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Print version ISSN 0102-4698On-line version ISSN 1982-6621

Educ. rev. vol.39  Belo Horizonte  2023  Epub Nov 30, 2023 



MARIA LÚCIA DE RESENDE LOMBA1  , Bibliographical research, writing the text, and reviewing the final writing

LÚCIA HELENA SCHUCHTER 2   , Bibliographical research, writing the text, and reviewing the final writing

1Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil.

2E. M. Dr. Adhemar Rezende de Andrade. Juiz de Fora (MG), Brazil


This article aims to present, from a historical and reflective perspective, concepts and theoretical references about teaching and teacher training in basic education, highlighting its challenges. This is a bibliographical research that presents an epistemological diversity on the themes of teaching and teacher training, anchored in authors such as Nóvoa (1995; 1999; 2009; 2017; 2019); Gatti (2020; 2021); Gatti et al. (2019); Freire (2005); and Teixeira (2007), between others. The body of this text has as materiality a cut of two doctoral theses (LOMBA, 2020; SCHUCHTER, 2017); journal articles, interviews, and book chapters. The study highlights the need for engagement by teachers in their training paths and the exercise of their profession, regarding thinking about strategies and possibilities for the new challenges imposed on education that permeate society, school life, and professional training. Teachers and their peers, collectively, can make achievements and ruptures with inefficient educational models, promoting more favorable working conditions and actions for the necessary changes in the search for quality education. It is suggested that public training policies are a right, a necessity, and a co-responsibility of teachers and educational institutions. It is expected that teachers analyze, understand, and intervene consciously and critically in their reality, in their profession, and their training, aiming at social transformation.

Keywords: Teaching; basic education; teacher training; professorship; teaching profession


Este artigo objetiva apresentar, numa perspectiva histórica e reflexiva, conceitos e referenciais teóricos sobre docência e formação de professores/as na educação básica, destacando seus desafios. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica que apresenta uma diversidade epistemológica acerca dos temas docência e formação de professores/as ancorada em autores como Nóvoa (1995; 1999; 2009; 2017; 2019); Gatti (2020; 2021); Gatti et al. (2019); Freire (2005); e Teixeira (2007), entre outros. O corpo deste texto tem como materialidade o recorte de duas teses de doutorado (LOMBA, 2020; SCHUCHTER, 2017); artigos de periódicos, entrevistas e capítulos de livros. O estudo aponta a necessidade de engajamento por parte dos/as professores/as em seus percursos formativos e no exercício de sua profissão, no que tange a pensar estratégias e possibilidades para as novas demandas impostas à educação que perpassam a sociedade, a vida escolar e a formação profissional. Docentes e seus pares, coletivamente, podem grassar conquistas e rupturas com modelos educacionais ineficientes, promovendo condições mais favoráveis ao trabalho e ações para as mudanças necessárias na busca por uma educação de qualidade. Sugere-se que as políticas públicas de formação são um direito, uma necessidade e uma corresponsabilidade de docentes e instituições educacionais. Espera-se que professores/as analisem, compreendam e intervenham consciente e criticamente em sua realidade, em sua profissão e em sua formação, visando à transformação social.

Palavras-chave: Docência; educação básica; formação de professores/as; professoralidade; profissão docente


Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar, en una perspectiva histórica y reflexiva, conceptos y referentes teóricos sobre la enseñanza y la formación docente en la educación básica, destacando sus desafíos. Se trata de una investigación bibliográfica que presenta una diversidad epistemológica sobre los temas de la enseñanza y la formación docente, anclada en autores como Nóvoa (1995; 1999; 2009; 2017; 2019); Gatti (2020; 2021); Gatti et al. (2019); Freire (2005); y Teixeira (2007), entre otros. El cuerpo de este texto tiene como materialidad un corte de dos tesis doctorales (LOMBA, 2020; SCHUCHTER, 2017); artículos de revistas, entrevistas y capítulos de libros. El estudio apunta para la necesidad de compromiso por parte de los docentes en sus caminos formativos y en el ejercicio de su profesión, en cuanto a pensar estrategias y posibilidades para los nuevos desafíos impuestos a la educación que permean la sociedad, la vida escolar y la formación profesional. Los docentes y sus pares, en conjunto, pueden realizar conquistas y rupturas con modelos educativos ineficientes, promoviendo condiciones más favorables para el trabajo y acciones para los cambios necesarios en la búsqueda de una educación de calidad. Se sugiere que las políticas públicas de formación sean un derecho, una necesidad y una corresponsabilidad de los docentes y las instituciones educativas. Se espera que los docentes analicen, comprendan e intervengan consciente y críticamente en su realidad, en su profesión y en su formación, visando la transformación social.

Palabras clave: Magisterio; educación básica; formación del profesorado; profesorado; profesión docente


Teaching is something of the order of delicacy, as much as it is of the order of the human, the political, and the caring. (TEIXEIRA, 2007, p. 434).

