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SILVA, Livia Sousa da; SILVA, Tayana Helena Cunha da e PINHEIRO, Welington da Costa. Use of the inventory technique as a research tool: a methodological contribution to the history of education in the Amazon. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2023, vol.39, e87519. Epub 14-Nov-2023. ISSN 1984-0411.
This paper aims to analyze the inventory as a technical-methodological instrument for analyzing documentary data that is important to research carried out in the field of History of Education, based on academic productions in the Amazon context in the state of Pará. The study is characterized as bibliographic research, which presents nineteen (19) works found in the repositories of dissertations and theses from Postgraduate Programs in Education at UEPA and UFPA and in the Program in Curriculum and Management of the Basic School of UFPA, which assumed the use of the inventory technique in the elaboration of their studies or presented approximate approaches. The analysis of dissertations and theses raises the significant contribution of the inventory technique to the process of organization and systematization of sources, as well as to the analytical process of documents of different types that composed studies that focused on giving visibility to the history of institutions, practices, and subjects in the Amazon. The inventory also proved to be an instrument that contributes to a policy of preservation of historical-educational and pedagogical patrimony, due to its ability to group documents that are generally dispersed in collections and archives that are not always well organized and accessible to society.
Palavras-chave : History of Education in the Amazon; Inventory; Educational Patrimony.