ISSN 1518-5370 printed version
ISSN 1982-0305 on-line version




Teias has as its scope the publication of original scientific/academic papers, the encouragement of research and debate in the area of Education, centered on relations with society. It publishes original papers written by Brazilian or foreign authors. Papers submitted for publication in electronic media - unpublished - cannot be simultaneously submitted for evaluation in another journal. It is organized quarterly by thematic section, in which only works aligned with the pertinence field of the proposed theme are accepted; in addition, it receives papers for the other sections of the Journal in continuous demand.


Focus and Scope

Teias has as its scope the publication of original scientific/academic papers, the encouragement of research and debate in the area of Education, centered on relations with society. It stands out as a plural institutional Journal, due to the plurality assumed as an editorial norm, as evidenced by the composition of the Editorial Board, made up of national and international researchers. It publishes original papers written by Brazilian or foreign authors. Papers submitted for publication in electronic media - unpublished - cannot be simultaneously submitted for evaluation in another journal. Teias publishes texts of research and essays, composing the different sections of the journal: Thematic Section, On the Agenda, Papers, Interviews, Links, Essays and Reviews. It is organized quarterly by thematic section, in addition to the other sections of the Journal and papers in continuous demand. Having defined the theme of the section, invited editors recognized in the thematic field, propose the corpus and make the call for the section, organizing it for publication. In this thematic section, therefore, only works aligned with the pertinence field of the proposed theme are accepted. The works, preferably, should be written in Portuguese. More details can be seen in Section Policies. For works in a foreign language, the Journal reserves the right to publish such paper in the original language or in translation, in accordance with the Editorial Committee’s decision and the author’s consent. Each paper, after previous review by the Editorial Team, is evaluated by the blind review with at least two reviewers, who take into account the editorial criteria of the Journal in their analysis. The double-blind review system ensures that reviewers have their names kept confidential, as well as authors whose names will be omitted for reviewers in the evaluation process. Reviewers will recommend the acceptance, refusal or reformulation of the works. In case of reformulation, authors will have to resubmit the texts, which will return to the reviewers for final evaluation. The editorial policy of Teias considers the following categories for text evaluation: content, form, originality, relevance, timeliness and suitability to the editorial scope. The Teias Journal does not charge any value for the publication of papers! Currently it has only the financial support of the Graduate Program in Education (Proped/UERJ) that edits it.


Section Policies

Positioning of the Journal, formulated by the General Editor, in relation to the theme and the texts organized in the presented issue, urging readers and researchers to critically read the papers and the other sections included in the volume.

Thematic section
The thematic section is proposed by invited editors, as defined in a rotation system of the research lines of the Graduate Program in Education (Proped/UERJ) that edits the Journal. Having made the public call, the texts must be consistent with the theme and the proposed corpus, submitted specifically to the section to which they compete. The section is therefore composed of texts relating to the presentation of research results of empirical or conceptual nature, exclusively on the theme defined for the section, in the number corresponding to the Journal limited between 25,000 and 45,000 characters (spaces, notes and bibliographic references included).

On the Agenda
Texts related to the presentation of research results of an empirical or conceptual nature, related to the theme of the issue corresponding to the Journal that did not enter the thematic section but were presented in continuous demand, limited between 25,000 and 45,000 characters (spaces, notes and bibliographic references included).

Texts related to the presentation of research results of empirical or conceptual nature, not necessarily related to the theme of the issue corresponding to the Journal, limited between 25,000 and 45,000 characters (spaces, notes and bibliographic references included).

Colloquium of scientific character, held between professors, researchers and national and international personalities, related to the theme of the issue corresponding to the Journal, limited between 20,000 and 25,000 characters (spaces, notes and bibliographic references included).

Colloquium of scientific nature, held with professors, researchers and national and international personalities, related to the theme of the issue corresponding to the Journal limited between 20,000 and 25,000 characters (spaces, notes and bibliographic references included).

Text relating to the presentation of research results of empirical or conceptual nature, of international authorship, of a non-Brazilian researcher and not living in Brazil, in original or translated language, related to the theme of the issue corresponding to the Journal, limited to between 20,000 and 40,000 characters (spaces, notes and bibliographic references included).

Analytical or interpretative study, not exhaustive and not conclusive, related to the theme of the issue corresponding to the Journal, limited to 25,000 characters (spaces, notes and bibliographic references included).

Book review of the area, preferably related to the theme of publishing, published in Portuguese at a time of at most one year of the semester scheduled for publication of the number of Teias that will contain it, limited between 8,000 and 10,000 characters (spaces, notes and bibliographic references included).


Peer Review Process

Originals submitted to thematic numbers and/or sections in continuous demand are evaluated by reviewers (reviewers, at least two) indicated by the Editorial Committee of Teias, guaranteeing anonymity to the authors and reviewers (double blind review). In case of discrepant evaluations, the text will be sent to a third reviewer and, finally, the decision will be made by the Editorial Board. A copy of the opinions will be sent to the authors. Authors of papers accepted for publication may be requested to reformulate and/or proofread the text based on the comments contained in the opinions. At the discretion of the Editorial Board, when necessary, and in view of the recommended volume of texts and demand, the best rated papers by the reviewers will be chosen, according to the interest, originality and articulation of the paper with the discussion of the theme proposed in the issue of the Journal.


Teias in its electronic format is published quarterly, with four annual numbers, corresponding to Jan.-Mar.; Apr.-Jun.;Jul.-Sept.; and Oct.-Dec., each published until the second month of the period. Teias may also have a special edition in the year, depending on the demand and the emergence of new themes.

Open Access Policy

Teias offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle of free availability of scientific knowledge to the public, which can provide greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.


The Teias Journal uses the LOCKSS system, favoring the creation of a file system distributed among the participating libraries, and allowing them to also create permanent archives of the Journal for preservation and restoration. Learn more...



SEER | Ibict – Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas –
Portal do Conhecimento Nuclear – Portal LivRe! –
Diadorim | Ibict – Diretório de Políticas de Acesso Aberto da Revistas Científicas Brasileiras –
Sumários ORG - Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras


European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) –
BASE – Bielefeld Academic Search Engine ­­­­­–
EZB – Electronic Journals Library –
DRJI – Directory of Open Access Journals Indexing –
Clase – CLASE. Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades – Dirección General de Bibliotecas, UNAM –
Latindex – Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, en Caribe, España y Portugal (México) –


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