We understand that each education professional, in their context of life and profession, builds their identity, their professionalism, their pedagogical practice, and their training path, because, as António Nóvoa tells us, there are many ways of teaching and becoming a teacher. However, in all of them, “it is essential to understand the complexity of the profession in all its dimensions: theoretical, experiential, cultural, political, ideological and symbolic” (LOMBA; FARIA FILHO, 2022, p. 1). According to Lomba and Faria Filho, for Nóvoa this professional teaching knowledge is contingent, collective, and public. It is supported by this certainty that he defends a new training model, “that guarantees teachers spaces and times for the development of self-knowledge and self-reflection on the personal, professional and collective dimensions of teaching” (LOMBA; FARIA FILHO, 2022, p. 1).

Producers of knowledge that they are, teachers have long been perceived as professionals in human interactions, considering them as the essence of their work, and such interactions can drive changes in their practices and their professional identity (TARDIF; LESSARD, 2014, p. 257).

From this perspective, Teixeira (2007) proposed to thematize the raw material from which teaching is made. His search was for “the origin, what founds, what begins, without which one cannot speak of a master, nor a teacher, nor a school worker, nor an education professional” (TEIXEIRA, 2007, p. 428). For the author, the social relationship - embedded in culture, mediated by knowledge and cultural memory - between teachers and students is the material from which teaching is constituted.

One does not exist without the other. Teachers and students constitute, create, and recreate each other, in an invention of themselves that is also an invention of the other. […] We are, therefore, in the domains of otherness. […] Present in the human and life in common, we are in the domains of the social, of culture, of the polis. We are in the political domain. Once originated in social interactions present in the scenario of common life, the teaching condition is also of the political order. (TEIXEIRA, 2007, p. 429-430).

Teixeira (2007) develops the argument that such a relationship, present in the school and classroom territories, “could favor or disfavor, prevent or carry out emancipatory and humanizing experiences, or its inverse in the ethical and aesthetic (in)finishes implicated in it” (TEIXEIRA, 2007, p. 433). Therefore, teaching is woven, and composed, in the social relationship between teacher and student.

Such considerations about teaching provoke us to think: what responsibilities are expected of the teaching professional? This question encourages discussion around their training, their profession, and their identity. The considerations in this article about teaching, initial and continuing training are guided by the following questions: what is up to the teacher in his/her training path? How does he/she constitute himself/herself, identify himself/herself and form himself/herself, throughout his/her career and in his/her work environments? How have public teacher training policies been created?

Diagnoses regarding the educational scenario reveal a crisis regarding teacher training models. The studies carried out by Gatti (2010; 2013; 2014; 2021) and Gatti et al. (2019) point out an insufficiency in terms of the curricular part dedicated to the specific training of teachers in preparing graduates to develop work in basic education. Specifically in this article, we will address training for the initial years of Elementary School (ES) and Kindergarten Education (KE), considering training that allows teachers to understand and problematize social reality and work.

In his research, Gatti (2021) demonstrates that national policies and programs have not yet had the expected effects, for two main reasons: discontinuity in implementations or successive reformulations and the fragmentation of actions between various government bodies. The author also notes that there is a lack of monitoring of educational policies; evaluation of management models; verification of the role of agents; financing employment analysis; monitoring in policy design; and evaluation addressing quality issues, problems, and effects in its purposes, among other issues.

Based on the announced problematization, this article aims to present concepts and theoretical references about teaching and teacher training in basic education, highlighting its challenges and perspectives. This is bibliographical research with an epistemological diversity regarding the themes of teaching and teacher training, anchored in authors such as Nóvoa (1995; 1999; 2009; 2017; 2019), Teixeira (2007), Gatti (2020; 2021), Gatti et al. (2019), Freire (2005), among others. The body of this text has as its materiality an excerpt from two doctoral theses (LOMBA, 2020;3 SCHUCHTER, 2017 4); journal articles, interviews, and book chapters.

To situate the discussion and measure the relevance and fruitfulness of the themes proposed here, we will present, from a historical perspective, the concepts constructed around teaching and the identity of the teaching professional throughout the last decades of the 20th century. We will then present fundamental aspects to think about the challenging scenario of teacher training, regarding Resolution CNE/CP nº 02/2019, which defines the National Curricular Guidelines for the Initial Training of Teachers for Basic Education (BRASIL, 2019). Finally, we will make notes and considerations to contribute to the great need evident in the educational field: seeking, thinking collectively, committing to, and practicing meaningful and transformative training.


The word teaching, in its etymological sense, “has its roots in Latin - docere - which means teaching, instructing, showing, indicating, giving to understand” (VEIGA, 2006, p. 468). Ilma Veiga relies on Araújo (2004) to state that the appropriation of the term teaching was registered in the Portuguese language in 1916, being relatively new in the field of education.

