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Print version ISSN 0102-4698


HORTA, José Silvério Baia. O ensino religioso escolar na Itália fascista e no Brasil (1930-45). Educ. Rev. [online]. 1993, n.17, pp.64-78. ISSN 0102-4698.

In this article we intend to discuss two assertions which are normally made when historians of the Brazilian education try to explain the reasons leading to the re-introduction of the teaching of religion in Brazilian schools in the beginning of the thirties. Some historians see this decision simply as one of Vargas’ political strategy with the aim of co-opting the Catholic Church to eventually gain its support. Others see the decision among the consequences of a possible influence from both the Italian Fascist regime and Gentile Reform on the Brazilian school system in the first part of Vargas governing period. To discourse these two assertions we will analyze the position of both the State and the Church in relation to the presence of religion teaching in the public schools of Fascist Italy and of Brazil as well. There will be an attempt to demonstrate that the re-introduction of religion teaching into our schools during the authoritarian period following the Revolution of 1930 can be seen from two different perspectives. From the perspective of the State, it is a precise ideological position, while from the viewpoint of the Church, it is among the mechanisms it has made use of to guarantee its influence on the popular urban classes which were in the process of being shaped at that time.

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