ISSN 1982-7199 online version |
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Norms for publication: Electronic Journal of Education See also the document Ethics and Disclaimer Policies adopted by REVEDUC P.S.: to present your work, please strictly follow the Template available on the Journal's website. The magazine is multilingual and texts in languages other than Portuguese or Spanish may be translated and presented in the same issue. In these cases, the name, contact email and Individual Taxpayer Registration of the reviewer and translator must appear in the endnote of the manuscript. It should be noted that in the case of translations, the cost of the Portuguese version is the responsibility of the authors. Texts sent for publication must be submitted to the approval of members of the Journal's Internal and External Editorial Board. The opinions will be forwarded to the author, or to the authors for knowledge about their content and reformulation, if applicable. To learn more, see “Peer Review Process”. Only texts derived from empirical or theoretical research carried out by researchers with at least a Master's degree will be accepted for analysis. Works by Master's students only in co-authorship with at least one Doctor. The submission must be original and unpublished, and the author must declare that it is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor". Submission and publication of articles are free. The following sections make up this journal:
The following sections are retired in 2020: Image Analysis; Analysis of Didactic Material; Debates; Documents; Interviews (in continuous demand); Case studies; Great Authors of Education; Nominees; Reviews and Experience Reports. Other sections may be created by the Journal's Editors. 1. THE TEXT
P.S.: For keywords in Portuguese, search the Thesaurus in education available at: 2 - SUBMISSION REGISTRATION 2.1 - The data of all authors (in the order they will be published) must be informed via the proper page of the REVEDUC-UFSCar environment at the time of submission: first name, last name, email, ORCID id, institution of affiliation, mini-curriculum with brief professional information (maximum 50 words). 2.2 - Titles, abstracts and keywords must be filled in in Portuguese, English and Spanish in the fields indicated at the time of submission, authors must also indicate the subjects and area of knowledge of the submitted manuscript. 2.3 - Summary (from 200 to 250 words) highlighting the objective, method and conclusions of the work. The text of the abstract, written in a single paragraph, using the verb in the third person, must be free of direct or indirect quotations, symbols or contractions that are not commonly used, and formulas and equations that are not absolutely necessary. 2.4 - Keywords (up to four words), which represent the content of the article (in the three languages already indicated); 2.5 - Indication of the funding or work promotion agency, when applicable. 2.6 - Titles and subtitles must contain a maximum of 15 words, including articles, prepositions, conjunctions, between others; they must be concise, clearly indicated (in the three languages already indicated). Revista Eletrônica de Educação reserves the right to modify the text, when necessary, without harming its content, with the aim of standardizing the presentation, and may also reformulate the language, when necessary. 3. QUOTES 4. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES 5. NOTES 6. ACRONYMS 7. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES |
In order for accepted articles and essays to be published in REVEDUC, the authors must provide a grammatical review of the text and abstract (including them in a foreign language), by a professional with experience in the area, whose full name and Individual Taxpayer Registration must appear in the final note. The respective charges are the responsibility of the authors. |
The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties. |
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Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação
Revista Eletrônica de Educação
Via Washington Luis, km 235, CEP 13565-905 - São Carlos, SP, Brasil