Teaching materializes in the actions of contributing to the construction of other people's knowledge and its consequences. For Perrenoud (1993), teachers are and have always been people who exercise a professional profession. This fact generates the existence of different models of professionalism linked to teaching that contribute to the transition from artisanal craftsmanship, from a practice based on pre-established techniques and rules to a profession with strategies guided by objectives and ethics. According to Gimeno-Sacristán (1995, p. 69), teaching work is inserted in a context in which “there is an educational and teaching practice, in an anthropological sense, before and parallel to the schooling specific to a given society or culture”.

Initially, teaching work was carried out for a long time in a non-specialized way by religious and lay people from different backgrounds (NÓVOA, 1999). Thus, teaching as a profession has its origins in religious congregations, which transformed into what the author calls teaching congregations. The author cites as an example the Jesuits and Oratorians who, throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, progressed in the configuration of “a body of knowledge and techniques and a set of norms and values specific to the teaching profession” (NÓVOA, 1999, p 16).

With the advancement of education for the popular classes and the nationalization of teaching, successive movements in favor of the professionalization of teaching advanced in the search for specific training that integrated teachers into a career no longer linked to the “gift” or the “priesthood”, but to the exercise of a profession that is fundamental to the development of society (NÓVOA, 1999).

Regarding the knowledge of teachers, Tardif and Gauthier (2001) maintain that it is based on the technical rationality of the profession, and, in this case, teaching is seen from a more practical perspective, since teachers, in their ability to act, speak and think - endowed with rationality -, find ways to guide their practice. Tardif (2014) adds that teachers, who possess knowledge of different natures, constitute new knowledge through their practices, in association with pre-existing knowledge in the work context.

This new knowledge - which is not separated from the old knowledge - is brought together in the complexity of the individual, involving what he is and what he is becoming. Teaching knowledge was classified by Tardif (2014, p. 39) into professional training (techniques and forms of know-how); subjects taught, and curricular and experiential knowledge, which “are incorporated into individual and collective experience in the form of habitus and skills of knowing how to do and knowing how to be”. In his words, teaching as a social practice implies the establishment of a network of interactions that must be interesting and stimulating due to the need to build environments conducive to the process of learning and professional socialization.

In this line of thought, in Pasquay and Wagner (2001), we find teaching as a specialized activity, based on scientific knowledge, but built based on existing paradigms, and transmitted through generations. For Schön (2000), whose ideas are based on John Dewey's research theory, the teacher must move towards a vision in which practical action generates knowledge. Schön also defends the relevance of practical activities being permeated by reflection. It involves students learning by doing, while the teacher plays the role of advisor, with the main activities in practical teaching such as demonstrating, advising, questioning, and criticizing. The author states the importance of a reflective practice based on knowledge in action, in which knowledge is the component that is directly related to knowing/doing, as it arises in action, is more automatic, routine, and spontaneous, that is, tacit. Knowledge in action presents three types of reflection: reflection on action; reflection in action; and reflection on reflection in action.

Corroborating Schön (2000), Perrenoud et al. (2001, p. 223) state that “becoming a professional teacher is, above all, learning to reflect on his/her practice, not only afterward but at the very moment of action”. According to the authors, being a professional teacher means adapting to unprecedented situations, and learning from experience. In this sense that Freire (1991, p. 58) states that: “No one is born an educator or marked to be an educator. We become educators, we train as educators, permanently, in practice and reflection on practice”.

Complementing this exposition, Tardif and Lessard (2014), based on a sociological approach, understand teaching as a work activity developed in organizations in which teachers interact with other individuals, with whom they carry out exchanges. For the authors, this activity can be understood not only from the technical aspects - specific to the tasks they perform -, but also from the angle of the emotional and interactional activities involved and the interactive experiences that are always immersed.

Other authors, such as Gatti et al. (2019), also clarify and reinforce this relationship, by narrating that, in our societies, it is still schools that introduce children, adolescents, and young people to the mastery of languages and the values associated with them, working with the inquiring and investigative spirit. They conclude by saying that pedagogical work is the essence of school activities and the work of teachers:

Teaching is no longer a spontaneous action, which can be developed by intuitions alone, to become a field of action based on philosophical-social, historical-psychological foundations and foundations of specific practices that demand mastery of knowledge integrated with scientific and humanists for educational action aimed at new generations, in which languages, technologies and interpretative structures constitute its core. (GATTI et al., 2019, p. 19).

The authors cite Maria do Céu Roldão (2005 apud GATTI et al., 2019, p. 191), who understands that the role of teaching is specific and constitutes the singularity of teaching: knowing how to transform content knowledge into teaching so that it is learned and grasped through teaching action. Finally, they define that teaching work has to do with learning knowledge in a meaningful way, and is therefore the bearer of a political commitment, towards the conscious exercise of citizenship, but is also based on the domain of knowledge and relative skills to social life and work.

On the concept, Bruno (2021, p. 29) understands teaching in a broad and interconnected way, “in a composition between teaching, learning, curricula, research, study, management, technologies, devices, etc. and the multiple actions of being a teacher”. The author believes that the term teaching - due to its breadth and complexity - can be expressed in the plural, teaching, as it comprises the actions that involve the teaching and learning processes and that are thought, studied, researched, planned, developed, and practiced by teachers and students.

