
  • Abstract (Abstracts should be clear, easily readable)
  • Keywords (3 to 5 words)
  • Names of the authors (the submitted file should not be identified, the names of the authors and their affiliations should come in a separate file).
  • Complete institutional affiliation
  • ORCID of the authors
  • Email of the authors with emphasis on the primary contact
  • Information about article funding
  • Statement informing that the research was approved by an institutional ethics committee
  • Note on research data availability


Digital elements

  • Images (photographs, drawings and maps), tables, charts and graphs should be numbered in Arabic numerals according to the sequence in which they are displayed. The heading should be indicated just above each item. The source of every item should also be indicated. If the image belongs to the materials originally used in the research, it should be followed by the text "Source: data from our research" or "Source: materials created by the author(s)". Maps should include map scale indicators and map keys.
  • Tables, charts and graphs should be sent in their original files. Tables and charts shall not be accepted if sent as images, since they will be edited. The same applies for graphs. Graphs may contain images, but it must be possible to edit texts and numbers.
  • Images must be in JPG format with 300 dpi or higher resolution with dimensions that allow them to be reduced expanded without impairing their readability. All images must be submitted as separate files and named according to their references in the text (e.g., Graph 1).
  • Mathematical formulas displayed in the format of images will not be accepted. All formulas should be displayed in Word or Excel files.


Citations and references

  • Explanatory footnotes can be used when necessary. Notes should be numbered in Arabic numerals according to the order in which they appear in the text.
  • Citations in the text should meet the following criteria:
  1. quotations of up to three linesshould be run in – integrated into the text in the same font size as the text - enclosed in quotation marks and followed by the following information in parentheses: last name of the author of the quote, the year of publication and page numbers;
  2. quotations longer than three lines should be set off as block quotations – that is, in a new paragraph with a hanging indent of 4 cm on the left, 11-point font, without quotation marks;
  • References must comply with the technical standard NBR 6023, dated November 14, 2018, from the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). Only the works cited throughout the text should appear in the bibliography, which should be listed under the title References at the end of the article and on a separate page.


JESUS, Denise Meyrelles de et al. Avaliação e educação especial: diálogos sobre diagnósticos, planejamento e rendimento escolar nas salas de recursos multifuncionais. In: MENDES, Enicéia Gonçalves; CIA, Fabiana; D'AFFONSECA, Sabrina Mazzo (org.). Inclusão escolar e a avaliação do público-alvo da educação especial. São Carlos: ABPEE, 2015. p. 327-348.

MENDES Enicéia Gonçalves; MATURANA, Ana Paula Pacheco Moraes. O apoio à escolarização de estudantes com deficiência intelectual: salas de recursos multifuncionais e/ou instituições especializadas? Revista Pedagogia em Ação, Belo Horizonte, v. 8, n. 2, p. 1-23, jul./dez. 2016.

SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa. A crítica da razão indolente: contra o desperdício da experiência. São Paulo: Cortez, 2007.


Supplementary documents

Education and Research requests that all authorship information (institutional affiliation, biography, research groups, etc.) be sent in a separate Word document, named 'about the authorship.'

If there is an ethics committee approval form, the document should also be submitted as supplementary material.

Articles published in preprint should include the Open Science Compliance Form, available on the SciELO website.

Articles or research that have used any AI tool must notify and specify its use through the AI use Declaration Form.


Conditions for submission

All articles resulting from original research must be submitted with a footnote on the cover page regarding 'Data Availability', stating that the dataset is publicly available, and how to access it. The data must always be available for eventual consultation, subject to access restrictions imposed by the material characteristics of the data and/or their production method.

It is necessary to indicate in the note the level of access defined for data usage, as mentioned in the Open Data item.

It is recommended that the data, methodological instruments, and/or materials of analyses underlying the article and used in the conception and execution of the research be properly cited in the text and listed in the references section, if possible referring to their location in a repository and with a persistent identifier such as the DOI.

Education and Research does not accept concurrently processing two articles of the same authorship, whether individual or collective. That is, until one article is published, another cannot be submitted for evaluation, even if the articles have different co-authors. If any member of the authorship already has an article in process, they must wait for the process to finish before making a new submission


Declaration of conformity with the journal's rules

As part of the submission process, the author(s) must ensure that their article abides by the rules below. Manuscripts that fail to be in line with these rules will be returned to authors.

  1. The manuscript is unpublished and is not being simultaneously submitted to another journal.
  2. The author and eventual co-author know and declare to agree with the journal's editorial policies for the publication of articles
  3. The title of the article is no longer than 15 words.
  4. The size of the text is within the limits established by the journal: between 35,000 and 50,000 characters (including spaces and references), disregarding the abstract.
  5. The abstract does not exceed the limits established: between 200 and 250 words.
  6. The references comply with the publishing instructions NBR6023 and NBR10520, set forth by ABNT.
  7. The text to be submitted to peer-reviews does not identify its author or the institution the author is associated with. Information about the author(s) will be recorded only as metadata, being accessible to the publishers only.
  8. The author(s) is/are aware that, in case the manuscript is approved for publication, the respective abstract must be sent together with the article´s title and keywords translated into Portuguese.
  9. The author declares that the coauthor(s) of the article is/are aware it is being submitted to Education and Research and that no coauthor will be allowed to be included or excluded after submission.
  10. The author confirms that the form SciELO-Preprints of Compliance with Open-Science has been filled out and attached to the files submitted for assessment.
  11. The author is aware that a new article of their own cannot be submitted for assessment which the editorial process is in progress.
  12. The authorship confirms that they have selected two or more areas of knowledge from CNPq in which their article fits below and include in the "Message to the editorial board" field. Click here to access the list.
  13. Research Data, when not available in the article, should be included in institutional repositories with open access. This information should appear in a footnote, indicating the website and/or link for access.


Sponsors and funding agencies

Education and Research, as an institutional publication of the Faculty of Education of USP, receives annual financial support from the Agency of Libraries and Digital Collections (ABCD - USP) through its registration in calls promoted by the USP Journal Support Program. It also seeks financial resources from national funding agencies for research and higher education (CAPES and CNPq). These resources are generally allocated to cover the costs of grammatical and linguistic revision services and XML markup services for approved articles. These services are carried out by third parties, through contracting and in accordance with the rules defined by specific legislation for the acquisition of goods and/or services.

Additionally, the Faculty of Education of USP (FEUSP) provides institutional support by providing physical space and professionals for the journal's Secretariat, which thus has a structured room and a Technical Team composed of two employees responsible for the technical and operational services required by the journal.


Additional information

The response time to submissions (acceptance or refusal) is, on average, six months, but varies according to the complexity of the evaluations and any modifications suggested and made. The dates of receipt and approval of each contribution will be informed in the published text. It is up to the Editorial Committee to define, for each volume of the journal, the criteria for gathering the already approved articles.



Faculty of Education at the University of São Paulo
Av. da Universidade, 308 - Library, 2nd floor, room 205, Cep: 05508-040,
São Paulo SP, Brazil,
Tel./Fax.: (55 11) 30913520 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil


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