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Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)

versión impresa ISSN 1414-4077versión On-line ISSN 1982-5765

Avaliação (Campinas) vol.28  Sorocaba  2023  Epub 05-Sep-2023 


High School National Exam (Enem) under the perspective of the quotas policy at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG)

Thays Santos Souza3  , proposes to investigate the access, permanence and success of people with disabilities in Higher Education (FIRST), carrying out the identification of the local data of the researched institution regarding the insertion of new elements of deepening of the theoretical and methodological foundation, acting in the organization of the article and final revision, writing of the text and the standardization of standards according to the magazine

Lúcia Maria de Assis4  , carrying out the identification of the local data of the researched institution regarding the insertion of new elements of deepening of the theoretical and methodological foundation, acting in the organization of the article and final revision, writing of the text and the standardization of standards according to the magazine

3Universidade Federal de Goiás | Goiânia | GO | Brasil. E-mail:

4Universidade Federal de Goiás | Goiânia | GO | Brasil. E-mail:


This study aims to understand the National High School Examin (Enem) as a mechanism for accessing higher education in Brazil, focusing on the selection process of the Sistema de Seleção Unificada (SiSU) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), from the perspective of the Law n. 12,711/2012 (Quota Law), through a bibliographical and documental review articulating the history of selection processes, with emphasis on Enem and its developments as an instrument of access to higher education. Initially, Enem fulfilled the function of evaluating student performance in secondary education until it became the main selection mechanism for admission to higher education. This assessment, combined with the implementation of the Quota Law, promoted a process of inclusion of black and low-income people at UFG. However, there are still many challenges to be faced, especially in 2022, which marks the last year of validity of the Quota Law and many uncertainties regarding the perspective of its reissue by the National Congress.

Keywords: evaluation; Enem; higher education; quotas; UFC


Este estudo objetiva compreender o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) como mecanismo de acesso à Educação superior no Brasil, com enfoque no processo seletivo do Sistema de Seleção Unificada (SiSU) na Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), sob a perspectiva da Lei n. 12.711/2012 (Lei de cotas), por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica e documental articulando o histórico dos processos seletivos, com ênfase no Enem e seus desdobramentos como instrumento de acesso ao nível superior. Inicialmente, o Enem cumpriu a função de avaliar o desempenho discente no ensino médio até se transformar em principal mecanismo de seleção para ingresso na Educação superior. Esta avaliação aliada à implementação da Lei de cotas, promoveu um processo de inclusão de pessoas negras e de baixa renda na UFG. Entretanto ainda há muitos desafios a serem enfrentados, sobretudo em 2022, que marca o último ano de vigência da Lei de Cotas e muitas incertezas quanto à perspectiva da sua reedição pelo Congresso Nacional.

Palavras-chave: avaliação; Enem; educação superior; cotas; UFG


Este estudio tiene como objetivo comprender el Examen Nacional de Enseñanza Media (Enem) como mecanismo de acceso a la educación superior en Brasil, centrándose en el proceso de selección del Sistema Único de Selección (SiSU) en la Universidad Federal de Goiás (UFG), desde la perspectiva de la Ley n. 12.711/2012 (Ley de Cuota), a través de una revisión bibliográfica y documental que articule la historia de los procesos de selección, con énfasis en el Enem y sus consecuencias como instrumento de acceso a la educación superior. Inicialmente, el Enem cumplió la función de evaluar el desempeño de los estudiantes en la educación secundaria hasta convertirse en el principal mecanismo de selección para el ingreso a la educación superior. Este diagnóstico, combinado con la implementación de la Ley de Cuotas, impulsó un proceso de inclusión de personas negras y de escasos recursos en la UFG. Sin embargo, aún quedan muchos desafíos por enfrentar, especialmente en 2022, que marca el último año de vigencia de la Ley de Cuotas y muchas incertidumbres respecto a la perspectiva de su reedición por parte del Congreso Nacional.

Palavras clave: evaluación; Enem; educación universitaria; cuotas; UFG


Brazilian higher education emerges from conflicts marked by elitism and segregation, directly related to each historical period's social, political, economic, and cultural contexts. In the years after the military dictatorship, there was an intensification of social movements and mobilizations. Brazilian democracy was resumed by enacting the Federal Constitution (CF) of 1988, establishing the guarantees of social rights, including the right to education.

