Scientific Electronic Library Online

Journals evaluation


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Educ@ is available online. It is an indexing database that provides broad access to collections of scholarly journals in education.

It was implemented in 2010 as an endeavor of Fundação Carlos Chagas (FCC). It uses the SciELO publishing schema to publish online journals on an open access basis in order to enhance the dissemination of academic and scientific output in education.

The database allows publishing full editions of journals, organizing bibliographic and full-text databases with efficient, immediate retrieval of texts based on their contents, and preserving electronic files. Educ@ includes integrated procedures to measure the use and impact of scientific literature through statistical indices, which can be used by experts to analyze the literature feature inthe library. The reports generated through these indices are based on quantitative criteria and bibliometrics techniques and methods.

The methodology also includes journal evaluation criteria that are based on international standards of scientific communication.

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 About this site   

Educ@ uses the SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online – publishing schema, which is a model for electronic publication of scholarly journals. Especially designed to meet the scientific communication needs of developing countries, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean, the methodology provides an efficient solution to ensure visibility for and universal access to scientific literature, thus helping to overcome the “lost science” phenomenon.


The SciELO interface allows access to its journal collection through an alphabetical list of titles, list of subjects, or a journal title search module organized by subject, publisher, and place of publication.

The interface also provides access to the full text of articles through an author index, a subject index, or an article search form that searches for elements such as author, title words, subject, text words, and publication year.
Click on the links at the top of the page to access the respective pages.


Fundação Carlos Chagas
Av. Prof. Francisco Morato, 1565 - Jd. Guedala
05513-900 São Paulo SP - Brasil
Phone: +55 11 3723-3082