ISSN 0100-5502 printed version
ISSN 1981-5271 on-line version



Editorial policy

The Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica (Brazilian Medical Education Journal) publishes original articles, review articles, experience reports, essays, letters to the editor and book reviews about relevant themes in the area of medical education. RBEM follows the Gold Open Access open access policy and its articles are made available with full access, free of charge, and adopts the rolling pass publication system. Special editions are published at the discretion of the Editorial Board. The works are evaluated by means of peer review, with anonymity of the authors and reviewers preserved.

The Journal is standardized following the Uniform Requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME), available on the website The RBEM adopts the Code of Ethical Conduct and Fundamental Practices recommendations published by the Commitee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at and

The linking of all authors to ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is mandatory.

RBEM accepts a preprint article.

Articles must be submitted via the electronic system ScholarOne ( in Portuguese, English or Spanish (no language change is allowed at any stage after submission) and addressed exclusively to RBEM. Simultaneous submission to any other publication is forbidden. RBEM considers duplicated publication or fragmented publication of the same study an ethical violation. Tools to identify similarity of texts are used by the Journal to detect plagiarism.



Editorial: responsibility of the editors or guest researchers (up to 2,000 words).
Structure of the manuscript:

  • (Free development)

Original article: articles resulting from original theoretical or empirical research (up to 5,000 words).
Structure of the manuscript:

  • ABSTRACT (Sections: Introduction, Objective, Method, Result, Conclusion)

Essay: article with critical analysis on a specific theme related to medical education (up to 3,000 words).
Structure of the manuscript:

  • ABSTRACT (Sections: Introduction, Development, Conclusion)
  • (Free development)

Review article: article based exclusively on secondary sources, containing critical review of literature pertinent to the scope of the Journal (up to 5,000 words).
Structure of the manuscript:

  • ABSTRACT (Sections: Introduction, Objective, Method, Result, Conclusion)

Experience report: article that presents innovative experience in medical education, along with pertinent theoretical reflection (up to 3,000 words).
Structure of the manuscript:

  • ABSTRACT (Sections: Introduction, Experience report, Discussion, Conclusion)

Letter to the editor: comment on materia published in previous editions of the Journal, texts on findings in dissertations and theses and notes or opinions on matters of interest to the readers (up to 1,200 words).
Structure of the manuscript:

  • (Free development)

Book review: critical analysis (with reflexions and impacts for readers) of publications launched in Brazil or abroad (up to 1,200 words).
Structure of the manuscript:

  • (Free development)

The word count starts from the Introduction and excludes references.

Information about the institution involved in the research in the body of the article must be highlighted in black to hide the data.



Submission fee: no fee is charged for submitting articles.

Publication fee: R$ 1,000.00. If the author wants a complete translation of the article into English, an additional fee of R$ 500.00 will be charged.

  • Discount: if there is at least one author associated with ABEM, there is a discount of R$ 200.00.

Erratum: if there is a need to correct the names of the authors after the publication of the article and it is identified that the main author confirmed the release of the article with the error, there will be a cost of R$ 60.00 for making the erratum.


Format and preparation of the manuscript


File: Word, A4 paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm ou 8.3" x 11.7").

Font: Arial 11, line space of 1.5 and margins of 2.0 cm or 0,79" (right, left, top and bottom).

Alignment: Justified.

Section titles: Place 1 of 1.5 space between the text of the previous topic and the title of the subsequent one. They must be in bold and capital letters.

Subtitles: Place 1 of 1.5 space between the text of the previous topic and the title of the subsequent one. They must be in bold and capital letter only the first letter.

Sub-subtitles: Place 1 of 1.5 space between the text of the previous topic and the title of the subsequent one. They must be in bold, capital letter only the first letter and in italics.

Sub-sub-subtitles: Place 1 of 1.5 space between the text of the previous topic and the title of the subsequent one. They must be in bold, capital letter only the first letter, in italics and underlined.

Citations up to 3 lines: It must be inserted in the text and be enclosed in quotation marks.

Citation with more than 3 lines: It should be a separate paragraph, with a 4 cm indentation from the left margin, single-spaced, in italics and with font 10.

Direct citation in the body of the article: More than 1 author, quote the first and then add et al.