Based on the guarantee of the right to education at all levels, higher education institutions – HEIs1, assumed an essential role in economic, scientific, and social development, through the dissemination of knowledge, learning, and cultures in democratic spaces for dialogue. Chauí (2003, p. 6), understands that “the university as a differentiated and autonomous social institution is only possible in a republican and democratic state”, and that “the university is a social institution and as such it expresses in a determined way the structure and the functioning of society as a whole” (idem, p. 5).

According to Chauí (2003), from the State reform in the 1990s, under the logic of liberal thought, the university came to be seen in the conception of a social organization. A social organization differs from an institution by defining itself by a social practice determined according to a set of particular (administrative) means to obtain a particular objective, that is, the social institution aspires to universality since the organization knows that its effectiveness and success depend on its particularity.

The university, in the social context, has as a challenge the confrontation of national problems, including the fight against exclusionary social issues and the rooted conceptions of prejudice and intolerance, in the construction of a critical society and the strengthening of the exercise of citizenship through teaching, research, and extension.

The discussion on equal opportunities in accessing higher education, considering education as a right for all, is characterized in the context of elitist selection exams, which are opposed to the role of the university as a social institution, as they use classifying and excluding criteria as selection methods.

According to Silva and Veloso (2013), dealing with the category “access” implies articulating the dimensions: of entry, permanence, and qualified training, and only when considering all these variables and dimensions is it possible to overcome a fragmented and immediate view of access to public higher education.

According to the authors, the “admission” dimension has the following indicators: the number of vacancies, enrolment of new entrants, and the format of the selection process. The second dimension “permanence” involves enrolment, graduation rate, and student retention programs. Finally, the third, “qualified education” consists of the academic organization, qualifications, and dedication of the teaching staff, institutional evaluation, management, production, and university autonomy.

In this investigation, we will approach the theme of access from the perspective of the “admission” dimension, its selection mechanisms for entering higher education, based on the policies in force after the 1990s, with the creation of Enem, of Law 12.711/2012 (Quota Law) and its applicability at UFG.

The Enem emerged in 1998 as an evaluation tool, whose main objective was to assess the skills and abilities of students at the end of basic education, allowing their self-assessment (SOUSA, 2011).

Although it is considered a recent policy, Enem is well-established in the national culture and has become part of the Brazilian Education evaluation system with the objective of providing parameters for analysing the quality of the educational process offered by the institutions. However, since 2009, the exam has been used as a mechanism for accessing higher education. The Lula government (2003-2010) implemented a set of programs, projects, and actions under the bias of democratization of access in order to promote more social justice, giving a new direction to access policies aimed at higher education.

Especially between 2004 and 2011, Enem was linked to policies created to democratize access to and permanence in higher education, among which the creation of the Programa de Apoio a Planos de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (Reuni); the creation of the Programa Universidade para Todos (ProUni), the expansion of the Fundo de Financiamento Estudantil (FIES) and the creation of the Sistema de Seleção Unificada (SiSU).

In this context, affirmative action policies were conducted to minimize the regional and social asymmetries that characterize Brazil. Law no. 12,711/2012, known as the Quota Law, was implemented to democratize access for people historically excluded from society, with 50% of vacancies reserved at Universities and Federal Institutes for students who have completed all of their secondary education in public schools, in addition to other criteria such as income and declared black, brown and indigenous people.

In the year 2016, Law no. 13,409, of December 28, 2016, expanded the reservation of vacancies offered by the Federal Educational Institutions (IFES) for people with disabilities. Reserved seats, 50% of the institution's total seats, will be subdivided. Of these, half for public school students with a gross family income equal to or less than one and a half minimum wages per capita and a half for public school students with a family income greater than one and a half minimum wages. In both cases, the minimum percentage corresponding to the sum of self-declared black, brown, indigenous, and disabled candidates in the state will also be taken into account, according to the latest demographic census by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE).

