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Revista Diálogo Educacional
versão impressa ISSN 1518-3483versão On-line ISSN 1981-416X
DIAS, André Luís Mattedi. Interseções teórico-metodológicas entre a história do ensino e a história da matemática: discutindo a pesquisa sobre o movimento da matemática moderna. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2009, vol.09, n.26, pp.61-79. ISSN 1981-416X.
I present an argument for theoretical and methodological approximation between history of mathematical teaching and history of mathematics, based on an intersection between the historical processes that resulted on the so called Modern Mathematical Movement, for one hand, and another historical process that increased north American scientific and mathematical influence over Latin American, that is, the presence of north American mathematician Marshall Stone as protagonist of both processes. I conclude arguing for the production of an appropriate framework for research in this fields, although it should be necessary a restriction against the connection of Geertz’s concepts of culture and thick description ethnographic method with Chartier’s cultural history concepts and methods, because of Chartier’s criticisms of Geertz’s ethnographic point of view.
Palavras-chave : Modern Mathematics Movement; History of Mathematics Teaching; History of Mathematics.