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vol.11 número20Percepção E Produção De Sentido De Participantes Num Curso De Formação Para Gestores EscolaresA Autoavaliação Institucional Numa Instituição De Ensino Superior Comunitária E Seu Potencial De Uso Para Gestão Universitária índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Regae: Revista de Gestão e Avaliação Educacional

versión On-line ISSN 2318-1338


JUNIOR, Antônio de Macêdo Mota  y  CONCEICAO, Sergio Henrique da. CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES OF UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF FEIRA DE SANTANA. Regae: Rev. Gest. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2022, vol.11, n.20, e70804.  Epub 22-Sep-2023. ISSN 2318-1338.

This study addresses the challenges of contemporaneity in the management of the State University of Feira de Santana - Uefs -, considering its relevance to the interiorization of higher education in the state of Bahia. The results indicated that the challenges, in a political dimension, are related to the implementation of actions to democratize access and student permanence; at the organizational level, in the difficulties in effecting equity in representations and guaranteeing society's participation in the collegiate decision-making process; in the cultural perspective, in the social relevance, given the supposed loss of exclusivity in the production of knowledge; and in the economic context, in financial sustainability in an unfavorable scenario of disinvestment.

Palabras clave : university management; universities; State University of Feira de Santana; challenges of contemporaneity.

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