Despite the repeated and pertinent criticisms of standardized and large-scale tests that have been implemented in Brazil since the 1990s (JANELA, 2000; APLLE, 2002; DIAS SOBRINHO, 2003; RAVITCH, 2011; CASASSUS, 2013; GATTI, 2013 among others), Enem constituted a policy that contributed to bringing together several other policies for access to public universities, especially considering that Brazil has one of the worst income distributions in the world and access to higher education is closely related to socioeconomic issues.

2 Theoretikal framework

2.1 Enem: from an evaluation instrument to the main mechanism for accessing higher education in Brazil

According to Afonso (2000), evaluation systems, since the 1990s, mainly in countries like the United States, had as their primary functions those that refer to the selection of individuals for “productivist management” of the educational system. In Brazil, large-scale evaluation emerges and is characterized as an activity affected by political forces with strong influences from central and developed countries from a geopolitical and economic point of view, in which the hegemony of neoliberal ideas prevails, in which the role of the State is minimal regarding the guarantee of social policies, and should stimulate and guarantee the free market.

Still according to the author, the exams were used by the bourgeoisie to replace the discourse of privileges with the rhetoric of competence through study and action. Amid the advance of the capitalist mode of production, the exams served as instruments for verifying the qualifications required by the productive system (AFONSO, 2000).

In Brazil, higher education is marked by the majority presence of students belonging to the economic elite. Popular movements were intense in the sense of putting pressure on public authorities to promote concrete changes in favor of the popular classes and this movement took place in two nuances: the defense of the expansion of vacancies in the public sector, including those belonging to groups historically excluded from society, and, on the other hand, the defense of the privatization of higher education, because federal government funding should be directed towards funding basic education, directing the cost of higher education to private institutions. (SOUSA, 2011).

Brazil in the 1990s, under the governments of Fernando Collor, Itamar Franco, and Fernando Henrique Cardoso, formulated public policies influenced by neoliberal ideas, proposing an economic reform characterized by privatization and the reduction of the role of the State in guaranteeing social policies, the so-called Minimum State. It was in this context that the first evaluative experiences linked to power strategies began, used as an indispensable instrument of these reforms.

In this context, the evaluation gains centrality to justify the allocation of resources, which became increasingly scarce, under the argument of the economy for the downsizing of the public machine, a form of accountability to society. In this case, resources needed criteria to be better distributed, and, in addition, with the opening to the private sector and the diversification of HEIs, evaluation became an instrument for quality control and monitoring of results (DIAS SOBRINHO, 2003).

The model of expansion through institutional diversification, especially for non-university institutions, is present in the World Bank's prescription because it represents lower costs and higher profits, which is of interest to the private-mercantile sector, which has historically had a strong presence in Brazil's higher education, especially since the military dictatorship of 1964. This trend shows, once again, that this level of education is conceived as a commodity aimed at guaranteeing profit for capitalism; and for that, it becomes necessary to lower the requirements for access and training, prioritizing teaching to the detriment of research (CHAVES and AMARAL, 2016).

The government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC, 1995-2003) under neoliberal discourses, guided goals and objectives through a management model. Amid the re-democratization context, in 1995, Law n. 9,131 recreated the National Council of Education (CNE), which favored the process of expansion of higher education, mainly in the private sector, based on the flexibility of authorization processes for courses and institutions, among others. In the process of restructuring Higher Education in the 1990s, the discourse of market logic introduced the challenge of making universities more efficient, promoting greater access, with the private sector as a central focus. (BERNARDES and OLIVEIRA, 2021).

Based on the constitutional order of CF/88, Law n.9394/1996 that instituted the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação (LDB), established that graduation is open to all who have completed high school or equivalent study program and have been classified in a selection process (BRASIL, 1996), giving autonomy to universities regarding the criteria and norms for selecting their students. According to Catani and Oliveira (2003), the LDB was established as a reference in the restructuring of higher education in Brazil, however, due to its flexibility or omission, it allowed the FHC government and its proposed reform for this level of education to introduce changes in the evaluation process, financing, curriculum, and academic production in line with the market.

Enem was created in 1998, from the perspective of the “evaluator” State, an expression coined by Guy Neave, based on the importance of assessment in government agendas in the 1960s in countries such as the United States, Great Britain and other industrialized countries. Thus, the need arose for the State to rigorously monitor policies, control expenses and measure the efficiency of public institutions (DIAS SOBRINHO, 2003).