Along this path, it is essential to recognize the subjectivity and knowledge that each teacher builds throughout their professional life. For Freire (1996), who does not separate the political dimension from the pedagogical one, human action builds history, and each person is consciously and critically responsible for this historical process, which should be based on the values of collective actions, focusing on the common good of humanity.

From this perspective, Nóvoa (2017) also reinforces the relevance of work for the common good, in the public life of an educator, by announcing the five dimensions of teacher training: (1) personal: in which the teacher must be imbued with a personal disposition, in spaces and times that allow for work of self-knowledge and self-construction; (2) professional interposition: in which the profession evolves from an individual matrix to a collective matrix; (3) pedagogical composition: it is the unique, personal way of being a teacher; (4) investigative recomposition: renewal and recomposition of pedagogical work, with research and studies analyzing school realities and teaching work, in collaboration with school colleagues; (5) public exposure: understanding the importance of a public space for collaboration and decision-making regarding educational responsibilities, with critical awareness, participating in the construction of public policies. The author also proposes the need to rethink our institutions and our practices to build training programs that allow us to overcome the distance between universities and schools, highlighting that training is a political, technical, and institutional problem.

In this way, redefining the role and practice of the teacher, recognizing the professional space as a locus of knowledge production and the educator as a historical subject, according to Gatti et al. (2019), some consensuses began to influence initial training research and practices, including reflection on the articulation of theory and practice; valuing the investigative stance; rapprochement between training institutions and schools; valuing the construction of learning communities; and the importance of considering knowledge about teaching and learning. In this sense, the authors also list some common characteristics of effective continuing education initiatives: focus on pedagogical content knowledge; active learning methodologies; prolonged duration; coherence with policies and contexts; and collective participation.

The fact is that it remains a challenge to design a curriculum for teacher training that encompasses the political, ethical, human, aesthetic, technical, and cultural dimensions (GATTI et al., 2019). However, the human and relational aspects of teaching can show us the conditions, tensions, dilemmas, achievements, strategies, and confrontations that are necessary and that are related to teaching work, if they are also seen from a humanized perspective, in a panoramic view - made possible by daily practices, by professionally woven relationships - that contemplates the “school floor”. However, it is pertinent to ask: how are teachers constituted and trained? How and when do you become, identify, and perceive yourself as a professional, capable of mediating, teaching, learning, and contributing to the construction of knowledge with others (students and their peers)?


It is necessary that from the beginning of the process, it becomes increasingly clear that, although different from each other, those who can form someone, can be formed, and re-form, and those who are formed can be formed and form the formed human being. In this sense, teaching is not transmitting knowledge, or content, nor is training an action through which a creative subject gives shape, style, or soul to an indecisive and accommodated body. There is no teaching without teaching, the two explain each other and their subjects [...] are not reduced to the condition of each other's objects. Those who teach learn by teaching and those who learn teach by learning. (FREIRE, 1996, p. 24).

Freire (1996) resizes and tries to break with the reduced conception of teaching as the transmission of knowledge and announces the dialectical process between training the other, training oneself, and being trained, in the intersubjective teacher-student relationship, presupposing an integral education of the human being, in the environment and with others. For Gatti et al. (2019, p. 35), teacher training covers knowledge related to their area of activity, mastery of methodologies and practices essential to the development of their work, and cultural and humanistic training, allowing them to interpret and question the reality of society and his work: “teaching others by forming, and in this relationship continually forming too”.

Considering the reality of each teacher, in their school context, Freire (1996) defends a dialogical relationship and collective learning with their peers, and with other education professionals, so that they can reflect on practice, analyze problems, and build overcoming proposals. Nóvoa (2009) also defends the relevance of this relationship, since, for him, being a teacher means understanding the meanings of the institution, integrating professionally, and learning from those who are more experienced.

To advance our understanding of training for teaching, we rely on Nóvoa (1995) to state that this also includes experiences before professional training: it includes initial and continued training, career organization, salary enhancement, and working conditions, as well as the values and conceptions of each professional and their general living conditions since physical and emotional availability directly interferes with the exercise of the profession. In this sense, the author states that teacher training is not restricted to taking an undergraduate course but results from an entire cultural situation in which the individual is inserted, highlighting all the experience and training acquired as a person and as a social being. For him, professional life and broader social experiences interpenetrate and constitute each other. In this way, there is no separation between the person and the professional, with the identity of teachers being a place of struggles and conflicts, a space for construction, of ways of being in the profession.

In the words of Nóvoa (1995), there has been a shift over the years, which speaks of the need to include new approaches: from a perspective excessively focused on academic dimensions (areas, curricula, disciplines) to a perspective centered on the professional field. This feat is justified since the trajectory and construction of a teacher's professional identity (or professorship) is, according to the author, a unique, complex process, based on the appropriation of the meaning of their personal and professional history.

