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Educação e Realidade
versión impresa ISSN 0100-3143versión On-line ISSN 2175-6236
ANDRADE JUNIOR, Hermes de. Interweaving the Sciences: the transdisciplinarization of the Anthropocene. Educ. Real. [online]. 2023, vol.48, e121323. ISSN 2175-6236.
The Anthropocene has been considered a geological period of high risk due to the indiscriminate use of natural resources and the lifestyle assumed by the world population, to the detriment of ecosystem conservation. The set of problems requires a transdisciplinary scientific approach due to its complexity. But despite considerable advances, the anthropocene model is still considered controversial by the social sciences and humanities. The article brings the transdisciplinary approach as a methodological and epistemological tool to improve the connections between natural and human sciences in a new perspective to face realities (non-resistance zones) that underpin anthropocene transdisciplinarization.
Palabras clave : Levels of reality; Transdisciplinarization; Anthropocene; SocioEnvironmental Crisis; Transdisciplinary research.