The Enem emerged in an international context of valuing standardized assessments intertwined with accountability policies, which in a free translation means assessment, accountability, and accountability of the actors involved in the process. Among the initial objectives of the Enem are: self-assessment by the student; a model for selection in the labor market and assessment for access to higher education, the latter has become increasingly required among test takers. Other policies began to be integrated into Enem, including the Fundo de Financiamento Estudantil - FIES2, which, since 2011, began to include the exam grade as a selection criterion (BRASIL, 2020).

In the two terms of Luiz Inácio da Silva (2003-2010) and Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016)3 a set of programs, projects, and actions were implemented aimed at expanding vacancies and democratizing access to public higher education. According to a study by Ristoff (2013), in 2003 there were, in Brazil, 45 federal universities, 148 campuses/units, and 114 municipalities served. In 2014, there had 63 universities, 321 campuses, and 275 municipalities served by the federal higher education network.

Another government action that contributed to changes in access to higher education in Brazil was the Programa Universidade para Todos (ProUni). Created by Law n. 11,096, of January 13, 2005, the Program aims to grant full and partial scholarships to low-income students in undergraduate and sequential specific training courses at participating private institutions, and selection is carried out through the grade obtained in Enem (BRASIL, 2020).

The Dilma Rousseff government (2011-2016), which succeeded President Lula's two terms, continued this proposal to expand and expand access, reconciling them with policies to democratize access. (BERNARDES and OLIVEIRA, 2021). The evolution of enrolment numbers for higher education, in the period from 2010 to 2020, shows different levels of percentage growth, although enrolments in the private sector still stand out to the detriment of enrolments in the public sector, as shown in Graph 1.

Source: Higher Education Census statistical notes (Inep, 2022).

Graph 1 Evolution of enrolments in undergraduate courses by administrative category in Brazil (2010-2020). 

According to data above, since 2010 the number of enrolments in undergraduate courses in private HEIs is much higher than the number of public HEIs, reaching in 2020 the percentage of 77.5%, while in public HEIs they reach 22.5% of the total in Brazil, which is around 8 million and 600 thousand. These data reflect the set of programs and policies of recent governments, especially after the creation of Enem as a mechanism for access to higher education.

Table 01 shows that since its creation in 1998, Enem has contributed to the selection of candidates to enter Brazilian universities, whether public or private. In 2004, it was already used in 21% of selection processes at Brazilian HEIs. Of the 2,084 institutions, 436 were interested in using the Enem as a selection criterion, totalling 382 private and 54 public, which shows the rapid growth of enrolment in the Enem, especially in the 2005 edition, when there was an increase in the number of subscribers reaching 2.2 million. This increase is due to the creation of Prouni, which selected candidates to compete for partial and full scholarships at private HEIs (SANTOS; SILVA and MELO, 2013).

Table 1 Brief History of Enem 

Year Events
1998 Creation of Enem
2000 Enem as a selection criterion in higher education
2004 Creation of PROUNI
2009 Creation of SiSU
2011 Mandatory Enem for FIES

Source: Prepared by the authors (2021); Travitzki (2013); Brasil (2020).

The jump was even more prominent in the 2010 edition, when more than 4.6 million candidates signed up, mainly after the creation of SiSU, which offered vacancies in public HEIs throughout the country.

In this context, Law n. 12,711/2012, the Law of Quotas, was sanctioned to democratize the access of people historically excluded from society and consequently from this level of education, through the reservation of 50% of vacancies in Universities and Federal Institutes, destined to students who have attended all of the high school in public schools, in addition to other criteria such as low income and for those who declared themselves as black, brown and indigenous (BRASIL, 2012).

In 2016, Law no. 12,711/2012 began to include the reservation of vacancies for people with disabilities in technical courses of secondary and higher level of federal educational institutions, with the approval of Law n. 13,409, of December 28 of that year.