In line with this, Marcelo (2009) points out that professional identity evolves throughout the career, as a construction of the professional self. Therefore, “it is a relational phenomenon. The development of identity occurs in the intersubjective field” (MARCELO, 2009, p. 12). For him, the weaving of professional identity, or professorship, presupposes a formative process (personal and professional; individual and collective), involves ethical aspects, aesthetic, epistemological, social, cultural, and affective, and mobilizes the need to engage in continued training, which is configured as a learning process.

In this discussion, we return to Nóvoa (2009; 2019), who also states that perspectives related to training encompass personal development (the teacher’s life); the professional (the construction of professionality), and the organizational (the school), going beyond preparing teachers from a technical, scientific, or pedagogical point of view. The author further adds:

There cannot be good teacher training if the profession is weakened. But there also cannot be a strong profession if teacher training is devalued and reduced solely to mastering the subjects to be taught or pedagogical techniques. Teacher training depends on the teaching profession, and vice versa. (NÓVOA, 2017, p. 1131).

In the context of his propositions, we can see that Nóvoa (2017) understands that teaching knowledge is interconnected with scientific disciplines and with practices and work in educational institutions. This movement shows the relationship between what the teacher is and what he teaches, and manifests the necessary process of pedagogical reconfiguration - between convergence and collaboration of theory and practice, in moments of reflection and research, in a whole that involves his personal, professional, and institutional dimensions.

Therefore, we can affirm that training, whether initial or continued, is not something isolated, but a collective construction. Training processes involve learning that requires critical reflections on references accessed and constructed throughout life, involving them in how they define themselves and others, that is, the search for professional identity that develops throughout the profession teacher.


A bird doesn't fly in water. A fish doesn't swim on land. A teacher is not trained in current university environments or mediocre and uninteresting school environments. (NÓVOA, 2019, p. 202).

The words of Nóvoa (2019) worry us: how are university and school environments configured? How can these environments contribute to students and teachers in their initial and continuing training? To situate and map how teacher training has been taking shape, in the historical, political, and institutional scenarios that shape it, we will refer to Gatti (2010; 2013), who coordinated pioneering studies on training in Brazil and already warned us about training aspects, which have not yet been overcome and which present themselves as a chronic and recurring problem.

When analyzing the syllabuses of 71 Pedagogy courses, Gatti (2010; 2013) tells us that the panoramic training found in the training course curricula is insufficient for the future teacher to plan, teach, and evaluate activities, being minimal the curricular part that favors the development of specific professional skills for working in schools and classrooms. The analysis revealed, for example, the fragmentation and dispersion of the curriculum proposed by the training courses; little relationship between theory and practice; the subjects record in an incipient way what and how to teach; few courses propose subjects that address work in KE. Thus, training is poorly integrated into the real school context in which the professional will develop the profession.

Studies have shown that there is a great dispersion in disciplines that respond to contemporary demands - whether disciplines that seek to address cross-cutting themes or those focused on studies on new technologies and education, distance education, and digital inclusion of educators and citizens in general. The researcher also reinforces that, even after the promulgation of the National Education Guidelines and Bases Law (LDBEN) (BRASIL, 1996), important training references are absent or weakly present in most degrees, such as Pedagogy, Literature, Mathematics, and Biological Sciences.

Gatti (2013, p. 56) argues that basic education teachers deserve greater attention from “education counselors, managers, course coordinators, higher education teachers, about their formative initiation - structure, curriculum, and dynamics of degrees” -, particularly pointing to the need to rethink training structures and dynamics, as well as to resituate the role of teacher trainers. For her, we still do not have an answer to the following question: why are not more radical changes happening in undergraduate courses, “for a long time, and through many studies, there has been talk of a crisis in undergraduate courses due to their training weaknesses?” (GATTI, 2013, p. 64).

In an interview with Bruno de Pierro (2018), Gatti resumes the analysis of such studies in the country and reaffirms that deep-rooted problems have persisted since the creation of the first-degree courses, as well as the mentality that to train a teacher it is enough to dominate the knowledge of his/her area, relegating pedagogical knowledge.

In another study, Gatti et al. (2019) show that training and the provision of basic school are related facts. The authors state that the historical trajectory of initial school education shows that education was slow to expand in the country, as well as the training process, which “accompanied the slowness of the basic education developed in Brazil, a country that revealed, throughout of their governments, little interest in the basic education of their population” (GATTI et al., 2019, p. 20). The authors point out that even today the country faces difficulties in having qualified teachers, offering solid training, working conditions, and adequate remuneration. They consider this fact to be one of the persistent and problematic features of Brazilian educational history.

More specifically, when it comes to KE and its definition as the first stage of basic education by LDBEN (BRASIL, 1996), Coelho (2014) shows the requirement for new skills for the structures of the educational system, emerging the need to advance in the institutional field, in the sense of existence and identity of KE, with initial and continued training being a challenge. The author warns that teacher training is directly related to the quality of work and the satisfaction of the professional, who, in their training trajectory, must have access to the specific work (various knowledge, daily practices, and content) that they will perform.

