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Revista da FAEEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade

Print version ISSN 0104-7043


LEITE, Denise. Desafios para a inovação pedagógica na universidade do século 21. Revista da FAAEBA: Educação e Contemporaneidade [online]. 2012, vol.21, n.38, pp.29-39. ISSN 0104-7043.

The innovations which have taken place in modern universities reflect exigencies of evaluation or research funding agencies, or even demands of the productive sector. In a certain manner, such innovations have the characteristics of technological innovation, aiming at increasing the alternatives of engagement in global markets. Technological innovation is relevant to countries integrating the competitive world. The university’s challenge, however, is associate technological innovation and pedagogical innovation. In this paper, I discuss this theme supported by recent researches. I understand that pedagogical innovation responds to the social commitment of development of both teacher and student. It asserts itself in a socially inclined university, a university which prepares for democratic citizenship in our actual context, with all its contradictions and paradoxes.

Keywords : 21st Century University; Pedagogical Innovation; Evaluation.

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