Marques, Rosa and Oliveira (2019) emphasizes how the Brazilian State was inefficient and conniving with the racial inequalities that marked Brazilian society and denied the black population the right to access higher education, as it was only in the 2000s that, effectively, the discussion on affirmative action resonated in Brazilian society and universities, driven by a series of events that later strained the Federal Government's official agenda with the creation of bodies, secretariats, and programs aimed at promoting racial equality.

According to Moraes (2019), when analyzing government policies, it is clear that the FHC government began the process of transition from the elite system to the mass system, from the perspective of Trow Theory. In this model, the massification of higher education occurs when the percentage of care for the 18-24 age group is between 16% and 50%, up to 15% is considered an elite system, and more than 50% a universal access system (MORAES, 2019). This movement continued in the Lula/Dilma governments, given the set of policies that contributed to the construction of the mass system, when the net enrollment rate reached 16.6% in 2013.

After reviewing the main government policies and guidelines, this study sought to identify how quota students access the Federal University of Goiás-UFG, seeking to address institutional actions for admission through Enem/SiSU.

2.2 Enem and admission of quota holders through the Sistema de seleção Unificada (SiSU) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG)

UFG carried out social inclusion actions before the publication of Law n. 12,711/2012, and one of them is the UFG Inclui program, approved by Resolution Consuni n. 29/2008 (UFG, 2008), which proposed to reserve vacancies for indigenous and black quilombola candidates who had completed high school in a public school. The program was changed by Resolution Consuni n. 20/2010, by including, in addition to one vacancy in each undergraduate course for indigenous people and one for quilombolas, the Libras Languages course included the offer of 15 vacancies for deaf candidates, using the Enem score to calculate the final grade of the candidates called for the 2nd stage of the selection process (UFG, 2010).

In 2013, when starting to apply the “Quotas Law”, UFG reserved 20% of vacancies; in 2014, 30%; in 2015, 40% and, in 2016, reached the target of reserving 50% of vacancies for quota holders. In 2014, the Conselho de Ensino, Pesquisa, Extensão e Cultura (Cepec) of the UFG decided for the institution to fully adhere to SiSU as a way to enter graduation. The system, which uses the Enem score, was fully adopted after the selection process for the first half of 2015, replacing the then-entrance exam (UFG, 2014).

To compete for one of the vacancies in the courses offered by UFG, the candidate must enroll in SiSU, within the periods established by the MEC, provided that they had taken the Enem and chosen up to two courses. Enrollees in SiSU can choose any course in one of the institutions registered throughout the national territory. When enrolling in SiSU, the candidate has the option of applying using one of the affirmative action modalities.

The applicability of the Law at UFG, after being amended in 2016 to include people with disabilities, occurred for the first time in the SiSU Selection Process in the first half of 2018, reaching most of UFG's face-to-face undergraduate courses.

The candidate who enrols within the option indicated as a quota holder, obligatorily, at the time of registration, must prove his condition. To verify this documentary proof, a commission is appointed to evaluate the documents of each candidate, by current legislation. If the applicant does not prove this condition, they may lose the vacancy. It should be noted that such document verification procedures, despite their specificities, are common to all UFG selection processes. The criteria for occupying the reserved spaces are income, color/race, education, and status as a person with a disability.

In the SiSU selection process, there is the possibility of relocating vacancies not occupied by the candidates in the participation options of their application, as shown in table 2.

Table 02 Candidate relocation flow between participation/approval options (MEC Normative Ordinance n. 09/2017). 

Vacancies that were not filled in the option of participation in 1st place: will be summoned candidates Classified in the option of participation in 2nd place will be summoned candidates classified in the option of participation in 3rd place will be summoned candidates classified in the option of participation in 4th place will be summoned candidates classified in the option of participation in 5th place will be summoned candidates classified in the option of participation in 6th place will be summoned candidates classified in the option of participation in 7th place will be summoned candidates classified in the option of participation in 8th place will be summoned candidates classified in the option of participation

Caption: AC: Broad Competition; RI: Lower Income; PPI: Black, Brown or Indigenous; cD: Person with Disability; RS: Higher Income. According to the Notice, nomenclatures may change.

Source: Universidade Federal de Goiás (2019).