Regarding children's rights, Coelho (2014) notes that, in Brazil, there is a rupture between conception and implementation capacity, which is attributed to several factors, such as the lack of objective conditions, issues of training, management, insufficient staff technicians and the lack of society absorbing the concepts of children, law and child development that are present in speeches and legislation. The author points out that two major lines of action for this confrontation are training and management, also pointing out what she considers most harmful in initial training focused on KE: the absence of specific content about young children and the lack of appreciation of practice, how to do it, that is, Kindergartner Education teachings are not discussed.

Given these assertions and the complexity involved in the learning processes of babies, very young children, and young children, we once again emphasize the need for initial and ongoing training for KE professionals. According to the National Curricular Guidelines for Kindergartner Education (DCNEI-Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Infantil) (BRASIL, 2009), the organization of work proposals in the first stage of basic education must consider interactions and games as work axes; ethical, political and aesthetic principles; and the inseparability between caring and educating. The conception of a child presented in this document is that of an integral being, who relates to the world through his or her body in concrete experiences.

In this understanding, children learn by narrating, touching, experimenting, asking, and interacting, in a complex process mediated by different languages, that is, they are experiences that the child needs to live with their body through games and social interactions. The objective of this proposal is to expand and diversify children's experiences, unlike actions aimed at them in the family environment or activities developed in PE.

It is important to mention that contrary to the DCNEI (BRASIL, 2009), there is a textbook for babies and other children in KE (LOMBA, 2023). Several researchers present concerns and reflections that range from the conception of childhood present in this type of material to the threats it represents to the work proposals that have been constructed for KE since the last decades of the last century. As shown by Cerisara et al. (2002), for some time now the search in the field of KE has been for the construction and development of work projects that critically surpass the old proposals that were merely assistance or preparatory to KE.

Therefore, given this rapprochement between preschool and PE, books need to be better analyzed so that their use is not the only reference for any pedagogical practices with children in KE. For Valiengo, Lima, and Sampaio (2020), it is urgent to reaffirm training - initial and continued - that allows teachers to consciously reflect on the material they work with, privileging cultural choices that promote the child's encounter with wealth and plenitude of literature from the beginning of life.

Therefore, it is essential to consider - both in initial and continuing training courses - the specificities of teaching at each stage of basic education. Especially in KE, Lomba (2020) highlights the necessary emphasis to be given in training, about learning that involves looking and listening to each child, as well as the group as a collective.

It is a pedagogical practice that takes the child into account, which requires training and reflections that involve everything from the teachers' conceptions to the selection and organization of proposed experiences, the definition of times, spaces, and materials, in addition to involvement with the children's families. In the case of teaching that is based on the sphere of emotional ties - considering the uniqueness of each child in their multiple forms of participation - this learning requires continuous training by the teachers with their peers. It also requires the development of dialogue with children, listening to them in their multiple manifestations to build a project specific to each group of children. (LOMBA, 2020, p. 204).

Training that considers such perceptions allows us to reflect and build conceptions of education that are close to a Pedagogy of Childhood (ROCHA, 1999; PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE FLORIANÓPOLIS, 2010), which is based on the development of a teaching practice that respects the rights of child as an integral and developing being, a creative practice capable of expressing what the child and what the teacher thinks, feels and produces (LOMBA, 2020; 2021; 2023).

CNE/CP Resolution number 02/2019: National Curricular Guidelines for the Initial Training of Teachers for Basic Education

Faced with so many pressing needs in teacher training for basic education, recognized scientific educational entities - such as the National Association for the Training of Education Professionals (ANFOPE-Associação Nacional pela Formação dos Profissionais da Educação) and the National Association for Postgraduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPEd-Associação Nacional pela Formação dos Profissionais da Educação) - and other movements organized by universities debate and contest Resolution CNE/CP nº 2/2019.5

Important analyses of this Resolution were carried out in the article “A formatted formation: ANPEd's position on the reference text - National Curricular Guidelines and Common National Base for the Initial and Continuing Training of Basic Education Teachers ( Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais e Base Nacional Comum para a Formação Inicial e Continuada de Professores da Educação Básica)”, available on the ANPEd website (UMA FORMAÇÃO formada …, p. 2), which presents nine reasons for opposing the Resolution:

  1. “One-grade” teacher training;

  2. A training proposal that disregards Brazilian educational thought;

  3. A proposal for teacher training that ignores the inseparability of theory and practice;

  4. A training proposal ‘driven’ by socio-emotional competence;

  5. A hygienic text concerning the social condition of the student;

  6. Training that revamps ideas that didn’t work;

  7. A proposal that encourages fast food training;

  8. Teacher training with little resources;

  9. . Training that does not recognize that the teacher makes curricular decisions.

In addition to the points listed, there is a complaint that this is a pragmatist discourse on education, supported by the idea of economic development, and the right to individual learning to the detriment of a collective education project. The analysis of Resolution CNE/CP nº 2/2019 (BRASIL, 2019) demonstrates a universalist discourse, operated with a homogenizing and negative image of teachers and their training, holding them responsible, almost exclusively, for the low education evaluation results. Such discourse disregards what the field of training has been stating about the relationship between working conditions and teaching professional development ONE formed TRAINING…, 2019).

