Educação e Realidade
Print version ISSN 0100-3143
CASTRO, MadAna Desirée Ribeiro de; MACHADO, Maria Margarida and VITORETTE, Jacqueline Maria Barbosa. Educação Integrada e PROEJA: diálogos possíveis. Educ. Real. [online]. 2010, vol.35, n.01, pp.151-166. ISSN 0100-3143.
This article aims to take up historical and logical development of Integrated Education from theoretical-practical reflections developed in Professional and Technological Education and in Youth and Adults Education in Brazil. The reflection is ruled through the resumption of theoretical and conceptual work, as an educational principle, source of Professional and Technological Education, in an emancipatory perspective, as well as through the Paulo Freire’s references of Youth and Adults Education, mediated through dialogue and collective construction of knowledge. Finally, the choice of this reflective way aims to highlight that Integrated Education, in the achievement of PROEJA in Goiás, is at the same time concept, historical experience and intentionality that makes and remakes itself and that makes and remakes the educational processes undertaken by society.
Keywords : Youth and Adults Education; Professional Education; Integrated Curriculum.