If there is no candidate to fill the vacancy available in any of the participation options, the candidates from the other options will be reassigned, according to the flow expressed in Table 02. In this sense, candidates enrolled in vacancies for people with disabilities, for example, may occupy vacancies that are not directed to this condition, as well as people who signed up for other options, may occupy vacancies intended for people with disabilities, if there is no candidate in this condition able to fill it (UFG, 2019).

By analyzing the administrative data of freshmen, in one of the high-demand courses such as the Medicine course at UFG, Pacheco (2022) shows us the evolution in the profile of students from the applicability of the Law of Quotas. The results of the research show that only from 2013 onwards, enrollments in the medical course from institutions of public administrative dependency were registered, totaling 33 students. There was an increase in 2016 with 60 enrollments from public schools.

Before the application of the Law of Quotas, there were no students from public schools in the Medicine course at UFG, which reveals the role of this Law in the inclusion of low-income students in higher education, especially in high-demand courses.

As for the race/color criterion, Pacheco (2022) presents data that show the difference in the profile of occupation of vacancies in the period from 2010 to 2017 in which the majority of enrollments declared themselves to be white and male. As of 2013, a change in this direction begins, in which, of the 110 vacancies offered, 48 were filled by white people, 34 by brown and 8 by black, while 17 did not indicate color. In 2017 alone, the number of entrants who declared themselves brown surpassed that of whites, with 52 enrolled being brown, 50 white, 4 black, and 4 not self-declared.

When analyzing the current scenario of 2021, the Enem score was used as a selection criterion in most UFG selection processes, as shown in Table 03.

Table 03 Selection processes in effect at UFG in 2021, and their respective selection criteria 

Selection Process Selection Criteria
SiSU Current Enem
Filling of remaining vacancies: Change of Course (Internal Transfer), Re-entry, and Optional Transfer (External Transfer). Enem from 2009 to 2019.
Degree in Educação no Campo/Regional Goiás Enem from 2009 to 2020.
UFGINCLUI (Indigenous and black Quilombolas) Enem from 2009 to 2020.
Music (Singing, Composition, Music Education, Singing Teaching, Musical Instrument Teaching, Musical Instrument and Conducting). The final score of the candidates for classification will be the sum of the points obtained in the VHCE and the average in the Enem tests.
Degree holder Proof of Knowledge or performance in the Enem Test.
Libras (exclusive vacancies for deaf candidates - UFGInclui) Objective Test and a Writing Test
Intercultural Degree 3 (three) stages: Curriculum Analysis, Interview and Writing Test

Source: Elaborated by the authors. selection center UFG (2022).

It is noted that, in 2021, among the selection processes offered by UFG, only two did not use the Enem score as a selection criterion. It is worth noting that in these selection processes the number of vacancies offered is lower than those offered in other processes. Therefore, it appears that in 2022 Enem was the mechanism with the greatest amplitude for admission to undergraduate courses at UFG.

In order to contribute to the understanding of how the Enem scenario is designed as the main mechanism for accessing higher education, especially with a focus on the admission of quota students to UFG, the present study was based on studies with a time frame from 2012 to 2022, after the Quotas Law. The mapping available in the Database of Capes journals was carried out, selected by the descriptors: “higher education” AND Evaluation AND Enem AND Quotas and, after applying filters and using exclusion criteria, 21 articles were selected for analysis.

As for the topics addressed, the publications follow several lines of study, among which we highlight those that are most in line with the object of study of this research, such as: study of the absence of racial information in the Enem, as well as in filling out the Census of Higher Education, what makes it difficult to follow up and monitor quota policies; the implications of joining the Enem as a selection criterion in Brazilian higher education institutions, in specific case studies, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the student profile after the 2012 Quota Law.

It is worth mentioning that, according to Karruz (2018), affirmative actions in access to Brazilian higher education have relevant scientific productions. However, it constitutes a dynamic process. With regard to the Quota Law, there are spaces for deepening the evaluations, especially in studies of access for people with disabilities, contemplated in the last and recent amendment of the Law. In addition, according to the author, there is a lack of studies that make interconnections between reservation of vacancies and student assistance, which would generate efforts for visibility and evidence to reinforce the importance of the Law.