Among the various criticisms of CNE/CP nº 2/2019 (BRASIL, 2019), it can be said that “it harms teaching and university autonomy, by imposing a single training model, without the necessary debates taking place” (SOBREIRA; JANES, 2021, p. 4). In this debate, the defense is that the graduate students have access to emancipatory training, which allows them to have their choices, since “the aforementioned Resolution insists on a logic of instrumental training, which can subject the graduate student to the mere reproduction of models” (SOBREIRA; JANES, 2021, p. 1).

Analyzing this document, to establish the presence and/or absence of elements representing affirmative actions and post-critical curriculum theory, in the approach to interculturality, Cardoso and Ens (2022), as members of this reality, who enter courses training, found that:

the great challenges and limitations in the direction of intercultural education, represented by the significant absence of intercultural education, an aspect that shows that such challenges continue to be major provocations for Brazilian education since this proposal for teacher training follows the logic of the market, anchored in content, skills, and competencies, which reduces learning to the results of institutional assessments. It is based on aspects focused on teacher accountability and disregard for the social, historical, cultural, and economic conditions of teacher training, in addition to not guaranteeing the social right to quality education for all, in which the articulation of theory and practice is aligned to civic and democratic education and the construction of a more humane and fair society. (CARDOSO; ENS, 2022, p. 20).

The relevance of initial training for the qualification of professionals who will perform the teaching profession in basic education is indisputable. However, following a market logic, the concepts of education, initial training and supervised internship models, and other concepts present in Resolution CNE/CP nº 2/2019, considered harmful to education, deny the specificities of teaching as a broad training, until then affirmed in Resolution CNE/CP nº 2/2015 (BRASIL, 2015). In this movement of resistance to this setback, several national educational entities spoke out against the proposed reformulation of Resolution CNE/CP 2/2015, reaffirming its position in its defense, given that this document:

strengthens a conception of training that is inseparable from a policy of professional development of teachers for training, career, and working conditions and represents an educational consensus on a formative conception of teaching that inseparably articulates theory and practice, within a socio-historical vision, emancipatory and inclusive, defended by academic entities in the field of education. (AGAINST the mischaracterization of teacher training…, 2019, p. 2).

Based on the above, unlike the previous Resolution, the current one presents a content-based proposal, for the development of skills and competencies, reducing learning to the results of assessments, something that we already thought had been overcome. Thus, with the focus on the results at the end of a process, the production of knowledge along a path loses its power of expression in the face of this merely instrumental logic, since its proposal is reduced to “training a technical teacher who only reproduces the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC- Base Nacional Comum Curricular) and does not aim to train a critical and reflective professional” (SOBREIRA; JANES, 2021, p. 3).

We realize, then, that thinking about teacher training requires moving towards a type of knowledge in which one can think about the specificity and complexity that involves teaching, the relationship between theory and teaching practice, the strengthening of identity professional, the interrelationships woven, constructed, and forged in institutions and with professionals.

A training that also takes place through reflections on the teachers' life stories, in conversations and exchange of experiences about pedagogical practices, and also through autobiographical writing.6 This method aims to encourage subjects to write about their memories, memories, subjectivities, and transformations in a critical and committed attitude, linked to dialogical and group sharing (LOMBA, 2021; 2023). It is in this movement that the author states that our personal and professional stories can teach us how capable we can be of transitions, learning, and renewals: changes in points of view and practices.

This perspective points to a conception of training that values subjectivity and understands that teachers' practices are rooted in individual contexts and histories, and not just in the pedagogical theories taught in training centers (NÓVOA, 1988). These are practices and knowledge that constitute the development of each professional’s trajectories.

In this sense, just like Ostetto (2000), Kramer, Jobim, and Souza (1996), we consider the school to be a privileged place of production, and not of transmission of knowledge, that is, it is where training, which takes place in an environment to working conditions, it encourages teachers to talk about their lives, their stories, expanding multiple knowledge. In this case, it is a collective, reflective, conscious, and transformative movement.

Our defense is that the school has the potential to become a training institution - also - for teachers since training is not abstracted from socio-historical conditions and social and professional relationships (SCHUCHTER, 2017). Finally, it is not too much to emphasize and reiterate that training is continuous, as it is inherent to the work of a teacher, and, in this way, “working on training implies also understanding that only pedagogical approaches and theoretical-practical texts are not enough if we do not consider that the teacher is a subject transforming” (BRUNO, 2021, p. 29), as society is continually transforming.

