ISSN 1414-5138 printed version
ISSN 2318-1982 on-line version


Guidelines for authors

GUIDELINES FOR PUBLICATION IN Serie-Estudos Journal, a publication by the Dom Bosco Catholic University’s Graduation Program in Education

1. Serie-Estudos Journal receives articles that were not published yet, that are not in the evaluation process of any other journal from the field of education; it receives articles that result from theoretical studies, researches, reflections on controversial practices and debates. At least one of the authors must have a Ph.D. degree. The article can be signed by up to three authors.

2. Articles can be submitted in Portuguese, English, or Spanish.

3. The approval of an article depends on the opinion of the Editorial Board members, or ad hoc collaborators. Choosing articles to publication takes into account their contribution to education and the editorial line of the Journal, topic’s originality, or the way it was dealt with. It also considers the coherence and rigor of their theoretical and methodological approach.

4. Changes in the structure or content of an article suggested by reviewers/Editorial Commission will only be carried out with acceptance by its authors.

5. Articles must have, at least, 30.000 characters, and, at most, 50.000 with spaces. It includes abstract, references, and footnotes.

6. Serie-Estudos Journal also publishes reviews and interviews.

Reviews should not exceed the limit of 10.000 characters with spaces. It must mention the work reviewed or commented. Its formatting rules are the same as the ones for articles.

Interviews should be conducted with individuals that have been publishing nationally and internationally relevant inedited works in the specific area of education.

7. An article should be submitted via the online submission system available at It must not contain any identification of authorship.

8. Articles and other items aiming publication should be written using Microsoft Word text editor (Word). Formatting rules are given at the end of this page.

9. Authors must use the author-date system (Author, date; or Author, date, p. X). Example: (PANIAGO, 1989), (SILVA, 1989, p. 95). Different works by a single author and published in the same year must be followed by a differentiating letter after the year of publication, as in the example: (GARCIA, 1995a), (GARCIA, 1995b).

10. References must list only authors and works used in the article, in alphabetical order according to ABNT, NBR 6023. Submissions with no references, or if they are not accordingly to the norms, will not be evaluated. Examples of ABNT’s norms can be found at the end of this page.

11. Footnotes must be explanatory only. They must be numbered and placed at the end of each page.

12. Articles must have a title, three keywords, and an abstract (Portuguese, English, Spanish). Each one of them must contain, at least, 1.000 characters with spaces, and must not exceed 1.500 characters with spaces.

13. Images and their titles must be submitted separately as JPG, TIF, WMF or EPS files. There must be a notice in the article indicating where these separate files should be placed.

15. Once a paper is published, the Journal is entitled to its copyright, including the rights to translation. It allows its quotation in transcriptions with the due source cited.


Guidelines for formatting rules

Use 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1.5 spacing; same font for titles and sections.
Main title and subtitles must be put in bold, with the first letter in upper-case.
To highlight words inside paragraphs, use italics only; use 1.25 cm tabulation; paragraphs and subtitles must be separated with double Enter.
For long quotations, use 11-point Times New Roman font, distant from the main text by double Enter, indented 4 cm from the left margin.
Articles not formatted under these rules will not be evaluated.


Guidelines for references using ABNT


Books of only one author

MARQUES, Isabel A. A linguagem da danca: arte e ensino. Sao Paulo: Digitexto, 2010.

Books by two authors

STRAZZACAPPA, Marcia; MORANDI, Carla. Entre a arte e a docencia: a formacao do artista da danca. Campinas: Papirus, 2006.

Books by more than three authors

STRECK, Danilo et al. Educacao popular e docencia. Sao Paulo: Cortez, 2014.


SILVA, Vivian Batista da. Os manuais pedagogicos em Portugal e no Brasil, de 1870 a 1970: um estudo sobre a constituicao do ensino como objeto de ensino. Revista de Educação Publica, Cuiaba, v. 15, n. 29, p. 137-150, set./dez. 2006.

Book chapter

LEENHARDT, Jacques. Crítica de arte e a cultura no mundo contemporaneo. In: MARTINS, Marie Helena (Org.). Rumos da Critica. Sao Paulo: Senac/Itau Cultural, 2000. p. 19-28.

Dissertation (doctoral)

BARREIRA, L. Historia e historiografia: as escritas recentes da historia da educacao brasileira (1971-1988). 1995. 220f. Tese (Doutorado em Historia da Educacao) - UNICAMP, Campinas, 1995.

Papers presented in conferences

CORREIA, Antonio Carlos da Luz; SILVA, Vivian Batista da. Uma historia de leituras para professores: manuais pedagogicos, formacao docente e construcao de identidades profissionais em Portugal e no Brasil (1930-1970). In: CONGRESSO DE LEITURA DO BRASIL - COLE, 14., 2003, Campinas, SP. Anais... Campinas: COLE/UNICAMP, 2003. p. 1-15.


Submission of texts and editorial standards

As part of the submission process, the authors need to comply with all items presented below. Submissions that do not comply with these rules will not be accepted.

  1. It was informed the ORCID ( of every author in the moment of submission.


Copyright standards

Série-Estudos Journal allows its total republication in other publication with the editor’s written permission, since the source journal (Série-Estudos Journal) is quoted properly, and a copy of the new publication is addressed to it. Partial republication, with more than 500 words, tables and figures must be allowed by the authors.
Copyrights for articles published in this journal belong to the author, and the journal has first publication rights. Since they appear in this public access journal, they are free articles with their own attributions in educational and non-commercial applications.


Privacy policy

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and are not made available for other purposes or to third parties


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