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vol.22 issue48Teacher assessment: a complex fieldÍndice de condições de qualidade educacional: metodologia e indícios author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Estudos em Avaliação Educacional

Print version ISSN 0103-6831


BITTENCOURT, Hélio Radke et al. Development and validation of an instrument for evaluating courses in higher education. Est. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2011, vol.22, n.48, pp.91-113. ISSN 0103-6831.

The issue of educational evaluation and, more specifically, the evaluation of courses generates controversy in the context of higher education, chiefly considering the instruments adopted. This article presents the stages of development and validation of an evaluation instrument for undergraduate courses, using Psychometric techniques. A simple and not extensive instrument was created to cover three specific dimensions: 1) general aspects of the course, 2) teacher's teaching action, and 3) self-evaluation (student's action). Among the techniques used in the validation process we highlight interviews with experts and the use of multivariate techniques of Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Regression Analysis. The results obtained from a set of 151,220 instruments, completed by 32,124 students in three academic periods, revealed that the instrument has desirable psychometric qualities as regards its reliability and validity. Additionally, it is argued that evaluation of courses should not be seen as a process disconnected from the institutional pedagogical project, but should also count on the participation of professionals from different areas in developing the instrument and conducting the process, based on a perspective of formative evaluation, aimed at improving student learning.

Keywords : Higher Education; Educational Assessment; Psychometry; Learning Assessment.

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