3 Final considerations

The capitalist system aims to promote inequality and social exclusion. Neoliberalism reinforces the meritocratic logic, and values people on their merits, without taking into account historically constructed conditioning factors. In this context, higher education access policies remain elitist. From the study carried out, it is noted that until the 1990s, educational public policies were less democratizing, and, from the 2000s onwards, with affirmative action policies and changes in selection formats, the panorama began to change. Enem/SiSU and the Quota Law promoted greater inclusion and democratization of access to higher education for black and low-income people.

Dias Sobrinho (2003) points out how the technological perspective is still the most used in the world, through quantitative methods and measurement tests. Dividing between experimental, scientific methods, data, facts, transactional objectivity, flexible, diverse situations, and plural. The predominance of one approach over the other is a matter of power. The evaluation is not neutral, it makes a value judgment, and it reflects the functions required by a sector.

Assis, Carvalho and Costa (2019) highlight the need to fight for resistance in an attempt to withdraw rights and setbacks by governments, among them, the protection of minorities historically excluded from society. It is concluded that Enem continues with the same exclusionary character as the first entrance exam implemented in 1911 in Brazil. However, the Quota Law tries to minimize the inequalities historically caused by the lack of policies that promote the democratization of access. Therefore, the policy of quotas has the basis to continue with its implementation in the fight against the exclusion faced by the less favored, in a society marked by inequality that characterizes the liberal, capitalist, and competitive ideological base system.

In this system, education is seen as a strategic field to promote greater social inclusion and affirmative actions emerge as a mechanism of distributive justice, in addition to the diversity and representativeness of less favored and discriminated groups. In addition, it is shown as an action capable of helping to face the obstacles that arise to prevent, within so-called democratic societies, blacks, browns, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, and students from public schools from being able to occupy requested vacancies in public universities.

It should be noted that, conceptually, equality differs from inclusion, as inclusion policies are not intended to generate equality, but to ease inequalities in access to rights. The Quota Law acts as a process of democratization in the occupation of vacancies in a selection process that in itself already configures itself as excluding. Despite the inclusive attempts, Enem assesses on merit, without considering the study conditions of the evaluated candidates. In addition, it does not break with the selective and meritocratic character, but the Quota Law contributes to a glimpse of a new horizon for subjects who dream of entering a public university through social inclusion.

The Enem is configured as an important mechanism for accessing higher education, according to research results. This has been implemented at UFG, through the change in the profile of students entering high-demand courses, providing opportunities for the search for balance in the profile of students at the University.

The process of redemocratization in access is still full of inequalities and discrimination. “However, in the practical field, there are several controversies about which would be the best solutions, since this situation has been unchanged for decades” (MOEHLECKE, 2002, p. 198).

With developmental characteristics, the Lula/Dilma governments implemented projects that allowed the traditionally excluded population to access higher education, since the process of inclusion and democratization depends on universal social policies that guarantee the reduction of social differences.

In addition to the detailed study on access through admission to UFG and other HEIs, studies on permanence and student success in the educational process should be associated, for which institutional actions are extremely relevant, in the search for valuing differences.

To include is above all to value the individual differences of each student. Once the access policies were conquered, mainly with the emphasis on the Enem as a selection process that still deals with neoliberal ideals, the Quota Law, according to UFG administrative data, was configured as a mechanism of social justice, in the search for equity in the profile of enrolled students. in undergraduate courses, which is still a political, social, cultural, and institutional challenge with a long way to go.

Revisão de texto por Luísa de Assis Vieira E-mail: Lattes:

1The Brazilian Ministry of Education defines, for the purposes of statistical records, that Higher Education institutions are classified as follows: • Public (federal, state and municipal); • Private (community, denominational, philanthropic, and private). Such a definition is certainly related to the forms of financing with which each of the models seeks to survive in the higher education scenario.

2Created by Law n. 10,260, of July 12, 2001, is intended to grant funding to students regularly enrolled in non-free higher education courses and with a positive assessment in the processes conducted by the Ministry of Education, in accordance with its own regulations.

3Dilma Rousseff was re-elected for the second term (2014-2018) but suffered a parliamentary and media blow, being deposed without having committed a crime of responsibility.


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Received: September 21, 2022; Accepted: June 21, 2023; Revised: August 08, 2023

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