References in the body of the article: They must be in superscript, without parentheses, before punctuation and without space between the word, number and punctuation (examples: medical education1. medical education1,2. medical education1-4. medical education1,5,8-11.).

Footnotes: Will not be accepted.

No supplementary files or attachments will be published.

Preparation of the manuscript

Title: this should contain no more than 15 words and be written in two versions. A version in Portuguese or Spanish, depending on the language of the article, and another in English.

Abstract: this should contain no more than 350 words and be written in two versions. A version in Portuguese or Spanish, depending on the language of the article, and another in English. It must be flowing text and have the sections marked in bold as described in the article category.

Keywords: there should be 3 to 5 words extracted from the Health Science Descriptors (DeCS), available at for abstracts in Portuguese and Medical Subject Heading (MeSH), available at, for abstracts in English.

Illustrative representation: should have title and numbering at the top, which must have a period after it (example: Table 1. Title), and font at the bottom. Abbreviations, if present, must appear in the first line at the bottom (Abbreviations:). The symbols for explanations must be identified with superscript alphabet letters and explained at the bottom with font 10. The maximum number of files is 5.

They must be inserted in the body of the article and named according to the instructions below:

  • Tables: should contain only horizontal borders.
  • Figures: must have good resolution, at least 300 DPI.
  • Frames: must contain horizontal and vertical borders on their sides and in the separation of the houses.
  • Charts: must contain the caption.

References: formatting follows the Vancouver style, according to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals, published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME), available on the website References should be cited numerically and as they appear in the text. The names of the journals must be abbreviated according to the style used in the Index Medicus available at

Examples of references are available at

Number of authors

The maximum number of authors is six. If the number of authors exceeds this number, a letter with justification must be sent to the editor ( No authors may be added after the article has been accepted.

Additional files

Title Page:

  • All authors: name, email, phone, institution, Orcid registration numbers ( and specific contributin to the work;
  • Information about any conflict of interest or lack of such. If there is any financial conflict of interest, the authors shall provide information on the funding, with the project registration number. For studies that directly or indirectly involve humans, the SISNEP project registration number should be provided, as per CNS Resolution 196/96;
  • Acknowledgments, when applicable.

Open Science Compliance Form:

Human Research Ethics Committee (field: Supplemental file NOT for review):

When the research directly or indirectly involves humans, either individually or collectively, the authors should declare that the project has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee, indicating the case number and the institution and attaching the approval document.


Online submission

Online Submission

Manuscripts shall be submitted electronically via the Journal's website (

Author Guide (

Review follow-up

Every article received is assessed for format. Should it fail to meet the standards, the article is returned to the author for correction and resubmission. If the article meets the standards it will be forwarded to the RBEM Chief Editor who will assess the scope pertinence of the article and will forward it to the Associate Editors, and from them to two reviewers registered with RBEM for scientific review of the work.

The reviewers have 60 days to issue their review. The reviews will always be substantiated and present one of the following conclusions: Accept, Minor Revision, Major Revision or Reject.

Types of decisions

Authors who receive feedback with Minor Revision or Major Revision must send a letter to the reviewer answering in detail to the suggested alterations, marking in red all changes to the body of the article. The corrected article shall be sent within 60 days for the article to be reviewed again. Should the authors fail to manifest any response by that deadline, the article will be considered withdrawn.

Articles that receive a review of Reject shall not be published.

Authors who receive a review of Accept shall receive an email informing them of the Journal edition in which the article will be published, as well as information about the fee payable for publication. After payment, the article will enter the publication flow.

Publishing flow The article is sent to the grammatical reviewers and is later send by email to the main author. The main author will have a maximum of 5 days to send the article in its final version.

The article is sent to the desktop publishing. The author will receive by email the proof of the file for conference exclusively of the layout and desktop publishing. The author has a maximum period of 3 days to return the acceptance of the final version that will be published.

If there is no manifestation by the main author by the deadline stipulated in each stage, the article will be canceled.

Articles that have been accepted, reviewed and laid out in desktop publishing shall be published and become property of the Journal.

Authorship and Responsibility

Every person named as an author answers for the authorship of the manuscripts and for have participated sufficiently in the work to bear public responsibility for its content.


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