Servicios Personalizados
Regae: Revista de Gestão e Avaliação Educacional
versión On-line ISSN 2318-1338
TSUBOI, Robson Mendes Neves y ROSIM, Daniela. Quality Of Work Life And Occupational Health For Teachers At The Universidade Federal De Goiás. Regae: Rev. Gest. Aval. Educ. [online]. 2022, vol.11, n.20, e69171. Epub 25-Oct-2023. ISSN 2318-1338.
In order to face globalization and its competitiveness, organizations have their greatest differential in people. Based on this idea, the quality of life at work aims to make the employees of an organization feel good in their working environment, making this a pleasant and productive place. In this context, this article aims to investigate the existence of a relationship between the perception of QWL and the leave caused by occupational diseases of professors at the Federal University of Goiás. Therefore, the proposed methodology is quantitative in nature, based on the QWL model proposed by Richard Walton (1973). The results indicated the conceptual categories that significantly influenced the perception of QLW for the groups of professors who were on leave and not on leave due to occupational diseases and found that 23.6% of the leave caused by these diseases are related to the perception of QLW.
Palabras clave : quality of life at work; public management; human resources.