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Revista Exitus
versão On-line ISSN 2237-9460
HERMIDA, Jorge Fernando e LIRA, Jailton de Souza. THE FREE SCHOOL PROGRAM IN ALAGOAS, THE CRISIS OF ACCUMULATION OF CAPITAL AND THE STRENGTHENING OF THE RIGHT BRAZILIAN POLITICS. Rev. Exitus [online]. 2018, vol.8, n.1, pp.141-170. Epub 23-Maio-2019. ISSN 2237-9460.
This article analyzes the approval process of Law 7.800, dated May 5, 2016, which establishes, within the scope of the State System of Education, the Free School Program in Alagoas. According to its proponents, the law seeks to defend the ideological, political and religious “neutrality” of teachers and its approval has provoked intense debates among segments of civil society, educational and religious institutions, social movements, educators and students. The guiding question that guided the research was: what economic, political and ideological circumstances motivated the approval of the law 7.800/2016, which establishes the Free School Program in the State of Alagoas? Based on the Marxist interpretation of history, the article used historical and dialectical materialism as its method. The article concludes that the approval of the law was made possible by the cultural, economic and political peculiarities of the state of Alagoas, taking into account the existence of strong coronelist practices and political violence, which coexist historically with a high index of social inequality and concentration of riches. Another important aspect concerns the attempt to homogenize educational subjects, denying the differences in the social fabric, in addition to monitoring the teaching work, emptying it of contents and methodologies that promote the students' critical spirit. The concepts of education, equality, freedom and politics evoked in the text of the law, show that it was elaborated from ideological conceptions and bourgeois (idealistic) conceptions. These conceptions are confronted with the contradictions, plurality and diversity (real) that characterize Brazilian society.
Palavras-chave : Education Policies; Free School Program; School Management; Neoliberal Ideology.