If the world changes, the school needs to follow these changes, as it is part of it and needs to be involved in fulfilling its social and cultural responsibilities. As Gatti (2020) warns us, we need to give new meanings to knowledge and new meaning to basic education, overcoming its merely reproductive or market meaning. However, “change in deep-rooted culture is not a simple process. […] Carrying forward a process of transformation in school education will require conviction in new values and the strong need to change” (GATTI, 2020, p. 38). In this sense, training (initial and continuing), the profession, and teaching work must be accompanied by the intrinsic need to seek new ways of teaching, new methodologies, and new resources, in a world that is changing quickly and frantically, in the cultural, social and technological.


Awareness implies that we go beyond the spontaneous sphere of apprehension of reality to reach a critical sphere. (FREIRE, 2005, p. 30).

Thinking about teacher training, in historical terms, allows us to know and analyze, consciously and critically, the beginnings and evolution of the concepts of the profession and public training policies for basic education, as well as the proposals for undergraduate and continuing training, and the need for debate and analysis of the legislation that governs training and institutions. It also allows us to think about strategies and possibilities for the training demands of our country and for the (always) new challenges, such as those related to constant technological innovations, which, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, have become even more necessary.

Thus, teachers - in their collective educational networks, institutions, work, and society - with a “political commitment and awareness” (FREIRE, 2005) can bring about changes and spread achievements, innovations, appreciation, and ruptures with inefficient educational models. In addition to thinking about methodologies in the classroom, teaching is part of thinking about the curriculum and problematizing issues linked to training policies, the profession, and teaching: bringing about more favorable working conditions and promoting actions for the necessary changes in search for quality education, in a conscious, responsible, and committed process of teacher training, which fosters social transformations.

We highlight Freire (1996, p. 102-103) again in which “the teacher's authority is based on his competence: […] incompetence disqualifies the teacher's authority”. This authority comes with initial and continuing, procedural and collective training, which qualifies teaching and the teaching profession. Thus:

Teacher training can also be generated in the relationship and movement of the social meaning of what is experienced at school [...], in teacher-student relationships, in resistance, in the essence of the work projects, in the transformation of reality, in facing the problems that constantly arise and in alliance with peers - mutual formation. (SCHUCHTER, 2017, p. 190).

The propositions explained here bring powerful elements to indicate the need for openness, engagement, and reinvention by the teachers in their training paths, given that in teaching, as a professional activity, teachers must encourage and mobilize actions - collaborative, interactive, reflective, research and critical - in their training contexts.

As previously presented, the scenario of training and the teaching profession reveals a crisis regarding training models for basic education. This situation expresses the urgent need to review, reframe, and restructure teacher training policies in a more integrated way and with new foundations: a new theoretical and practical approach, in a dialogical bias, between the Ministry of Education, Education Departments, universities, and schools (SCHUCHTER, 2017).

Notably, we need to reinforce that public training policies have proven to be inefficient in their purposes. Therefore, as Schuchter (2017) highlights, it is not too much to insist that such policies are - in addition to a right - a necessity and a co-responsibility of all education professionals and training institutions. It is necessary to think about training - initial and continued - that materializes through a partnership between school and university, via extension projects, research groups, and investigations that evaluate, complement, dialogue, offer subsidies, and propose alternatives, based on the demands and possibilities of training of teachers, articulating knowledge produced in both institutions.

Considering all the complexity that involves the processes of initial and continued training, Lomba (2021, 2022) has demonstrated the importance of autobiographical methods and life stories, seen by Nóvoa since the 1980s, as training instruments for adults who, simultaneously, have a retrospective and prospective view of his life when faced with a current problem. In this process of critical reflexivity, “education is inevitably a work of reflection on life paths” (NÓVOA, 1988, p. 116).

Along this path, teacher training becomes an intersubjective process, which develops throughout life, in which each teacher creates and recreates their training, forming and transforming in a dialectical and continuous process and constituting subjects in the personal, social, cultural, and professional spheres (NÓVOA, 2017; LOMBA, 2021; 2023; LOMBA; FARIA FILHO, 2022). Teacher training, as we have seen, is continually taking shape, based on experiences, choices, the search for training, the cultural and institutional contexts in which teachers are inserted, and the spaces in which they live, interact, and work.


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1 The translation of this article into English was funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq/Brasil.

3The research was carried out with the support of Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).

4The research was carried out with the support of Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG).

5Resolution National Education Council - CNE/CP nº 2, of December 20, 2019, defines the National Curricular Guidelines for the Initial Training of Teachers for Basic Education and establishes the Common National Base for the Initial Training of Teachers for Basic Education (BNC-Formação), establishing the revocation of Resolution CNE/CP nº 2, of July 1, 2015.

6The postdoctoral research of Maria Lúcia de Resende Lomba, called Narrativas autobiográficas de profissionais da educação bśica e a formação continuada: compartilhando experiências por meio da escrita reflexiva, is under development (2023/2024) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Libéria Rodrigues Neves (FaE/UFMG) with support from CNPq. This research begins in 2022, during the first post-doctorate carried out under the supervision of António Nóvoa at the University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Received: November 22, 2022; Accepted: August 30, 2023



The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest with this article.


The Editor-in-Chief participating in the open peer review process: Suzana dos Santos Gomes.

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