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Print version ISSN 0104-8481On-line version ISSN 2238-121X


CONTE, Elaine  and  BASEGIO, Antonio Carlos. Metaphors for the construction of hypertext in the educational setting. Rev. Comunic [online]. 2016, vol.23, n.3, pp.127-144. ISSN 2238-121X.

Associated to the understanding of the teaching and learning interfaces with the different technologies, the educational hypertext comes from an interdisciplinary and dynamic perspective, with an epistemological, hermeneutic, emancipatory and social immense potential. It is about investigating through the hermeneutics via the constituent elements of contemporary education, from the interactive and animated senses of the hypertext language, creating a new interface of training made possible between the different cultural looks and the forms of immersion in the world. The work emphasizes the metaphorical concepts that guide the hypertext, supporting some contemporary concepts in the educational setting, which reveal the complexity experienced in network. We conclude that the hypertext digital storytelling can overcome the textual limitations that isolate or fragment the educational discourse, expanding the network senses and meanings, through electronic dynamic that allows plenty of metaphorical reading.

Keywords : Metaphors; Hypertext; Education.

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